package com.werb.gankwithzhihu.widget; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewManager; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.animation.OvershootInterpolator; import com.werb.gankwithzhihu.BuildConfig; import com.werb.gankwithzhihu.R; /** * A simple view class that will display an enlarging icon animation. For best results the provided icon should have a * solid, mono-color background with a transparent hole where the icon's silhouette is supposed to be * @author yildizkabaran * */ public class SplashView extends View { private static final String TAG = "SplashView"; /** * A simple interface to listen to the state of the splash animation * @author yildizkabaran * */ public static interface ISplashListener { public void onStart(); public void onUpdate(float completionFraction); public void onEnd(); } /** * Context constructor * @param context */ public SplashView(Context context){ super(context); initialize(); } /** * Context and attributes constructor * @param context * @param attrs */ public SplashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initialize(); setupAttributes(attrs); } /** * Context, attributes, and style constructor * @param context * @param attrs */ public SplashView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); initialize(); setupAttributes(attrs); } public static final int DEFAULT_HOLE_FILL_COLOR = Color.WHITE; public static final int DEFAULT_ICON_COLOR = Color.rgb(23, 169, 229); public static final int DEFAULT_DURATION = 500; public static final boolean DEFAULT_REMOVE_FROM_PARENT_ON_END = true; private static final int PAINT_STROKE_WIDTH = 2; // give a stroke width to the paint so that the rectangles get a little overlap private Drawable mIcon; // most important item, cannot be null private int mHoleFillColor = DEFAULT_HOLE_FILL_COLOR; // color to be shown in the transparent hole before the animation starts private int mIconColor = DEFAULT_ICON_COLOR; // should be the same color of as the icon background private long mDuration = DEFAULT_DURATION; // total duration, in ms, of the animation private boolean mRemoveFromParentOnEnd = true; // a flag for removing the view from its parent once the animation is over private float mCurrentScale = 1; // used for keeping track of how far along the animation we are // cache some dimension values to make the onDraw method simpler looking private int mWidth, mHeight; private int mIconWidth, mIconHeight; private float mMaxScale = 1; // cache the paint object so that it doesn't need to be allocated in onDraw private Paint mPaint = new Paint(); /** * Setup custom attributes from XML * @param attrs */ private void setupAttributes(AttributeSet attrs) { Context context = getContext(); TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.SplashView); int numAttrs = a.getIndexCount(); for (int i = 0; i < numAttrs; ++i) { int attr = a.getIndex(i); switch (attr) { case R.styleable.SplashView_splashIcon: setIconDrawable(a.getDrawable(i)); break; case R.styleable.SplashView_iconColor: setIconColor(a.getColor(i, DEFAULT_ICON_COLOR)); break; case R.styleable.SplashView_holeFillColor: setHoleFillColor(a.getColor(i, DEFAULT_HOLE_FILL_COLOR)); break; case R.styleable.SplashView_duration: setDuration(a.getInt(i, DEFAULT_DURATION)); break; case R.styleable.SplashView_removeFromParentOnEnd: setRemoveFromParentOnEnd(a.getBoolean(i, DEFAULT_REMOVE_FROM_PARENT_ON_END)); break; } } a.recycle(); } /** * Initialized the view properties. No much is done in this method since most variables already have set defaults */ private void initialize(){ // make the background transparent so that the view does not automatically draw any unwanted colors setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); // set fill style on the paint so that the rectangles get filled mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); mPaint.setStrokeWidth(PAINT_STROKE_WIDTH); } /** * Set the fill color of the view that will be seen through the transparent hole of the icon before the animation starts */ public void setHoleFillColor(int bgColor){ mHoleFillColor = bgColor; } /** * Set the color of the icon. This value will be used to draw 4 rectangles around the icon to fill the entire view. * If not set, or set incorrectly the edges of the icon image will be visible. There are a few tricks to make this animation * look right, and this is one of them. Make sure this color is set correctly. * @param iconColor */ public void setIconColor(int iconColor){ mIconColor = iconColor; } /** * Set the duration of the entire animation in milliseconds. * @param duration */ public void setDuration(long duration){ if(duration < 0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("duration cannot be less than 0"); } mDuration = duration; } /** * Set the resource id of the Drawable to be used as the icon. See setIconDrawable(Drawable) for more details. * @param resId */ public void setIconResource(int resId){ Drawable icon = getResources().getDrawable(resId); if(icon == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("no drawable found for the resId: " + resId); } setIconDrawable(icon); } /** * Set the Drawable to be used as the icon. It can be any kind of Drawable that has an intrinsic width and height. * So far changing the size of the Drawable is not supported but can be added in the future * @param icon */ public void setIconDrawable(Drawable icon){ mIcon = icon; if(mIcon != null){ mIconWidth = mIcon.getIntrinsicWidth(); mIconHeight = mIcon.getIntrinsicHeight(); // set the bounds of the drawable to its own dimensions // canvas scaling will be used to change the bounds of the icon Rect iconBounds = new Rect(); iconBounds.left = 0; = 0; iconBounds.right = mIconWidth; iconBounds.bottom = mIconHeight; mIcon.setBounds(iconBounds); } else { mIconWidth = 0; mIconHeight = 0; } setMaxScale(); } /** * Set the flag to remove or keep the view after the animation is over. This is set to true by default. The view must be inside a ViewManager * (or ViewParent) for this to work. Otherwise, the view will not be removed and a warning log will be produced. * @param shouldRemove */ public void setRemoveFromParentOnEnd(boolean shouldRemove){ mRemoveFromParentOnEnd = shouldRemove; } /** * A helper method for determining for large the icon should be enlarged before the animation ends. There is a chance that the entire view will not become * transparent by the end of the animation. */ private void setMaxScale(){ if(mIconWidth < 1 || mIconHeight < 1){ mMaxScale = 1; return; } mMaxScale = 2 * Math.max((float) mWidth/mIconWidth, (float) mHeight/mIconHeight); // just to make sure the animation does not actually work backwards if(mMaxScale < 1){ mMaxScale = 1; } } /** * Starts the splash and disappear animation. If a listener is provided it will notify the listener on animation events * @param listener */ public void splashAndDisappear(final ISplashListener listener){ // create an animator from scale 1 to max final ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1, mMaxScale); // set the duration animator.setDuration(mDuration); // set an overshoot interpolator with a low tension value so that the icon becomes a little smaller before it expands animator.setInterpolator(new OvershootInterpolator(1F)); // add an update listener so that we draw the view on each update animator.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() { @SuppressLint("NewApi") @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { // keep in mind that the animation runs in reverse to get the desired effect from the interpolator // therefore we need to subtract to correct for this effect, and then add 1 so that the scale doesn't dip below 0 // this is NOT fool-proof, and therefore can be made better mCurrentScale = 1 + mMaxScale - (Float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); // invalidate the view so that it gets redraw if it needs to be invalidate(); // notify the listener if set // for some reason this animation can run beyond 100% if(listener != null){ listener.onUpdate((float) animation.getCurrentPlayTime() / mDuration); } } }); // add a listener for the general animation events, use the AnimatorListenerAdapter so that we don't clutter the code animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter(){ @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation){ // notify the listener of animation start (if listener is set) if(listener != null){ listener.onStart(); } } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation){ // check if we need to remove the view on animation end if(mRemoveFromParentOnEnd){ // get the view parent ViewParent parent = getParent(); // check if a parent exists and that it implements the ViewManager interface if(parent != null && parent instanceof ViewManager){ ViewManager viewManager = (ViewManager) parent; // remove the view from its parent viewManager.removeView(SplashView.this); } else if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) { // even though we had to remove the view we either don't have a parent, or the parent does not implement the method // necessary to remove the view, therefore create a warning log (but only do this if we are in DEBUG mode) Log.w(TAG, "splash view not removed after animation ended because no ViewManager parent was found"); } } // notify the listener of animation end (if listener is set) if(listener != null){ listener.onEnd(); } } }); // start the animation using post so that the animation does not start if the view is not in foreground post(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ // start the animation in reverse to get the desired effect from the interpolator animator.reverse(); } }); } @Override protected void onSizeChanged (int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { // do whatever the super wants to do super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); // cache the width and height for easy access mWidth = w; mHeight = h; // re-set the max scale because the size has changed setMaxScale(); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){ // calculate the scaled width and height float iconWidth = mIconWidth * mCurrentScale; float iconHeight = mIconHeight * mCurrentScale; // calculate all corners of the icon rectangle with the icon in the middle float mIconLeft = (mWidth - iconWidth) / 2; float mIconRight = mIconLeft + iconWidth; float mIconTop = (mHeight - iconHeight) / 2; float mIconBottom = mIconTop + iconHeight; // if the scale is less than 2, then don't enable the transparent hole yet if(mCurrentScale < 2){ // draw a bgColored rectangle right underneath the icon, make the rectangle a little bigger using the threshold value mPaint.setColor(mHoleFillColor); canvas.drawRect(mIconLeft, mIconTop, mIconRight, mIconBottom, mPaint); } // draw 4 rectangles around the icon to cover the entire screen, use threshold value to expand and overlap the rectangles mPaint.setColor(mIconColor); canvas.drawRect(0, 0, mIconLeft, mHeight, mPaint); canvas.drawRect(mIconLeft, 0, mIconRight, mIconTop, mPaint); canvas.drawRect(mIconLeft, mIconBottom, mIconRight, mHeight, mPaint); canvas.drawRect(mIconRight, 0, mWidth, mHeight, mPaint); if(mIcon != null){ // save the current canvas state; // translate the canvas to draw the icon canvas.translate(mIconLeft, mIconTop); // scale the canvas for the desired icon scale canvas.scale(mCurrentScale, mCurrentScale); // draw the icon on the canvas mIcon.draw(canvas); // restore the canvas to its original state canvas.restore(); } else if(BuildConfig.DEBUG){ // if the icon is not set then log a warning message if we are in debug mode, this message will be logged every time onDraw is called Log.w(TAG, "icon is not set when the view needs to be drawn"); } } }