package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.collections.Transformer; import org.apache.commons.collections.TransformerUtils; import; /** * This class is used as a text parsing tool by classes * <code>AliasCacheImpl</code> and <code>KimLookupParser</code> and produces * special output for the class <code>HashedAlias</code>.<br> * The class provides means to parse a string into sequence of plain numeric * and letter lexemes delimited by optional non-alpha-numeric character * sequences of arbitrary length. This is the base for creation of a Hashed * Alias and also the base for searching it in a text.<br> * The class offers a frame view over the parsed string. The frame spans one or * more sequential alpha-numeric lexemes (ANL) and their non-alpha-numeric * context (surrounding puctuation and white spaces).<br> * The frame contains three parts:<br> * * middle - this is a part of the initial string which starts in the * beginning of the first ANL of the frame and ends in the end of the last ANL * of the frame.<br> * * prefix - this is the non-alpha-numeric sequence before the first ANL of * the frame.<br> * * suffix - this is the non-alpha-numeric sequence after the last ANL of the * frame.<br> * The class has couple of methods for manipulating the frame. The first one * is for extending the frame by one lexeme. The second one is for moving * the frame start by one lexeme, which resets the frame length to one * lexeme.<br> * The class has retrieval methods that get the current frame offset and * the lengths of the three parts. There are dedicated methods for calculation * of the two Hash Codes specific to a Hashed Alias. * * @author danko * */ public class ParsingFrame { public static final boolean SPLIT_AT_SMALL_TO_CAPITAL_CASE_CHANGE = false; //================================================ // ParsingFrame: Lexeme parsing regular expression //================================================ /** This is the Reg-Ex pattern that is used search the ANLs */ private static final Pattern LEXEME_MATCH_PAT = Pattern.compile( "(" + // Number only lexemes "(?:\\d)+|" + (SPLIT_AT_SMALL_TO_CAPITAL_CASE_CHANGE ? "(?:\\p{javaUpperCase}{0,}\\p{javaLowerCase}{1,})|(?:\\p{javaUpperCase}{1,})" : "(?:[\\p{javaUpperCase}\\p{javaLowerCase}]+)" ) + ")" // Non-Alpha-Numeric suffix + "([^\\d\\p{javaUpperCase}\\p{javaLowerCase}]*)" ); /** This is the delimiting character used for the normalized form * of the parsed string. The normalized for is used to calculate * the H1 hash value of the <code>HashAlias</code> */ private static final String H1_DELIMITER = "^"; public static Transformer frameTT = TransformerUtils.nopTransformer(); //================================================ // ParsingFrame: Parse result buffering //================================================ /** This class represents a single alpha-numeric lexeme (ANL) and its * non-alpha-numeric context. */ private static class ParsingBufferElement { public final int pref; public final int midd; public final int suff; public final String middTxt; public final int offset; public ParsingBufferElement(int pref, int midd, int suff, String middTxt, int offset) { this.pref = pref; this.midd = midd; this.suff = suff; this.middTxt = middTxt; this.offset = offset; } } private final static ParsingBufferElement EMPTY_ELEMENT = new ParsingBufferElement(0,0,0,"",0); /** This is the parsing buffer that stores the results from parsing of * the input text. The result is stored as a sequence of ANL elements * with the sizes of their non-alpha-numeric prefix and suffix. */ private ArrayList<ParsingBufferElement> parsingBuffer = new ArrayList<ParsingBufferElement>(); //================================================ // ParsingFrame: The definition data of the frame //================================================ private int parsingIx = -1; private int frameIx = 0; private int restartIx = 0; private boolean frameCanExpand = true; private int prefix = 0; private int middle = 0; private int suffix = 0; private final String source; private String normalizedAlias = ""; private int lexemeCount = 0; //================================================ // ParsingFrame: class constructor //================================================ /** The constructor parses the source string with the regular expression * based <code>java.util.regex.Matcher</code> and stores the results in * the parsing buffer <code>parsingBuffer</code>. * @param source - the String to be processed through the * <code>ParsingFrame</code> class */ public ParsingFrame (String source) { Stats.markIt(-1); this.source = source; Matcher lexMatcher = LEXEME_MATCH_PAT.matcher(source); int lastSuff = -1; while (lexMatcher.find()) { if (lastSuff < 0) lastSuff = lexMatcher.start(); parsingBuffer.add( new ParsingBufferElement( lastSuff, lexMatcher.end(1) - lexMatcher.start(1), lexMatcher.end(2) - lexMatcher.start(2),, lexMatcher.start() - lastSuff)); lastSuff = lexMatcher.end(2) - lexMatcher.start(2); } Stats.markIt(7); } //================================================ // ParsingFrame: LookUp and Annotation data //================================================ private int aliasHash1 = 0; private int aliasHash2 = 0; private int aliasOffset1 = 0; private int aliasOffset2 = 0; private int oldPref=-1; private int oldSuff=-1; private void resetLAD() { aliasHash1 = 0; aliasHash2 = 0; oldPref=-1; oldSuff=-1; this.setNewPrefSufLen(prefix, suffix); } /** This method changes the effective lengths of the non-alpha-numeric * prefix and suffix. This change affects the results of methods:<br> * <code>getAliasHash2</code>, <code>getLength</code>, * <code>getAliasStart</code> and <code>getAliasEnd</code>.<br> * The last values of the prefix and suffix are stored so if called * again with the same values - no recalculations will be performed. * @param prefLen - the new effective prefix length. * @param suffLen - the new effective suffix length. */ public void setNewPrefSufLen(int prefLen, int suffLen) { if (oldPref!=prefLen) { prefLen = Math.min(prefLen, prefix); int offset = (parsingBuffer.size()>0)? parsingBuffer.get(frameIx).offset: 0; aliasOffset1 = offset + prefix - prefLen; } if (oldPref!=prefLen || oldSuff!=suffLen) { suffLen = Math.min(suffLen, suffix); aliasOffset2 = aliasOffset1 + prefLen + middle + suffLen; aliasHash2 = 0; // Recalculation will be done when and if required } oldPref=prefLen; oldSuff=suffLen; } //================================================ // ParsingFrame: Frame manipulation methods //================================================ /** Method attempts to extend the frame to cover one more parsing-buffer * element. If successful - recalculates the frame state metrics. * @return <b>true</b> if the content of the frame was extended with * one more buffer element */ public boolean parseOne() { if (!frameCanMove()) return false; Stats.markIt(-1); ParsingBufferElement pbe = EMPTY_ELEMENT; boolean oneParsed = false; if (restartIx >= 0) { frameIx = restartIx; lexemeCount = 0; oneParsed = (restartIx < parsingBuffer.size()); if (oneParsed) parsingIx = restartIx; } else { oneParsed = ((parsingIx+1) < parsingBuffer.size()); if (oneParsed) parsingIx++; } if (oneParsed) { pbe = parsingBuffer.get(parsingIx); lexemeCount++; } Stats.markIt(8); Stats.markIt(-1); if (restartIx >= 0) { prefix = pbe.pref; middle = pbe.midd; suffix = pbe.suff; normalizedAlias = H1_DELIMITER + pbe.middTxt + H1_DELIMITER; } else { middle += suffix + pbe.midd; suffix = pbe.suff; normalizedAlias += pbe.middTxt + H1_DELIMITER; } // Allows for preliminary detection of parse ending frameCanExpand = oneParsed && ((parsingIx+1) < parsingBuffer.size()); restartIx = -1; resetLAD(); Stats.markIt(9); return oneParsed; } /** A shortcut method that extends the frame to cover the whole input * string */ public void parseAll() { while (frameCanExpand) parseOne(); } /** The method moves the start of the frame - one buffer element forward * and shrinks the size of the frame to one element. */ public void moveOne() { if (restartIx >= 0) return; // Calculate the offset for new parsing start restartIx = frameIx + 1; // Conditions under which the frame-movement attempt fails if (restartIx >= parsingBuffer.size()) restartIx = -1; } //================================================== // ParsingFrame: Extraction of frame dynamic flags //================================================== public boolean frameCanExpand() { return frameCanExpand; } public boolean frameCanMove() { return frameCanExpand || restartIx >= 0; } //================================================== // ParsingFrame: Extraction of frame state metrics //================================================== /** Retrieves the <code>HashedAlias</code> related Hash-Code-1. It is * calculated over the normalized form of the underlying text. A text * transformation with externally provided transformation logic is * performed prior to hash-code calculation. * @return - the value of the hash-code. */ public int getAliasHash1() { checkValid(); if (aliasHash1==0) aliasHash1 = frameTT.transform(normalizedAlias).hashCode(); return aliasHash1; } /** Retrieves the <code>HashedAlias</code> related Hash-Code-2. It is * calculated over the plain underlying text. A text * transformation with externally provided transformation logic is * performed prior to hash-code calculation. * @return - the value of the hash-code. */ public int getAliasHash2() { checkValid(); if (aliasHash2==0) aliasHash2 = frameTT.transform(source.substring( aliasOffset1, aliasOffset2)).hashCode(); return aliasHash2; } /** Retrieves the length of the non-alpha-numeric prefix of the frame * @return non-alpha-numeric prefix length */ public int getPrefixLen() { checkValid(); return prefix; } /** Retrieves the length of the middle part of the frame * @return middle part length */ public int getMiddleLen() { checkValid(); return middle; } /** Retrieves the length of the non-alpha-numeric suffix of the frame * @return non-alpha-numeric suffix length */ public int getSuffixLen() { checkValid(); return suffix; } /** Retrieves the offset in the original input text of the frame start * @return frame start offset */ public int getAliasStart() { checkValid(); return aliasOffset1; } /** Retrieves the offset in the original input text of the frame end * @return frame end offset */ public int getAliasEnd() { checkValid(); return aliasOffset2; } /** Retrieves the length of the text corresponding to the current frame * @return frame text length */ public int getLength() { checkValid(); return aliasOffset2-aliasOffset1; } /** Retrieves the count of ANLs in the frame * @return ANL count */ public int getLexemeCount() { checkValid(); return lexemeCount; } private void checkValid() { if (restartIx >= 0) throw new RuntimeException("No parsed content in the Frame!"); } //======================================== // Methods overridden for Testing purposes //======================================== @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof ParsingFrame) { ParsingFrame pf = (ParsingFrame) o; return (pf.parsingBuffer.get(pf.frameIx).offset == this.parsingBuffer.get(this.frameIx).offset && pf.lexemeCount == this.lexemeCount && pf.getAliasHash1() == this.getAliasHash1() ); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 1; } @Override public String toString() { return this.normalizedAlias + "(" + parsingBuffer.get(frameIx).offset + "/" + source.length() + ")" + prefix + "-" + middle + "-" + suffix + ((frameCanExpand)? " CAN-expand": " NO-expand") + " " + ((restartIx>=0)? ("RELOCATE="+restartIx): ""); } }