/* * An XML document type. * Localname: notifyCondition * Namespace: * Java type: noNamespace.NotifyConditionDocument * * Automatically generated - do not modify. */ package noNamespace.impl; /** * A document containing one notifyCondition(@) element. * * This is a complex type. */ public class NotifyConditionDocumentImpl extends org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlComplexContentImpl implements noNamespace.NotifyConditionDocument { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public NotifyConditionDocumentImpl(org.apache.xmlbeans.SchemaType sType) { super(sType); } private static final javax.xml.namespace.QName NOTIFYCONDITION$0 = new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "notifyCondition"); /** * Gets the "notifyCondition" element */ public noNamespace.NotifyCondition getNotifyCondition() { synchronized (monitor()) { check_orphaned(); noNamespace.NotifyCondition target = null; target = (noNamespace.NotifyCondition)get_store().find_element_user(NOTIFYCONDITION$0, 0); if (target == null) { return null; } return target; } } /** * Sets the "notifyCondition" element */ public void setNotifyCondition(noNamespace.NotifyCondition notifyCondition) { synchronized (monitor()) { check_orphaned(); noNamespace.NotifyCondition target = null; target = (noNamespace.NotifyCondition)get_store().find_element_user(NOTIFYCONDITION$0, 0); if (target == null) { target = (noNamespace.NotifyCondition)get_store().add_element_user(NOTIFYCONDITION$0); } target.set(notifyCondition); } } /** * Appends and returns a new empty "notifyCondition" element */ public noNamespace.NotifyCondition addNewNotifyCondition() { synchronized (monitor()) { check_orphaned(); noNamespace.NotifyCondition target = null; target = (noNamespace.NotifyCondition)get_store().add_element_user(NOTIFYCONDITION$0); return target; } } }