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package feuille.drawing.ornament;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D;
* @author The Wingate 2940
public class OrnMMBezier extends AShape {
private OrnControlPoint c1=null, c2=null;
private double Ax, Bx, Cx, Ay, By, Cy;
public OrnMMBezier(){
public OrnMMBezier(int originX1, int originY1,
int controlX2, int controlY2,
int controlX3, int controlY3,
int lastX4, int lastY4){
originPoint = new java.awt.Point(originX1,originY1);
c1 = new OrnControlPoint(controlX2,controlY2);
c2 = new OrnControlPoint(controlX3,controlY3);
lastPoint = new java.awt.Point(lastX4,lastY4);
public OrnMMBezier(int originX1, int originY1,
int lastX4, int lastY4){
originPoint = new java.awt.Point(originX1,originY1);
lastPoint = new java.awt.Point(lastX4,lastY4);
int xdiff = (int)lastPoint.getX() - (int)originPoint.getX();
int ydiff = (int)lastPoint.getY() - (int)originPoint.getY();
int x1_3 = (int)originPoint.getX() + xdiff/3;
int x2_3 = (int)originPoint.getX() + xdiff*2/3;
int y1_3 = (int)originPoint.getY() + ydiff/3;
int y2_3 = (int)originPoint.getY() + ydiff*2/3;
c1 = new OrnControlPoint(x1_3, y1_3);
c2 = new OrnControlPoint(x2_3,y2_3);
/** Définit le "point de contrôle" n°1 */
public void setControl1Point(int x1, int y1){
c1 = new OrnControlPoint(x1, y1);
/** Définit le "point de contrôle" n°2 */
public void setControl2Point(int x2, int y2){
c2 = new OrnControlPoint(x2, y2);
/** Retourne les coordonnées du "point de contrôle" n°1 */
public java.awt.Point getControl1Point(){
return c1.getOriginPoint();
/** Retourne les coordonnées du "point de contrôle" n°2 */
public java.awt.Point getControl2Point(){
return c2.getOriginPoint();
/** Définit le "point de contrôle" n°1 */
public void setControl1(OrnControlPoint c1){
this.c1 = c1;
/** Obtient le "point de contrôle" n°1 */
public OrnControlPoint getControl1(){
return c1;
/** Définit le "point de contrôle" n°2 */
public void setControl2(OrnControlPoint c2){
this.c2 = c2;
/** Obtient le "point de contrôle" n°2 */
public OrnControlPoint getControl2(){
return c2;
// http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courbe_de_B%C3%A9zier
// Pour retrouver y, nous allons utiliser la relation :
// P(t)=P0(1-t)^3+3P1*t(1-t)^2+3*P2*t^2(1-t)+P3*t^3
// Pöur calculer t on a besoin de faire un produit en croix :
// 1 <> lastPoint.getX()
// t <> x
// D'où t = x / lastPoint.getX()
// @Override
// public double getY(double x) {
// double P0 = originPoint.getX();
// double P1 = c1.getOriginPoint().getX();
// double P2 = c2.getOriginPoint().getX();
// double P3 = lastPoint.getX();
// double t = x / lastPoint.getX();
// double y =
// P0*Math.pow((1-t),3)+
// 3*P1*t*Math.pow((1-t),2)+
// 3*P2*Math.pow(t,2)*(1-t)+
// P3*Math.pow(t,3);
// return y;
// }
public double getX(double t){
//cx = 3 (x1 - x0)
//bx = 3 (x2 - x1) - cx
//ax = x3 - x0 - cx - bx
double x0 = originPoint.getX();
double x1 = c1.getOriginPoint().getX();
double x2 = c2.getOriginPoint().getX();
double x3 = lastPoint.getX();
Cx = 3*(x1 - x0);
Bx = 3*(x2 - x1) - Cx;
Ax = x3 - x0 - Cx - Bx;
//x(t) = axt3 + bxt2 + cxt + x0
//x1 = x0 + cx / 3
//x2 = x1 + (cx + bx) / 3
//x3 = x0 + cx + bx + ax
double x = Ax*Math.pow(t, 3)+Bx*Math.pow(t, 2)+Cx*t+x0;
return x;
public double getY(double t){
//cy = 3 (y1 - y0)
//by = 3 (y2 - y1) - cy
//ay = y3 - y0 - cy - by
double y0 = originPoint.getY();
double y1 = c1.getOriginPoint().getY();
double y2 = c2.getOriginPoint().getY();
double y3 = lastPoint.getY();
Cy = 3*(y1 - y0);
By = 3*(y2 - y1) - Cy;
Ay = y3 - y0 - Cy - By;
//y(t) = ayt3 + byt2 + cyt + y0
//y1 = y0 + cy / 3
//y2 = y1 + (cy + by) / 3
//y3 = y0 + cy + by + ay
double y = Ay*Math.pow(t, 3)+By*Math.pow(t, 2)+Cy*t+y0;
return y;
public void draw(Graphics2D g2d, Color c) {
Color oldc = g2d.getColor();
// On dessine la courbe
CubicCurve2D cc = new CubicCurve2D.Double();
cc.setCurve(originPoint.x, originPoint.y,
c1.getOriginPoint().x, c1.getOriginPoint().y,
c2.getOriginPoint().x, c2.getOriginPoint().y,
lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y);
// On dessine les lignes entre points et points de contrôle
Stroke stroke = g2d.getStroke();
float[] dash = {5, 5};
g2d.setStroke(new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 5, dash, 0));
g2d.drawLine(originPoint.x, originPoint.y, c1.getOriginPoint().x, c1.getOriginPoint().y);
g2d.drawLine(c1.getOriginPoint().x, c1.getOriginPoint().y, c2.getOriginPoint().x, c2.getOriginPoint().y);
g2d.drawLine(c2.getOriginPoint().x, c2.getOriginPoint().y, lastPoint.x, lastPoint.y);
// On ne dessine pas les points de contrôle qui sont dessinés indépendamment.
public String toString(){
return "Bézier";