package fatcat; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Iterator; import scala.actors.threadpool.Arrays; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import fatcat.model.ModelFatCat; import fatcat.model.RenderFatCat; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.entity.Entity; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityAgeable; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityTameable; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import net.minecraft.stats.StatList; import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource; import net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; import; import net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathNavigateGround; public class EntityFatCat extends EntityTameable { private static final int WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX = 20; private static final int HUNGER_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 1; private static final int BLADDER_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 2; private static final int POSE_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 3; private static final int FACE_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 4; private static final int TIREDNESS_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 5; private static final int FRIENDSHIP_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 6; private static final int SKIN_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 7; private static final int LOVENESS_DATA_INDEX = WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX + 8; public static final int TIREDNESS_MAX = 2000; public static final int FRIENDSHIP_MAX = 2000; public static final int LOVENESS_MAX = 2000; public static final int HUNGER_MAX = 100; public static final int BLADDER_MAX = 100; public static final int WEIGHT_STATUS_ADULT = 4000; public static final int WEIGHT_STATUS_MAX = 10000; public static final int HOUR_TICK = 1000; private int blinkTick = 0; private int myauTick = 0; private int brushingTick = 0; private boolean onLeash = false; private float nextNeckAngleSpeed = 0; private float neckAngleSpeed = 0; private float walkTick = 0; private float sprintTick = 0; public boolean isMating = false; public boolean tryMating = false; private EntityAIShit aiUnko = new EntityAIShit(this); private EntityAIFatCatSleep aiSleep = new EntityAIFatCatSleep(this); public enum Face { None, Blink, Sleep, Shit, Myau, Baymax } public enum Pose { None, Shit, Brushing, Beg } public enum StatusChangeReason { Tick, NearUnko, NearCat, Eat, Walk, Sprint, AwayFromOwner, Debug, Brushing, Unkoed, OnLeashed, FromNBT, Spawn, Sleep, Hungry, WanderToy } public EntityFatCat(World world) { super(world); this.setSize(0.9F, 1.0F); this.setCatScale(); this.setAvoidWaters(true); this.setTamed(true); int priority = 0; this.aiSit.setSitting(true); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAISwimming(this)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, aiSleep); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIAttackUnfriendlyOwner(this)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIEatEntityItem(this, 0.25f, 0.6f, 100)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIFatCatSit(this)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIWanderToy(this, 16.0D)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIEatBlock(this)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, aiUnko); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIFatCatMate(this)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIFatCatWander(this, 0.5D)); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, this.aiSit); this.tasks.addTask(++priority, new EntityAIFatCatBeg(this, 8.0F)); priority++; this.tasks.addTask(priority, new EntityAIWatchClosest(this, EntityPlayer.class, 10.0F)); this.tasks.addTask(priority, new EntityAILookIdle(this)); int targetPriority = 0; this.targetTasks.addTask(++targetPriority, new EntityAIHurtByTarget( this, true)); // 育成モードオフ(デフォルト値に設定) if (!FatCatMod.breeding_mode) { this.dataWatcher.updateObject(WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX, 4000); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(HUNGER_DATA_INDEX, HUNGER_MAX); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(BLADDER_DATA_INDEX, 0); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(TIREDNESS_DATA_INDEX, 0); this.dataWatcher .updateObject(FRIENDSHIP_DATA_INDEX, FRIENDSHIP_MAX); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(LOVENESS_DATA_INDEX, 0); } FatCatMod.proxy.log(world, "EntityFatCat initialized(%s)", this.toString()); } @Override protected void entityInit() { super.entityInit(); this.dataWatcher.addObject(WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX, 500); this.dataWatcher.addObject(HUNGER_DATA_INDEX, 80); this.dataWatcher.addObject(BLADDER_DATA_INDEX, 20); this.dataWatcher.addObject(TIREDNESS_DATA_INDEX, 0); this.dataWatcher.addObject(FRIENDSHIP_DATA_INDEX, 30); this.dataWatcher.addObject(POSE_DATA_INDEX, 0); this.dataWatcher.addObject(FACE_DATA_INDEX, 0); this.dataWatcher.addObject( SKIN_DATA_INDEX, FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().get( getRNG().nextInt( FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().size()))); this.dataWatcher.addObject(LOVENESS_DATA_INDEX, LOVENESS_MAX / 3); } @Override public EntityAgeable createChild(EntityAgeable p_90011_1_) { EntityFatCat cat = new EntityFatCat(this.worldObj); // setOwnerID cat.func_152115_b(this.getOwner().getUniqueID().toString()); return cat; } public EntityFatCat createChild(EntityFatCat mate) { return (EntityFatCat) createChild((EntityAgeable) mate); } @Override public boolean isChild() { return getWeight() < WEIGHT_STATUS_ADULT; } @Override public void onUpdate() { super.onUpdate(); this.neckAngleSpeed = this.nextNeckAngleSpeed; if (this.getPose() == Pose.Beg) { this.nextNeckAngleSpeed += (1.0F - this.nextNeckAngleSpeed) * 0.4F; } else { this.nextNeckAngleSpeed += (0.0F - this.nextNeckAngleSpeed) * 0.4F; } } @Override /** * main AI tick function, replaces updateEntityActionState */ public void updateAITasks() { // 丸1日半で満腹が0になる if ((this.ticksExisted % (HOUR_TICK * (24 + 12) / HUNGER_MAX)) == 0) { this.setHunger(getHunger() - 1, StatusChangeReason.Tick); if (this.getHunger() == 0) this.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.starve, getMaxHealth() * 0.25f); // 腹が減っていると友好度down,重さdown if (isHungry()) { setFriendship(getFriendship() - 1, StatusChangeReason.Hungry); setWeight(getWeight() - 1, StatusChangeReason.Hungry); } } // 何もしなくても丸1日で100gほど減る if ((this.ticksExisted % HOUR_TICK * 24 / 100) == 0) { this.setWeight(getWeight() - 1, StatusChangeReason.Tick); } if (this.ticksExisted % HOUR_TICK == 0) { Entity owner = getOwner(); if (owner != null) { // 離れていると丸2日で友好度が0になる float distance = getDistanceToEntity(owner); if (distance > 16.0F) { setFriendship(getFriendship() - (FRIENDSHIP_MAX / 42), StatusChangeReason.AwayFromOwner); } } // 近くにいるネコに恋愛度が上がる(20日でMAX) EntityFatCat entity = (EntityFatCat) this.worldObj .findNearestEntityWithinAABB(EntityFatCat.class, getEntityBoundingBox().expand(8.0D, 8.0D, 8.0D), this); if (entity != null) { setLoveness(getLoveness() + (LOVENESS_MAX / (24 * 20)), StatusChangeReason.NearCat); } } if (this.getMoveHelper().isUpdating() && !this.isRiding()) { double d0 = this.getMoveHelper().getSpeed(); if (d0 >= 0.6D) { this.setSneaking(false); this.setSprinting(true); setTiredness(getTiredness() + 2, StatusChangeReason.Sprint); walkTick++; if (walkTick % 50 == 0) { // 動いている時に沢山腹が減り、体重も減る setHunger(getHunger() - 2, StatusChangeReason.Sprint); setWeight(getWeight() - 2, StatusChangeReason.Sprint); } } else if (d0 >= 0.0D) { this.setSneaking(true); this.setSprinting(false); setTiredness(getTiredness() + 1, StatusChangeReason.Walk); if (this.getPose() == Pose.Brushing) { this.setPose(Pose.None); } sprintTick++; if (sprintTick % 50 == 0) { setHunger(getHunger() - 1, StatusChangeReason.Walk); setWeight(getWeight() - 1, StatusChangeReason.Walk); } } else { this.setSneaking(false); this.setSprinting(false); } } else { this.setSneaking(false); this.setSprinting(false); } /* まばたき */ if (this.getFace() == Face.Blink) { this.blinkTick--; if (this.blinkTick <= 0) { this.setFace(Face.None); } } if (this.getFace() == Face.None) { if (this.rand.nextInt(100) == 0) { this.setFace(Face.Blink); this.blinkTick = 6; } } /* 鳴き声 */ if (this.getFace() == Face.Myau) { this.myauTick--; if (this.myauTick <= 0) { this.setFace(Face.None); } } /* 横たわるポーズ */ if (this.getPose() == Pose.Brushing) { this.brushingTick--; if (this.brushingTick <= 0) { this.setPose(Pose.None); } } } @Override /** * Determines if an entity can be despawned, used on idle far away entities */ protected boolean canDespawn() { return false; } @Override /** * Returns the sound this mob makes while it's alive. */ protected String getLivingSound() { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { if (!isInSleep()) { setFace(Face.Myau); } } if (this.isTamed()) { if (this.isInLove()) { return ""; } else if (isInSleep()) { return FatCatMod.MODID + ":sleep"; } else { if (this.rand.nextInt(4) == 0) { return FatCatMod.MODID + ":purreow"; } else { return FatCatMod.MODID + ":meow"; } } } else { return ""; } } @Override /** * Returns the sound this mob makes when it is hurt. */ protected String getHurtSound() { setFace(Face.Myau); cancelPose(); return FatCatMod.MODID + ":hitt"; } @Override /** * Returns the sound this mob makes on death. */ protected String getDeathSound() { setFace(Face.Myau); return FatCatMod.MODID + ":hitt"; } public void setAISit(boolean sit) { this.aiSit.setSitting(sit); } public void eatEntityBounus(EntityItem food) { Item item = food.getEntityItem().getItem(); if (item != null) { if (isFoodItem(item)) { fatten(1, StatusChangeReason.Eat); this.heal(getMaxHealth() / 6); setBladder(getBladder() + 10, StatusChangeReason.Eat); setTiredness(getTiredness() + TIREDNESS_MAX / 20, StatusChangeReason.Eat); // 6回の食事でお腹がいっぱい setHunger(getHunger() + HUNGER_MAX / 6, StatusChangeReason.Eat); setFriendship(getFriendship() + 100, StatusChangeReason.Eat); generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.HEART); } else { // damage by eaten non-food this.attackEntityFrom( DamageSource.causeThrownDamage(food, null), 5.0F); setFriendship(getFriendship() - 200, StatusChangeReason.Eat); generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.SMOKE_NORMAL); } } } public boolean isFoodItem(Item item) { return item.getCreativeTab() != null && item.getCreativeTab().getTabLabel().equals("food"); } public void eatBlockBounus(Block block) { if (block != null) { // 6回の食事でお腹がいっぱい this.heal(getMaxHealth() / 6); setBladder(getBladder() + 10, StatusChangeReason.Eat); setTiredness(getTiredness() + TIREDNESS_MAX / 20, StatusChangeReason.Eat); setHunger(getHunger() + HUNGER_MAX / 6, StatusChangeReason.Eat); setFriendship(getFriendship() - 100, StatusChangeReason.Eat); } } // 太る(体重が重いほど太りづらい) private void fatten(int rate, StatusChangeReason reason) { int add = 0; int unit = 150 * rate; if (isChild()) { add = unit; } else { int max = WEIGHT_STATUS_MAX * 2; add = (int) (unit * (1.0F - (getWeight() / max))); } setWeight(getWeight() + add, reason); } @Override public void writeEntityToNBT(NBTTagCompound table) { super.writeEntityToNBT(table); table.setInteger("Weight", getWeight()); table.setInteger("Hunger", getHunger()); table.setInteger("Bladder", getBladder()); table.setInteger("Tiredness", getTiredness()); table.setInteger("Friendship", getFriendship()); table.setString("SkinId", getSkinId()); table.setInteger("Love", getLoveness()); FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "writeEntityToNBT: %s", table.toString()); } @Override public void readEntityFromNBT(NBTTagCompound table) { super.readEntityFromNBT(table); this.setWeight(table.getInteger("Weight"), StatusChangeReason.FromNBT); this.setHunger(table.getInteger("Hunger"), StatusChangeReason.FromNBT); this.setBladder(table.getInteger("Bladder"), StatusChangeReason.FromNBT); this.setTiredness(table.getInteger("Tiredness"), StatusChangeReason.FromNBT); this.setFriendship(table.getInteger("Friendship"), StatusChangeReason.FromNBT); if (table.hasKey("SkinType")) { // SkinType廃止、互換性維持のため変換 this.setSkinId(String.valueOf(table.getInteger("SkinType"))); } else { this.setSkinId(table.getString("SkinId")); } this.setLoveness(table.getInteger("Love"), StatusChangeReason.FromNBT); this.setCatScale(); FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "readEntityToNBT: %s", table.toString()); } public int getWeight() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX); } public void setWeight(int weight, StatusChangeReason reason) { if (!FatCatMod.breeding_mode) { return; } FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "reason=%s, setWeignt=%d",, weight); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX, weight); } // Hunger/空腹度 public int getHunger() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(HUNGER_DATA_INDEX); } public void setHunger(int hunger, StatusChangeReason reason) { if (!FatCatMod.breeding_mode) { return; } if (hunger > HUNGER_MAX) { hunger = HUNGER_MAX; } if (hunger < 0) { hunger = 0; } FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "reason=%s, setHunger=%d",, hunger); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(HUNGER_DATA_INDEX, hunger); } // ものが食える public boolean isEatable() { return getHunger() <= HUNGER_MAX * 0.9; } // 腹減り状態 public boolean isHungry() { return getHunger() <= HUNGER_MAX * 0.25; } // 餓死寸前 public boolean isStarved() { return getHunger() <= HUNGER_MAX * 0.05; } // Bladder/便意(尿意) public int getBladder() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(BLADDER_DATA_INDEX); } public void setBladder(int bladder, StatusChangeReason reason) { if (!FatCatMod.breeding_mode) { return; } // 便意MAX以上だとダメージ if (bladder > 100) { attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.generic, 2.0F); bladder = 100; } if (bladder < 0) { bladder = 0; } // try to find a rest room (a sand block). if (bladder > 50) { aiUnko.tryExec = true; } FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "reason=%s, setBladder=%d",, bladder); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(BLADDER_DATA_INDEX, bladder); } // Tiredness/疲労度 public int getTiredness() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(TIREDNESS_DATA_INDEX); } public void setTiredness(int tiredness, StatusChangeReason reason) { if (!FatCatMod.breeding_mode) { return; } if (tiredness > TIREDNESS_MAX) { tiredness = TIREDNESS_MAX; } if (tiredness < 0) { tiredness = 0; } FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "reason=%s, setTiredness=%d",, tiredness); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(TIREDNESS_DATA_INDEX, tiredness); } // Friendship/友好度 public int getFriendship() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(FRIENDSHIP_DATA_INDEX); } public void setFriendship(int friendship, StatusChangeReason reason) { if (!FatCatMod.breeding_mode) { return; } if (friendship > FRIENDSHIP_MAX) { friendship = FRIENDSHIP_MAX; } if (friendship < 0) { friendship = 0; } FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "reason=%s, setFriendship=%d",, friendship); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(FRIENDSHIP_DATA_INDEX, friendship); } // ID of skin public String getSkinId() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectString(SKIN_DATA_INDEX); } public void setSkinId(String type) { if (!FatCatMod.instance.getSkinMap().containsKey(type)) { // set default skin type = FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().get(0); } this.dataWatcher.updateObject(SKIN_DATA_INDEX, type); } // 恋愛度 public int getLoveness() { return this.dataWatcher.getWatchableObjectInt(LOVENESS_DATA_INDEX); } public void setLoveness(int loveness, StatusChangeReason reason) { if (!FatCatMod.breeding_mode) { return; } if (loveness > LOVENESS_MAX) { loveness = LOVENESS_MAX; } if (loveness < 0) { loveness = 0; } FatCatMod.proxy.log(this.worldObj, "reason=%s, setLoveness=%d",, loveness); this.dataWatcher.updateObject(LOVENESS_DATA_INDEX, loveness); } @Override public boolean interact(EntityPlayer player) { ItemStack itemstack = player.inventory.getCurrentItem(); if (super.interact(player)) { return true; } else if (itemstack != null) { if (itemstack.getItem() == FatCatMod.brush && !isInSleep()) { brush(player, itemstack); return false; } if (debugInteract(player, itemstack)) { return false; } } else { openGui(player); return true; } return false; } /** * 小麦などでinteractされるのを回避するためBreedingItemは常にfalse */ @Override public boolean isBreedingItem(ItemStack p_70877_1_) { return false; } /* * デバッグモード シャベル: wooden weight-, iron weight+ ピッケル: wooden skin-, iron skin+ * りんご: loveness+ 魚: friendly+ */ private boolean debugInteract(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemstack) { if (this.worldObj.isRemote) { return false; } if (FatCatMod.DEBUG) { if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.wooden_shovel) { setWeight(getWeight() - 500, StatusChangeReason.Debug); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.iron_shovel) { setWeight(getWeight() + 500, StatusChangeReason.Debug); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.wooden_pickaxe) { int type = FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().indexOf(getSkinId()) - 1; if (type < 0) type = FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().size() - 1; setSkinId(FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().get(type)); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.iron_pickaxe) { int type = FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().indexOf(getSkinId()) + 1; if (type >= FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().size()) type = 0; setSkinId(FatCatMod.instance.getSkinTypes().get(type)); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.bone) { setHunger(getHunger() - HUNGER_MAX / 5, StatusChangeReason.Debug); this.generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.HEART); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == { setLoveness(getLoveness() + 500, StatusChangeReason.Debug); this.generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.HEART); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == { setFriendship(getFriendship() + 500, StatusChangeReason.Debug); this.generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.HEART); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == Items.potato) { setFriendship(getFriendship() - 500, StatusChangeReason.Debug); this.generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.VILLAGER_ANGRY); return true; } else if (itemstack.getItem() == FatCatMod.unko) { setBladder(getBladder() + BLADDER_MAX / 5, StatusChangeReason.Debug); return true; } return false; } else { return false; } } // ブラシをかける private void brush(EntityPlayer player, ItemStack itemstack) { itemstack.damageItem(1, player); if (itemstack.stackSize <= 0) { player.destroyCurrentEquippedItem(); } setPose(Pose.Brushing); if (getRNG().nextInt(10) == 0) { setFriendship(getFriendship() + FRIENDSHIP_MAX / 10, StatusChangeReason.Brushing); setTiredness(getTiredness() - TIREDNESS_MAX / 20, StatusChangeReason.Brushing); generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.HEART); if (!worldObj.isRemote && getRNG().nextInt(6) == 0) { dropItem(FatCatMod.furball, 1); } } else if (getRNG().nextInt(100) == 50) { setFriendship(getFriendship() - FRIENDSHIP_MAX / 10, StatusChangeReason.Brushing); generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes.VILLAGER_ANGRY); setPose(Pose.None); } } private void openGui(EntityPlayer player) { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { player.openGui(FatCatMod.instance, FatCatMod.STATUS_GUI_ID, this.worldObj, (int) this.posX, (int) this.posY, (int) this.posZ); } } // pose type: Pose.Shit, Pose.Brushing, "beg" public void setPose(Pose pose) { if (pose == Pose.Shit) { setFace(Face.Shit); } else if (pose == Pose.Brushing) { this.brushingTick = 50; } else { if (getFace() == Face.Shit) { setFace(Face.None); } } this.dataWatcher.updateObject(POSE_DATA_INDEX, pose.ordinal()); } public Pose getPose() { return Pose.values()[this.dataWatcher .getWatchableObjectInt(POSE_DATA_INDEX)]; } public void setFace(Face face) { if (face == Face.Myau) { this.myauTick = 8; } this.dataWatcher.updateObject(FACE_DATA_INDEX, face.ordinal()); } public Face getFace() { return Face.values()[this.dataWatcher .getWatchableObjectInt(FACE_DATA_INDEX)]; } public void doUnko() { if (!this.worldObj.isRemote) { EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItemUnko(this.worldObj, this.posX, this.posY - 0.3D, this.posZ, new ItemStack( FatCatMod.unko, (getBladder() / 20))); entityitem.setThrower(this.getCommandSenderEntity().getName()); float f = 0.3F; entityitem.motionX = (double) (MathHelper.sin(this.rotationYaw / 180.0F * (float) Math.PI) * MathHelper.cos(this.rotationPitch / 180.0F * (float) Math.PI) * f); entityitem.motionZ = (double) (-MathHelper.cos(this.rotationYaw / 180.0F * (float) Math.PI) * MathHelper.cos(this.rotationPitch / 180.0F * (float) Math.PI) * f); entityitem.motionY = (double) (-MathHelper.sin(this.rotationPitch / 180.0F * (float) Math.PI) * f); worldObj.spawnEntityInWorld(entityitem); worldObj.playSoundEffect(posX, posY, posZ, FatCatMod.MODID + ":unko", 3.0F, 12.0f); } setBladder(0, StatusChangeReason.Unkoed); } public void cancelPose() { aiSleep.tryWakeup = true; brushingTick = 0; setPose(Pose.None); } public boolean isInSleep() { return getFace() == Face.Sleep; } public float getCatScale() { float scale = (new BigDecimal(this.getWeight() / 4500.0F)).setScale(1, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN).floatValue(); scale = (float) Math.max(0.5, scale); return scale; } public void setCatScale() { float scale = getCatScale(); this.setScale(scale); } @Override /* * ロープをつないだ飼い主についていく * * @see net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature#updateLeashedState() */ protected void updateLeashedState() { super.updateLeashedState(); if (this.getLeashed() && this.getLeashedToEntity() != null && this.getLeashedToEntity().worldObj == this.worldObj) { Entity owner = this.getLeashedToEntity(); float distance = this.getDistanceToEntity(owner); if (!isInSleep()) { this.setAISit(false); // follow to owner if (distance > 2.0F) { if (this.ticksExisted % 50 == 0) this.setFriendship(this.getFriendship() + 1, StatusChangeReason.OnLeashed); this.getNavigator().tryMoveToXYZ(owner.posX + 0.5D, owner.posY, owner.posZ + 0.5D, 0.3f); } } if (!onLeash) { // 親クラスで追加されたEntityAIMoveTowardsRestrictionを無効化 this.detachHome(); onLeash = true; } } else if (onLeash) { this.setAISit(true); this.onLeash = false; } } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void generateRandomParticles(EnumParticleTypes type) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { double d0 = this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D; double d1 = this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D; double d2 = this.rand.nextGaussian() * 0.02D; FatCatMod.proxy.spawnParticle(type, this.posX - 0.5D + (double) (this.rand.nextFloat()), this.posY - 1.0D + (this.height * this.getCatScale()) + (double) (this.rand.nextFloat()), this.posZ - 0.5D + (double) (this.rand.nextFloat()), d0, d1, d2, 1); } } @Override public boolean attackEntityAsMob(Entity target) { return target.attackEntityFrom(DamageSource.causeMobDamage(this), 3.0F); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public float getInterestedAngle(float a) { return (this.neckAngleSpeed + (this.nextNeckAngleSpeed - this.neckAngleSpeed) * a) * 0.15F * (float) Math.PI; } private void setAvoidWaters(boolean avoid) { ((PathNavigateGround) this.getNavigator()).func_179690_a(avoid); } @Override /** * 死んだ時に自分のネームタグを落とす */ protected void dropFewItems(boolean killed, int num) { if (this.hasCustomName()) { ItemStack tag = new ItemStack(Items.name_tag); tag.setStackDisplayName(this.getCustomNameTag()); entityDropItem(tag, 0.0F); } } @Override /* * パラメータ変更時に呼び出される。サイズを変更する。 * * @see net.minecraft.entity.Entity#func_145781_i(int) */ public void func_145781_i(int id) { super.func_145781_i(id); if (id == WEIGHT_DATA_INDEX) { setCatScale(); } } }