package ru.exorg.processing; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import ru.exorg.core.model.City; import ru.exorg.core.model.Description; import ru.exorg.core.model.Location; import ru.exorg.core.model.POI; import ru.exorg.core.service.CafeProvider; import ru.exorg.core.service.DataProvider; import ru.exorg.core.service.POIProvider; import java.lang.Exception; import java.lang.String; import; import java.util.*; import org.tartarus.snowball.ext.russianStemmer; // ================================================================================ final public class Main implements InitializingBean { private DataProvider dataProvider; private POIProvider poiProvider; private CafeProvider cafeProvider; private GeoService geoService; private Clustering clustering; private List<POI> pois; private int clusterLevel = 1; private double distLim = 10000; private static Set<String> prohibitedStems = toSet(new String[]{"дом", "особ", "мост", "здан", "двор", "театр", "особняк", "церков", "ансамбл"}); private static Set<String> toSet(final String[] strings) { Set<String> res = new HashSet<String>(); for (String s : strings) { res.add(s); } return res; } public void setGeoService(GeoService gs) { this.geoService = gs; } public void setDataProvider(DataProvider p) { this.dataProvider = p; this.poiProvider = p.getPOIProvider(); this.cafeProvider = p.getCafeProvider(); } public void setClusteringService(Clustering c) { this.clustering = c; } public void setClusterLevel(int cl) { this.clusterLevel = cl; } private void addGeoInfo(POI poi, int api) throws Exception { List<Location> locs = this.geoService.lookupLocation(poi.getLocation(), poi.getName(), api); if (locs != null) { for (Location loc : locs) { if (this.dataProvider.isWithinCity(poi.getLocation().getCityId(), loc)) { double lat = loc.getLat(); double lng = loc.getLng(); poi.getLocation().setAddress(loc.getAddress()); poi.getLocation().setLat(lat); poi.getLocation().setLng(lng); City c = this.dataProvider.queryCity(poi.getCityId()); int sqId = (int)(Math.abs(lat - c.getNeLatLng().getLat())/c.getLngSubdivLen()*c.getLatSubdivs() + Math.abs(lng - c.getSwLatLng().getLng())/c.getLatSubdivLen() + 1); poi.setSquareId(sqId); break; } } } } private void addGeoInfo(POI poi) throws Exception { if (!poi.getLocation().isValid()) { if (poi.hasAddress()) { System.out.println("Quering for " + poi.getLocation().getAddress() + " (" + poi.getName() + ")"); } else { System.out.println("Quering for " + poi.getName()); } this.addGeoInfo(poi, GeoService.API_YANDEX); if (!poi.getLocation().isValid()) { this.addGeoInfo(poi, GeoService.API_GOOGLE); } if (!poi.getLocation().isValid()) { System.out.println("Failed"); } Thread.sleep(500); } } private void guessType(POI poi) throws Exception { if (!poi.hasType()) { dataProvider.guessPOIType(poi); } else { System.out.println("Skipping POI " + poi.getName() + " of type " + String.valueOf(poi.getType())); } } private boolean isLike(final String pn1, final String pn2) { return Util.getLevenshteinDistance(pn1, pn2) <= 6; } private int edist(final String s1, final String s2) { return Util.getLevenshteinDistance(s1, s2); } private void clusterize1() { for (POI poi : this.pois) { if (poi.hasAddress()) { List<POI> poiList = this.poiProvider.queryByAddress(poi.getAddress()); if (poiList != null) { if (!this.clustering.isInCluster(poiList.get(0)) && poiList.size() >= 2) { long cid = this.clustering.getMaxClusterId() + 1; for (POI p : poiList) { this.clustering.setPOICluster(p, cid); } } } } } Clustering.Clusters clusters = this.clustering.getClusters(); for (List<Long> cluster : clusters.values()) { for (int i = 0; i < cluster.size(); i++) { boolean remove = true; POI curPOI = this.poiProvider.queryById(cluster.get(i)); String cur = curPOI.getName(); for (int j = i + 1; j < cluster.size(); j++) { String other = this.poiProvider.queryById(cluster.get(j)).getName(); if (isLike(cur, other)) { remove = false; break; } } if (remove) { this.clustering.removeFromCluster(curPOI); } } } } private void clusterize2() { russianStemmer stemmer = new russianStemmer(); for (POI poi : this.pois) { if (!this.clustering.isInCluster(poi) && !poi.getLocation().isValid()) { String[] ws = poi.getName().split("\\s+"); for (String w : ws) { stemmer.setCurrent(w); stemmer.stem(); String stem = stemmer.getCurrent().toLowerCase(); if (prohibitedStems.contains(stem) || stem.length() <= 3) { continue; } List<POI> likes = this.poiProvider.queryLike(stem); for (POI like : likes) { if (edist(poi.getName(), like.getName()) < 6 && like.getLocation().isValid()) { if (this.clustering.isInCluster(like)) { this.clustering.setPOICluster(poi, this.clustering.getPOICluster(like)); break; } else { long cid = this.clustering.getMaxClusterId() + 1; this.clustering.setPOICluster(poi, cid); this.clustering.setPOICluster(like, cid); break; } } } } } } } private void processPOI() throws Exception { this.clustering.clearClusters(); for (POI poi : this.pois) { try { List<Description> dl = poi.getDescriptions(); for (Description d : dl) { d.setText(d.getText().replaceAll("<.*?>", "")); } this.addGeoInfo(poi); this.guessType(poi); if (poi.getImage().length() == 0) { poi.addImage("img/default.jpg"); } this.poiProvider.sync(poi); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { System.out.println("Failed to retrieve geographic information for " + poi.getName()); } } if (this.clusterLevel >= 1) { this.clusterize1(); this.clusterize2(); this.clustering.commitClusters(); } } public void afterPropertiesSet() { try { /* List<POI> l = this.poiProvider.queryLike("марс"); for (POI i : l) { System.out.println(i.getName()); } */ this.pois = this.poiProvider.poiList(); processPOI(); //processCafes(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } }