package com.clarkparsia.empire.lazyload; import com.clarkparsia.empire.annotation.Namespaces; import com.clarkparsia.empire.annotation.RdfProperty; import com.clarkparsia.empire.annotation.RdfsClass; import javax.persistence.Entity; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; @Namespaces({ "empire", "", "dcterms", "" }) @Entity @RdfsClass("empire:Event") public class EventImpl extends BaseRdfEntity implements Event, Comparable<Event> { private final static SimpleDateFormat FMT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"); @RdfProperty("dcterms:subject") private String subject; @RdfProperty("dcterms:description") private String parameters; @RdfProperty("datalift:eventStatus") private int status =; @RdfProperty("dcterms:title") private String outcome; @RdfProperty("dcterms:created") private Date startDate = new Date(); @RdfProperty("dcterms:issued") private Date endDate; protected EventImpl() { // Default constructor for persistence. } protected EventImpl(String subject, String parameters) { this(subject, parameters, null, null); } protected EventImpl(String subject, String parameters, Status status, String outcome) { if ((subject == null) || (subject.length() == 0)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("subject"); } if (status == null) { status = Status.New; } this.subject = subject; this.parameters = parameters; this.update(status, outcome); } @Override public final String getSubject() { return this.subject; } @Override public String getParameters() { return this.parameters; } @Override public Status getStatus() { return Status.getStatus(this.status); } @Override public String getOutcome() { return this.outcome; } @Override public Date getStartDate() { return this.startDate; } @Override public Date getEndDate() { return this.endDate; } @Override public final void update(Status status, String outcome) { if (status == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("status"); } this.status =; this.endDate = new Date(); this.outcome = outcome; } @Override protected void setId(String id) { // NOP } @Override public int compareTo(Event e) { // Older start date first. int n = this.getStartDate().compareTo(e.getStartDate()); if (n == 0) { // Older end date first. if (this.getEndDate() != null) { n = (e.getEndDate() != null)? this.getEndDate().compareTo(e.getEndDate()): -1; } else { n = (e.getEndDate() != null)? 1: 0; } } // Distinguish events by their URI, to avoid sets to remove some. if ((n == 0) && (e instanceof EventImpl)) { n = String.valueOf(this.getRdfId()).compareTo( String.valueOf(((EventImpl)e).getRdfId())); } return n; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Object contract support //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(64); b.append("\n\t\t") .append(this.getClass().getSimpleName()) .append(" {").append(this.getStatus()) .append(", \"").append(this.getParameters()) .append("\", ").append(FMT.format(this.getStartDate())); if ((this.getEndDate() != null) && (! this.getEndDate().equals(this.getStartDate()))) { b.append(" - ").append(FMT.format(this.getEndDate())); } if (this.getOutcome() != null) { b.append(", \"").append(this.getOutcome()).append('"'); } return b.append(" }").toString(); } }