package org.kantega.dogmaticmvc.groovy; import groovy.lang.*; import groovy.util.ResourceConnector; import groovy.util.ResourceException; import groovy.util.ScriptException; import org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode; import org.codehaus.groovy.classgen.GeneratorContext; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.*; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; /** * Specific script engine able to reload modified scripts as well as dealing properly * with dependent scripts. * * @author sam * @author Marc Palmer * @author Guillaume Laforge * @author Jochen Theodorou */ public class GroovyScriptEngine implements ResourceConnector { private static final ClassLoader CL_STUB = new ClassLoader(){}; private static WeakReference<ThreadLocal<StringSetMap>> dependencyCache = new WeakReference<ThreadLocal<StringSetMap>>(null); private synchronized static ThreadLocal<StringSetMap> getDepCache() { ThreadLocal<StringSetMap> local = dependencyCache.get(); if (local!=null) return local; local = new ThreadLocal<StringSetMap>() { @Override protected StringSetMap initialValue() { return new StringSetMap(); } }; dependencyCache = new WeakReference<ThreadLocal<StringSetMap>>(local); return local; } private static WeakReference<ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit>> localCu = new WeakReference<ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit>>(null); private synchronized static ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit> getLocalCompilationUnit() { ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit> local = localCu.get(); if (local!=null) return local; local = new ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit>(); localCu = new WeakReference<ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit>>(local); return local; } private URL[] roots; private ResourceConnector rc; private final ClassLoader parentLoader; private final GroovyClassLoader groovyLoader; private final Map<String, ScriptCacheEntry> scriptCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, ScriptCacheEntry>(); private CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration(CompilerConfiguration.DEFAULT); //TODO: more finals? protected static class ScriptCacheEntry { final private Class scriptClass; final private long lastModified; final private Set<String> dependencies; public ScriptCacheEntry(Class clazz, long modified, Set<String> depend) { this.scriptClass = clazz; this.lastModified = modified; this.dependencies = depend; } } private class ScriptClassLoader extends GroovyClassLoader { public ScriptClassLoader(GroovyClassLoader loader) { super(loader); setResLoader(); } public ScriptClassLoader(ClassLoader loader) { super(loader); setResLoader(); } private void setResLoader(){ final GroovyResourceLoader rl = getResourceLoader(); setResourceLoader(new GroovyResourceLoader(){ public URL loadGroovySource(String className) throws MalformedURLException { String filename = className.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + config.getDefaultScriptExtension(); try { URLConnection dependentScriptConn = rc.getResourceConnection(filename); return dependentScriptConn.getURL(); } catch (ResourceException e) { //TODO: maybe do something here? } return rl.loadGroovySource(className); } }); } @Override protected CompilationUnit createCompilationUnit(CompilerConfiguration config, CodeSource source) { CompilationUnit cu = super.createCompilationUnit(config, source); getLocalCompilationUnit().set(cu); final StringSetMap cache = getDepCache().get(); // "." is used to transfer compilation dependencies, which will be // recollected later during compilation for (String depSourcePath : cache.get(".")) { try { cu.addSource(new URL("file","",depSourcePath)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {} } // remove all old entries including the "." entry cache.clear(); cu.addPhaseOperation(new CompilationUnit.PrimaryClassNodeOperation() { @Override public void call(final SourceUnit source, GeneratorContext context, ClassNode classNode) throws CompilationFailedException { DependencyTracker dt = new DependencyTracker(source,cache); dt.visitClass(classNode); } }, Phases.CLASS_GENERATION); customizeCompilationUnit(cu); return cu; } @Override public Class parseClass(GroovyCodeSource codeSource, boolean shouldCacheSource) throws CompilationFailedException { // local is kept as hard reference to avoid garbage collection ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit> localCu = getLocalCompilationUnit(); ThreadLocal<StringSetMap> localCache = getDepCache(); // we put the old dependencies into local cache so createCompilationUnit // can pick it up. We put that entry under the name "." ScriptCacheEntry origEntry = scriptCache.get(codeSource.getName()); Set<String> origDep = null; if (origEntry != null) origDep = origEntry.dependencies; if (origDep != null) localCache.get().put(".",origDep); Class answer = super.parseClass(codeSource, false); StringSetMap cache = localCache.get(); cache.makeTransitiveHull(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Map.Entry<String,Set<String>> entry: cache.entrySet()) { String className = entry.getKey(); Class clazz = getClassCacheEntry(className); if (clazz==null) continue; String entryName = getPath(clazz); Set<String> value = convertToPaths(entry.getValue()); ScriptCacheEntry cacheEntry = new ScriptCacheEntry(clazz,time,value); scriptCache.put(entryName,cacheEntry); } cache.clear(); localCu.set(null); return answer; } private String getPath(Class clazz) { ThreadLocal<CompilationUnit> localCu = getLocalCompilationUnit(); ClassNode classNode = localCu.get().getClassNode(clazz.getCanonicalName()); String entryName = classNode.getModule().getContext().getName(); return entryName; } private Set<String> convertToPaths(Set<String> orig) { Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>(); for (String className : orig) { Class clazz = getClassCacheEntry(className); if (clazz==null) continue; ret.add(getPath(clazz)); } return ret; } } protected void customizeCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit cu) { } /** * Simple testing harness for the GSE. Enter script roots as arguments and * then input script names to run them. * * @param urls an array of URLs * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public static void main(String[] urls) throws Exception { GroovyScriptEngine gse = new GroovyScriptEngine(urls); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; String line; while (true) { System.out.print("groovy> "); if ((line = br.readLine()) == null || line.equals("quit")) break; try { System.out.println(, new Binding())); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Initialize a new GroovyClassLoader with a default or * constructor-supplied parentClassLoader. * * @return the parent classloader used to load scripts */ private GroovyClassLoader initGroovyLoader() { return (GroovyClassLoader) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { if (parentLoader instanceof GroovyClassLoader) { return new ScriptClassLoader((GroovyClassLoader)parentLoader); } else { return new ScriptClassLoader(parentLoader); } } }); } /** * Get a resource connection as a <code>URLConnection</code> to retrieve a script * from the <code>ResourceConnector</code>. * * @param resourceName name of the resource to be retrieved * @return a URLConnection to the resource * @throws ResourceException */ public URLConnection getResourceConnection(String resourceName) throws ResourceException { // Get the URLConnection URLConnection groovyScriptConn = null; ResourceException se = null; for (URL root : roots) { URL scriptURL = null; try { scriptURL = new URL(root, resourceName); groovyScriptConn = scriptURL.openConnection(); // Make sure we can open it, if we can't it doesn't exist. // Could be very slow if there are any non-file:// URLs in there groovyScriptConn.getInputStream(); break; // Now this is a bit unusual } catch (MalformedURLException e) { String message = "Malformed URL: " + root + ", " + resourceName; if (se == null) { se = new ResourceException(message); } else { se = new ResourceException(message, se); } } catch (IOException e1) { groovyScriptConn = null; String message = "Cannot open URL: " + scriptURL; groovyScriptConn = null; if (se == null) { se = new ResourceException(message); } else { se = new ResourceException(message, se); } } } if(se == null) se = new ResourceException("No resource for " + resourceName + " was found"); // If we didn't find anything, report on all the exceptions that occurred. if (groovyScriptConn == null) throw se; return groovyScriptConn; } /** * The groovy script engine will run groovy scripts and reload them and * their dependencies when they are modified. This is useful for embedding * groovy in other containers like games and application servers. * * @param roots This an array of URLs where Groovy scripts will be stored. They should * be laid out using their package structure like Java classes */ private GroovyScriptEngine(URL[] roots, ClassLoader parent, ResourceConnector rc) { if (roots==null) roots = new URL[0]; this.roots = roots; if (rc==null) rc = this; this.rc = rc; if (parent==CL_STUB) parent = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); this.parentLoader = parent; this.groovyLoader = initGroovyLoader(); for (URL root: roots) this.groovyLoader.addURL(root); } public GroovyScriptEngine(URL[] roots) { this(roots,CL_STUB,null); } public GroovyScriptEngine(URL[] roots, ClassLoader parentClassLoader) { this(roots,parentClassLoader,null); } public GroovyScriptEngine(String[] urls) throws IOException { this(createRoots(urls),CL_STUB, null); } private static URL[] createRoots(String[] urls) throws MalformedURLException { if (urls==null) return null; URL[] roots = new URL[urls.length]; for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { if(urls[i].indexOf("://") != -1) { roots[i] = new URL(urls[i]); } else { roots[i] = new File(urls[i]).toURI().toURL(); } } return roots; } public GroovyScriptEngine(String[] urls, ClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws IOException { this(createRoots(urls),parentClassLoader, null); } public GroovyScriptEngine(String url) throws IOException { this(new String[]{url}); } public GroovyScriptEngine(String url, ClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws IOException { this(new String[]{url},parentClassLoader); } public GroovyScriptEngine(ResourceConnector rc) { this(null,CL_STUB, rc); } public GroovyScriptEngine(ResourceConnector rc, ClassLoader parentClassLoader) { this(null,parentClassLoader, rc); } /** * Get the <code>ClassLoader</code> that will serve as the parent ClassLoader of the * {@link GroovyClassLoader} in which scripts will be executed. By default, this is the * ClassLoader that loaded the <code>GroovyScriptEngine</code> class. * * @return the parent classloader used to load scripts */ public ClassLoader getParentClassLoader() { return parentLoader; } /** * @param parentClassLoader ClassLoader to be used as the parent ClassLoader * for scripts executed by the engine * @deprecated */ public void setParentClassLoader(ClassLoader parentClassLoader) { throw new DeprecationException( "The method GroovyScriptEngine#setParentClassLoader(ClassLoader) " + "is no longer supported. Specify a parentLoader in the constructor instead." ); } /** * Get the class of the scriptName in question, so that you can instantiate * Groovy objects with caching and reloading. * * @param scriptName resource name pointing to the script * @return the loaded scriptName as a compiled class * @throws ResourceException if there is a problem accessing the script * @throws groovy.util.ScriptException if there is a problem parsing the script */ public Class loadScriptByName(String scriptName) throws ResourceException, ScriptException { URLConnection conn = rc.getResourceConnection(scriptName); String path = conn.getURL().getPath(); ScriptCacheEntry entry = scriptCache.get(path); Class clazz = null; if (entry!=null) clazz=entry.scriptClass; if (isSourceNewer(entry)) { try { String encoding = conn.getContentEncoding() != null ? conn.getContentEncoding() : "UTF-8"; clazz = groovyLoader.parseClass(DefaultGroovyMethods.getText(conn.getInputStream(), encoding), conn.getURL().getPath()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ResourceException(e); } } return clazz; } /** * Get the class of the scriptName in question, so that you can instantiate * Groovy objects with caching and reloading. * * @param scriptName resource name pointing to the script * @param parentClassLoader the class loader to use when loading the script * @return the loaded scriptName as a compiled class * @throws ResourceException if there is a problem accessing the script * @throws ScriptException if there is a problem parsing the script * @deprecated */ public Class loadScriptByName(String scriptName, ClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws ResourceException, ScriptException { throw new DeprecationException( "The method GroovyScriptEngine#loadScriptByName(String,ClassLoader) "+ "is no longer supported. Use GroovyScriptEngine#loadScriptByName(String) instead." ); } /** * Run a script identified by name with a single argument. * * @param scriptName name of the script to run * @param argument a single argument passed as a variable named <code>arg</code> in the binding * @return a <code>toString()</code> representation of the result of the execution of the script * @throws ResourceException if there is a problem accessing the script * @throws ScriptException if there is a problem parsing the script */ public String run(String scriptName, String argument) throws ResourceException, ScriptException { Binding binding = new Binding(); binding.setVariable("arg", argument); Object result = run(scriptName, binding); return result == null ? "" : result.toString(); } /** * Run a script identified by name with a given binding. * * @param scriptName name of the script to run * @param binding the binding to pass to the script * @return an object * @throws ResourceException if there is a problem accessing the script * @throws ScriptException if there is a problem parsing the script */ public Object run(String scriptName, Binding binding) throws ResourceException, ScriptException { return createScript(scriptName, binding).run(); } /** * Creates a Script with a given scriptName and binding. * * @param scriptName name of the script to run * @param binding the binding to pass to the script * @return the script object * @throws ResourceException if there is a problem accessing the script * @throws ScriptException if there is a problem parsing the script */ public Script createScript(String scriptName, Binding binding) throws ResourceException, ScriptException { return InvokerHelper.createScript(loadScriptByName(scriptName), binding); } protected boolean isSourceNewer(ScriptCacheEntry entry) throws ResourceException { if (entry==null) return true; long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String scriptName:entry.dependencies) { ScriptCacheEntry depEntry = scriptCache.get(scriptName); long entryChangeTime = depEntry.lastModified + config.getMinimumRecompilationInterval(); if (entryChangeTime>time) continue; URLConnection conn = rc.getResourceConnection(scriptName); URL source = conn.getURL(); String path = source.getPath().replace('/', File.separatorChar).replace('|', ':'); File file = new File(path); long lastMod = file.lastModified(); if (entryChangeTime > lastMod) { ScriptCacheEntry newEntry = new ScriptCacheEntry(depEntry.scriptClass,time,depEntry.dependencies); scriptCache.put(scriptName,newEntry); continue; } return true; } return false; } /** * Returns the GroovyClassLoader associated with this script engine instance. * Useful if you need to pass the class loader to another library. * * @return the GroovyClassLoader */ public GroovyClassLoader getGroovyClassLoader() { return groovyLoader; } /** * @return a non null compiler configuration */ public CompilerConfiguration getConfig() { return config; } /** * sets a compiler configuration * @param config - the compiler configuration * @throws NullPointerException if config is null */ public void setConfig(CompilerConfiguration config) { if (config==null) throw new NullPointerException("configuration cannot be null"); this.config = config; } }