package com.neverwinterdp.demandspike.standalone; import com.neverwinterdp.demandspike.DemandSpikeConfig; import com.neverwinterdp.demandspike.client.DemandSpikeClient; import com.neverwinterdp.demandspike.client.Monitor; public class DemandSpikeWorker implements Runnable { private DemandSpikeConfig config ; private DemandSpikeClient client ; public DemandSpikeWorker(DemandSpikeConfig config) { this.config = config ; //TODO: init the client } public Monitor getMonitor() { //TODO: return the monitor in the client return null ; } @Override public void run() { //TODO: run the loop to send the request to the server according to the config } public void shutdown() { //TODO: close the client , release the resource } }