package com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.controller; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import; import; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.bean.Flow; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.bean.Key; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.bean.Right; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.bean.Template; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.bean.UserInfo; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.bean.impl.UserInfoImpl; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.factory.DataAccessFactory; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.service.ProjectInvolveManager; import com.sogou.qadev.service.cynthia.util.ConfigUtil; /** * 后台权限操作管理类 * @author liming * */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/backRight") public class BackRightController extends BaseController{ /** * @Title:getBackRight * @Type:BackRightController * @description:return the users who has the background rights * @date:2014-5-5 下午7:59:26 * @version:v1.0 * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String getBackRight(HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { List<UserInfo> allBackUsers = das.getBackRightUsers(); return JSONArray.toJSONString(allBackUsers); } /** * * @Title:addBackRightUser * @Type:BackRightController * @description:add backright for user * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:00:11 * @version:v1.0 * @param userMail * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String addBackRightUser(@RequestParam("userMail") String userMail,HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (userMail == null || userMail.length() == 0) { return "邮箱名为空!"; }else { if (das.addBackRightUser(userMail)) { return "true"; }else { return "服务器内部错误,添加失败!"; } } } /** * @Title:delBackRightUser * @Type:BackRightController * @description:delete the backgroud right by userMail * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:00:31 * @version:v1.0 * @param userMail * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String delBackRightUser(@RequestParam("userMail") String userMail, HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (userMail == null || userMail.length() == 0) { return "邮箱名为空!"; }else { if (das.delBackRightUser(userMail)) { return "true"; }else { return "服务器内部错误,删除失败!"; } } } /** * @Title:getTemplateRightUser * @Type:BackRightController * @description:return the users who has the template rights by templateId * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:01:08 * @version:v1.0 * @param templateId * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String getTemplateRightUser(@RequestParam("templateId") String templateId, HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (templateId == null || templateId.length() == 0) { return ""; }else { List<UserInfo> allTemplateUsers = das.getTemplateRightUser(templateId); return JSONArray.toJSONString(allTemplateUsers); } } /** * @Title:initTemplateRightUser * @Type:BackRightController * @description:init the users for template rights * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:02:28 * @version:v1.0 * @param templateId * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String initTemplateRightUser(@RequestParam("templateId") String templateId, HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (templateId == null || templateId.length() == 0) { return ""; }else { Template template = das.queryTemplate(DataAccessFactory.getInstance().createUUID(templateId)); if (template == null) { return ""; } Flow flow = das.queryFlow(template.getFlowId()); List<UserInfo> allUserInfoList = new ArrayList<UserInfo>(); UserInfo ui = new UserInfoImpl(); ui.setUserName("*"); ui.setNickName("所有人"); allUserInfoList.add(ui); List<String> userArray = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Right right : flow.getRightSet()) { userArray.add(right.getUsername()); } allUserInfoList.addAll(das.queryAllUserInfo(userArray.toArray(new String[0]))); return JSONArray.toJSONString(allUserInfoList); } } /** * @Title:addUserTemplateRight * @Type:BackRightController * @description:add template right for user * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:03:08 * @version:v1.0 * @param userMail * @param request * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String addUserTemplateRight(@RequestParam("userMail") String userMail, HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (userMail == null || userMail.length() == 0) { return "邮箱名为空!"; }else { String[] templateIds = request.getParameterValues("templateIds[]"); if (das.addUserTemplateRight(templateIds, userMail)) { return "true"; }else { return "服务器内部错误,添加失败!"; } } } /** * @Title:addTemplateRightUser * @Type:BackRightController * @description:add user right for template * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:03:31 * @version:v1.0 * @param templateId * @param request * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String addTemplateRightUser(@RequestParam("templateId") String templateId, HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (templateId == null || templateId.length() == 0) { return "表单为空,添加失败!"; }else { String[] userMails = request.getParameterValues("userMails[]"); if (das.addtemplateUserRight(templateId, userMails)) { return "true"; }else { return "服务器内部错误,添加失败!"; } } } /** * @Title:initUserTemplateRight * @Type:BackRightController * @description:init user template rights * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:04:13 * @version:v1.0 * @param request * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String initUserTemplateRight(HttpServletRequest request,HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { String userMail = request.getParameter("userMail"); if (userMail == null || userMail.length() == 0) { Key key = (Key)httpSession.getAttribute("key"); userMail = key.getUsername(); } Map<String, String> temMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); temMap = das.queryUserTemplateRights(userMail); return JSONArray.toJSONString(temMap); } /** * @Title:initUserFlowRight * @Type:BackRightController * @description:init user flow rights * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:04:34 * @version:v1.0 * @param request * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String initUserFlowRight(HttpServletRequest request,HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { Key key = (Key)httpSession.getAttribute("key"); String userMail = key.getUsername(); Map<String, String> temMap = das.queryUserTemplateRights(userMail); Set<String> flowSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (String templateId : temMap.keySet()) { Template template = das.queryTemplate(DataAccessFactory.getInstance().createUUID(templateId)); if (template != null) { flowSet.add(template.getFlowId().getValue()); } } //自己创建的表单具有编辑权限 for (Flow flow : das.queryAllFlows()) { if (flow != null && flow.getCreateUser() != null && flow.getCreateUser().equals(key.getUsername())) { flowSet.add(flow.getId().getValue()); } } return JSONArray.toJSONString(flowSet); } /** * @Title:delUserTemplateRight * @Type:BackRightController * @description:delete the template right of user * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:04:46 * @version:v1.0 * @param userMail * @param templateId * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String delUserTemplateRight(@RequestParam("userMail") String userMail, @RequestParam("templateId") String templateId , HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (das.delUserTemplateRight(templateId, userMail)) { return "true"; }else { return "服务器内部错误,删除失败!"; } } /** * @Title:delTemplateRightUser * @Type:BackRightController * @description:delete user rights of template * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:05:09 * @version:v1.0 * @param userMail * @param templateId * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String delTemplateRightUser(@RequestParam("userMail") String userMail, @RequestParam("templateId") String templateId , HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { if (das.delTemplateUserRight(templateId,userMail)) { return "true"; }else { return "服务器内部错误,删除失败!"; } } @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String getWebRootDir(HttpServletRequest request,HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { return ConfigUtil.getCynthiaWebRoot(); } /** * @Title:getAllTemplate * @Type:BackRightController * @description:return all templates (id and name) * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:05:23 * @version:v1.0 * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String getAllTemplate(HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { Map<String, String> allTemplateMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Template template : das.queryAllTemplates()) { if (template == null) { continue; } allTemplateMap.put(template.getId().getValue(),template.getName()); } return JSONArray.toJSONString(allTemplateMap); } /** * @Title:setSystem * @Type:BackRightController * @description:set the system setting(json string) * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:05:45 * @version:v1.0 * @param request * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String setSystem(HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { String systemJson = request.getParameter("systemJson"); return String.valueOf(das.setSystemOption(systemJson)); } /** * * @Title:getSystem * @Type:BackRightController * @description:return the system setting(json string) * @date:2014-5-5 下午8:06:06 * @version:v1.0 * @param userMail * @param request * @param httpSession * @return * @throws Exception */ @ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/") public String getSystem(@RequestParam("userMail") String userMail ,HttpServletRequest request, HttpSession httpSession) throws Exception { JSONObject jsonObject = JSONArray.parseObject(das.getSystemOption(userMail)); Map<String, Object> sysMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String key : jsonObject.keySet()) { sysMap.put(key, jsonObject.get(key)); } sysMap.put("projectInvolved", String.valueOf(ProjectInvolveManager.getInstance().isProjectInvolved())); return JSONArray.toJSONString(sysMap); } }