/** * Copyright 2013 Couchbase, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.couchbase.mock; import org.couchbase.mock.Bucket.BucketType; import org.couchbase.mock.client.RestAPIUtil; import org.couchbase.mock.control.MockCommandDispatcher; import org.couchbase.mock.harakiri.HarakiriMonitor; import org.couchbase.mock.http.*; import org.couchbase.mock.http.capi.CAPIServer; import org.couchbase.mock.http.query.QueryServer; import org.couchbase.mock.httpio.HttpServer; import org.couchbase.mock.util.Getopt; import org.couchbase.mock.util.Getopt.CommandLineOption; import org.couchbase.mock.util.Getopt.Entry; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * This class is the main entry point to the Mock cluster. It represents a "Cluster" * of sorts. * * * Unlike in a real cluster, the mock "Nodes" do not support multi-tenancy, or in * other words, a single "Node" can only serve a single bucket. From a client * perspective this should not matter, but it is important to keep this aspect in * mind. */ public class CouchbaseMock { private final Map<String,BucketConfiguration> initialConfigs; private final Map<String, Bucket> buckets = new HashMap<String, Bucket>(); private final HttpServer httpServer; private final Authenticator authenticator; private final CountDownLatch startupLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); private final MockCommandDispatcher controlDispatcher; private final PoolsHandler poolsHandler; private BucketConfiguration defaultConfig = new BucketConfiguration(); private int port = 8091; private HarakiriMonitor harakiriMonitor; /** * Tell the harakiri monitor to connect to the given address. * @param address The address the monitor should connect to * @param terminate Whether the application should exit when a disconnect is detected on the socket * @throws IOException If the monitor could not listen on the given port, or if the monitor is already listening */ public void startHarakiriMonitor(InetSocketAddress address, boolean terminate) throws IOException { if (terminate) { harakiriMonitor.setTemrinateAction(new Callable() { @Override public Object call() throws Exception { System.exit(1); return null; } }); } harakiriMonitor.connect(address.getHostName(), address.getPort()); harakiriMonitor.start(); } /** * Start the monitor * @param host A string in the form of {@code host:port} * @param terminate Whether the application should terminate on disconnect * @throws IOException * @see {@link #startHarakiriMonitor(java.net.InetSocketAddress, boolean)} */ public void startHarakiriMonitor(String host, boolean terminate) throws IOException { int idx = host.indexOf(':'); String h = host.substring(0, idx); int p = Integer.parseInt(host.substring(idx + 1)); startHarakiriMonitor(new InetSocketAddress(h, p), terminate); } public String getPoolName() { return "default"; } /** * Return the list of active buckets for inspection. The returned value should not be modified. * Use {@link #createBucket(BucketConfiguration)} or {@link #removeBucket(String)} to add or * remove buckets */ public Map<String, Bucket> getBuckets() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(buckets); } // Used by tests. Map<String,BucketConfiguration> getInitialConfigs() { return initialConfigs; } /** * Clear the initial bucket configurations which were added during construction. This should be used * if you want {@link #start()} to start up a blank cluster. */ public void clearInitialConfigs() { if (!buckets.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot clear initial configs once they have been started"); } initialConfigs.clear(); } public HarakiriMonitor getMonitor() { return harakiriMonitor; } public MockCommandDispatcher getDispatcher() { return controlDispatcher; } public PoolsHandler getPoolsHandler() { return poolsHandler; } /** * Get the default configuration for buckets. The default configuration is determined by values * passed to the constructor. * @return A copy of the default configuration. This may be passed as the first argument to * {@link org.couchbase.mock.BucketConfiguration} */ public BucketConfiguration getDefaultConfig() { return new BucketConfiguration(defaultConfig); } /** * Parses the "Bucket specification string" (typically supplied on the command line) into a list of buckets * @param bucketSpec The specification string specified * @param defaultConfig The default configuration used to supplant non-specified values * @return A list of initial configurations */ private static List<BucketConfiguration> fromSpecString(String bucketSpec, BucketConfiguration defaultConfig) { List<BucketConfiguration> configs = new ArrayList<BucketConfiguration>(); if (bucketSpec != null) { for (String spec : bucketSpec.split(",")) { BucketConfiguration config = new BucketConfiguration(defaultConfig); String[] parts = spec.split(":"); String name = parts[0]; String pass = ""; config.name = name; if (parts.length > 1) { pass = parts[1]; if (parts.length > 2) { if (parts[2].startsWith("memcache")) { config.type = BucketType.MEMCACHED; } } } config.password = pass; configs.add(config); } } if (configs.isEmpty()) { BucketConfiguration defaultBucket = new BucketConfiguration(defaultConfig); defaultBucket.name = "default"; configs.add(defaultBucket); } return configs; } /** * Initializes the default configuration from the command line parameters. This is present in order to allow the * super constructor to be the first statement */ private static BucketConfiguration createDefaultConfig(String hostname, int numNodes, int bucketStartPort, int numVBuckets, int numReplicas) { BucketConfiguration defaultConfig = new BucketConfiguration(); defaultConfig.type = BucketType.COUCHBASE; defaultConfig.hostname = hostname; defaultConfig.numNodes = numNodes; if (numReplicas > -1) { defaultConfig.numReplicas = numReplicas; } defaultConfig.bucketStartPort = bucketStartPort; defaultConfig.numVBuckets = numVBuckets; return defaultConfig; } public CouchbaseMock(String hostname, int port, int numNodes, int bucketStartPort, int numVBuckets, String bucketSpec, int numReplicas) throws IOException { this(port, fromSpecString(bucketSpec, createDefaultConfig(hostname, numNodes, bucketStartPort, numVBuckets, numReplicas))); defaultConfig = createDefaultConfig(hostname, numNodes, bucketStartPort, numVBuckets, numReplicas); } public CouchbaseMock(String hostname, int port, int numNodes, int bucketStartPort, int numVBuckets) throws IOException { this(hostname, port, numNodes, bucketStartPort, numVBuckets, null, -1); } public CouchbaseMock(String hostname, int port, int numNodes, int numVBuckets) throws IOException { this(hostname, port, numNodes, 0, numVBuckets, null, -1); } public CouchbaseMock(String hostname, int port, int numNodes, int numVBuckets, String bucketSpec) throws IOException { this(hostname, port, numNodes, 0, numVBuckets, bucketSpec, -1); } /** * Create a new CouchbaseMock object. * @param port The REST port which the mock should listen on. If set to 0, a random available * port will be selected * @param configs A list of bucket configurations which the mock should start when the * {@link #start()} method is called. * @throws IOException */ public CouchbaseMock(int port, List<BucketConfiguration> configs) throws IOException { this.port = port; authenticator = new Authenticator("Administrator", "password"); controlDispatcher = new MockCommandDispatcher(this); initialConfigs = new HashMap<String, BucketConfiguration>(); harakiriMonitor = new HarakiriMonitor(controlDispatcher); httpServer = new HttpServer(); for (BucketConfiguration config : configs) { initialConfigs.put(config.name, config); } poolsHandler = new PoolsHandler(this); poolsHandler.register(httpServer); httpServer.register("/mock/*", new ControlHandler(controlDispatcher)); httpServer.register("/query/*", new QueryServer()); } /** * Wait until all initial buckets have been created * @throws InterruptedException */ public void waitForStartup() throws InterruptedException { startupLatch.await(); } /** * Get The port of the http server providing the REST interface. * @return The REST API port */ public int getHttpPort() { return port; } /** * Get the name of the host to which the REST API is bound * @return The bound host */ public String getHttpHost() { return ""; } /** * Get the authenticator object which can be used to verify credentials for access to the cluster * @return The authenticator */ public Authenticator getAuthenticator() { return authenticator; } /** * Create a new bucket, and start it. * @param config The bucket configuration to use * @throws BucketAlreadyExistsException If the bucket already exists * @throws IOException */ public void createBucket(BucketConfiguration config) throws BucketAlreadyExistsException, IOException { if (!config.validate()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid bucket configuration"); } synchronized (buckets) { if (buckets.containsKey(config.name)) { throw new BucketAlreadyExistsException(config.name); } Bucket bucket = Bucket.create(this, config); BucketAdminServer adminServer = new BucketAdminServer(bucket, httpServer, this); adminServer.register(); bucket.setAdminServer(adminServer); HttpAuthVerifier verifier = new HttpAuthVerifier(bucket, authenticator); if (config.type == BucketType.COUCHBASE) { CAPIServer capi = new CAPIServer(bucket, verifier); capi.register(httpServer); bucket.setCAPIServer(capi); } buckets.put(config.name, bucket); bucket.start(); } } /** * Destroy a bucket * @param name The name of the bucket to remove * @throws FileNotFoundException If the bucket does not exist */ public void removeBucket(String name) throws FileNotFoundException { Bucket bucket; synchronized (buckets) { if (!buckets.containsKey(name)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("No such bucket: "+ name); } bucket = buckets.remove(name); } CAPIServer capi = bucket.getCAPIServer(); if (capi != null) { capi.shutdown(); } BucketAdminServer adminServer = bucket.getAdminServer(); if (adminServer != null) { adminServer.shutdown(); } bucket.stop(); } /** * Used for the command line, this ensures that the CountDownLatch object is only set to 0 * when all the command line parameters have been initialized; so that when the monitor * finally sends the port over the socket, all the items will have already been initialized. * @param docsFile Document file to load * @param monitorAddress Monitor address * @param useBeerSample Whether to load the beer-sample bucket * @throws IOException */ private void start(String docsFile, String monitorAddress, boolean useBeerSample) throws IOException { try { if (port == 0) { ServerSocketChannel ch = ServerSocketChannel.open(); ch.socket().bind(new InetSocketAddress(0)); port = ch.socket().getLocalPort(); httpServer.bind(ch); } else { httpServer.bind(new InetSocketAddress(port)); } } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(CouchbaseMock.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); System.exit(-1); } for (BucketConfiguration config : initialConfigs.values()) { try { createBucket(config); } catch (BucketAlreadyExistsException ex) { throw new IOException(ex); } } httpServer.start(); // See if we need to load documents: if (docsFile != null) { DocumentLoader loader = new DocumentLoader(this, "default"); loader.loadDocuments(docsFile); } else if (useBeerSample) { RestAPIUtil.loadBeerSample(this); } if (monitorAddress != null) { startHarakiriMonitor(monitorAddress, true); } startupLatch.countDown(); } /** * Start the mock. This will open the REST API port and initialize any buckets * which are configured in the initial configuration list. * * To stop the cluster, invoke {@link #stop()} */ public void start() throws IOException { start(null, null, false); } /** * Stops the cluster. This stops the server listening on the REST API port, and also destroys * any buckets which are part of the cluster. */ public void stop() { httpServer.stopServer(); for (Bucket bucket : buckets.values()) { bucket.stop(); } } private static void printHelp() { final PrintStream o = System.out; BucketConfiguration defaultConfig = new BucketConfiguration(); o.printf("Options are:%n"); o.printf("-h --host The hostname for the REST port. Default=8091%n"); o.printf("-b --buckets (See description below%n"); o.printf("-n --nodes The number of nodes each bucket should contain. Default=%d%n", defaultConfig.numNodes); o.printf("-v --vbuckets The number of vbuckets each bucket should contain. Default=%d%n", defaultConfig.numVBuckets); o.printf("-R --replicas The number of replica nodes for each bucket. Default=%d%n", defaultConfig.numReplicas); o.printf(" --harakiri-monitor The host:port on which the control socket should connect to%n"); o.printf("-p --port The REST port to listen on. If 0, port will be sent via --harakiri-monitor%n"); o.printf("-S --with-beer-sample Initialize the cluster with the `beer-sample` bucket active%n"); o.printf("-D --docs Specify a ZIP file that should contain documents to be loaded%n"); o.printf(" into the `default` bucket%n"); o.printf("-E --empty Initialize a blank cluster without any buckets. Buckets may then%n"); o.printf(" be later added via the REST API%n"); o.printf("%n"); o.printf("=== -- bucket option ===%n"); o.printf("Buckets descriptions is a comma-separated list of {name}:{password}:{bucket type} pairs.%n"); o.printf("To allow unauthorized connections, omit password.%n"); o.printf("Third parameter could be either 'memcache' or 'couchbase' (default value is 'couchbase'). E.g.%n"); o.printf(" default:,test:,protected:secret,cache::memcache%n"); o.printf("The default is equivalent to `couchbase::`%n"); } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public static void main(String[] args) { BucketConfiguration defaultConfig = new BucketConfiguration(); int port = 8091; int nodes = defaultConfig.numNodes; int vbuckets = defaultConfig.numVBuckets; int replicaCount = defaultConfig.numReplicas; String harakiriMonitorAddress = null; String hostname = null; String bucketsSpec = null; String docsFile = null; boolean useBeerSample = false; boolean emptyCluster = false; Getopt getopt = new Getopt(); getopt.addOption(new CommandLineOption('h', "--host", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('b', "--buckets", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('p', "--port", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('n', "--nodes", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('v', "--vbuckets", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('\0', "--harakiri-monitor", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('R', "--replicas", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('D', "--docs", true)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('S', "--with-beer-sample", false)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('E', "--empty", false)). addOption(new CommandLineOption('?', "--help", false)); List<Entry> options = getopt.parse(args); for (Entry e : options) { if (e.key.equals("-h") || e.key.equals("--host")) { hostname = e.value; } else if (e.key.equals("-b") || e.key.equals("--buckets")) { bucketsSpec = e.value; } else if (e.key.equals("-p") || e.key.equals("--port")) { port = Integer.parseInt(e.value); } else if (e.key.equals("-n") || e.key.equals("--nodes")) { nodes = Integer.parseInt(e.value); } else if (e.key.equals("-v") || e.key.equals("--vbuckets")) { vbuckets = Integer.parseInt(e.value); } else if (e.key.equals("-R") || e.key.equals("--replicas")) { replicaCount = Integer.parseInt(e.value); } else if (e.key.equals("-D") || e.key.equals("--docs")) { docsFile = e.value; } else if (e.key.equals("-S") || e.key.equals("--with-beer-sample")) { useBeerSample = true; } else if (e.key.equals("-E") || e.key.equals("--empty")) { emptyCluster = true; } else if (e.key.equals("--harakiri-monitor")) { int idx = e.value.indexOf(':'); if (idx == -1) { System.err.println("ERROR: --harakiri-monitor requires host:port"); } harakiriMonitorAddress = e.value; } else if (e.key.equals("-?") || e.key.equals("--help")) { printHelp(); System.exit(0); } } try { CouchbaseMock mock = new CouchbaseMock(hostname, port, nodes, 0, vbuckets, bucketsSpec, replicaCount); if (emptyCluster) { mock.clearInitialConfigs(); } mock.start(docsFile, harakiriMonitorAddress, useBeerSample); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getLogger(CouchbaseMock.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not create cluster: ", e); System.exit(1); } } }