package nl.itopia.corendon.controller.employee; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import javafx.util.StringConverter; import nl.itopia.corendon.components.AutoCompleteComboBoxListener; import nl.itopia.corendon.components.NumberTextField; import nl.itopia.corendon.components.PictureView; import*; import nl.itopia.corendon.model.*; import nl.itopia.corendon.mvc.Controller; import nl.itopia.corendon.utils.DateUtil; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import nl.itopia.corendon.controller.CustomerController; /** * © 2014, Robin */ public class AddLuggageController extends Controller { @FXML private Button addButton, cancelButton, browseButton; @FXML private TextField labelInputfield, fileInputfield, notesInputfield; @FXML private NumberTextField heightInputfield, widthInputfield, depthInputfield, weightInputfield; @FXML private ComboBox<ChooseItem> brandInput; @FXML private ChoiceBox<ChooseItem> foundonAirportdropdown, colorDropdown, lostOrFounddropdown; @FXML private ScrollPane imageScrollpane; private VBox imageScrollContent; private EmployeeModel employeeModel; private LuggageModel luggageModel; private AirportModel airportModel; private ColorModel colorModel; private BrandModel brandModel; private ImageModel imageModel; private StatusModel statusModel; private Luggage currentLuggage; private AutoCompleteComboBoxListener<ChooseItem> comboBoxListener; private List<File> imagesToUpload; boolean labelExists = false; public AddLuggageController() { // Set view registerFXML("gui/add_luggage.fxml"); employeeModel = EmployeeModel.getDefault(); luggageModel = LuggageModel.getDefault(); airportModel = AirportModel.getDefault(); colorModel = ColorModel.getDefault(); brandModel = BrandModel.getDefault(); imageModel = ImageModel.getDefault(); statusModel = StatusModel.getDefault(); imagesToUpload = new ArrayList<>(); List<Airport> airports = airportModel.getAirports(); for(Airport airport : airports) { ChooseItem c = airportModel.airportToChoose(airport); foundonAirportdropdown.getItems().add(c); } foundonAirportdropdown.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); // Set the Colors in the colorDropdown List<Color> colors = colorModel.getColors(); for(Color color : colors) { ChooseItem c = colorModel.colorToChoose(color); colorDropdown.getItems().add(c); } colorDropdown.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); // Fill the brand input with the brands in the system List<Brand> brands = brandModel.getBrands(); ObservableList<ChooseItem> brandData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for(Brand brand : brands) { ChooseItem c = brandModel.brandToChoose(brand); brandData.add(c); } brandInput.setItems(brandData); /* status */ List<Status> statuses = statusModel.getFoundLost(); ObservableList<ChooseItem> statusData = FXCollections.observableArrayList(); for(Status status : statuses) { ChooseItem c = statusModel.statusToChoose(status); statusData.add(c); } lostOrFounddropdown.setItems(statusData); lostOrFounddropdown.getSelectionModel().selectFirst(); // Because we set the combobox editable to true, we need to implement our StringConverter brandInput.setConverter(new StringConverter<ChooseItem>() { @Override public String toString(ChooseItem object) { if(object == null) return null; return object.toString(); } @Override public ChooseItem fromString(String string) { //TODO: Implement a factory patern for this ChooseItem item = null; for(ChooseItem data : brandData) { if(data.toString().equals(string)) { item = data; break; } } // If the item doesn't exist, create a new one with it's id set to 0 if(item == null) { item = new ChooseItem(-1, string); } return item; } }); // Give the brand input our combobox listener comboBoxListener = new AutoCompleteComboBoxListener(brandInput); // Set the imageScrollpane content imageScrollContent = new VBox(); imageScrollContent.setSpacing(10); imageScrollpane.setContent(imageScrollContent); addButton.setOnAction(this::addHandler); cancelButton.setOnAction(this::cancelHandler); browseButton.setOnAction(this::browseHandler); labelInputfield.focusedProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> arg0, Boolean oldPropertyValue, Boolean newPropertyValue)->{ labelHandler(); }); } /** * @return void * * Handle label actions */ private void labelHandler() { String labelNr = labelInputfield.getText(); if(null != labelNr && !labelNr.isEmpty()) { labelExists = luggageModel.labelExists(labelNr); } if(labelExists) { lostOrFounddropdown.getSelectionModel().select(1); deactivateFields(); } } /** * Disable all input fields */ private void deactivateFields() { fileInputfield.setDisable(true); brandInput.setDisable(true); heightInputfield.setDisable(true); widthInputfield.setDisable(true); depthInputfield.setDisable(true); weightInputfield.setDisable(true); notesInputfield.setDisable(true); colorDropdown.setDisable(true); browseButton.setDisable(true); } /** * Handler for file upload * * @param e */ private void browseHandler(ActionEvent e) { FileChooser chooser = new FileChooser(); // Configure the file chooser chooser.setTitle("Select image"); chooser.getExtensionFilters().addAll( new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("All images", "*.*"), new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("JPG", "*.jpg"), new FileChooser.ExtensionFilter("PNG", "*.png") ); File file = chooser.showOpenDialog(view.getScene().getWindow()); // TODO: error when it's not an image if(file != null) { // We set the preserverRatio to true, so we don't have to fill in a height double width = imageScrollpane.getWidth() - 50; PictureView pictureView = new PictureView(file.toURI().toString(), width, 0, true); pictureView.setOnDelete(this::pictureDeleteHandler); pictureView.setEditable(true); imageScrollContent.getChildren().add(pictureView); imagesToUpload.add(file); } } private void pictureDeleteHandler(Object object) { PictureView picture = (PictureView) object; // Loop to our current images // Get our the correct file and delete it so the program won't upload it for(int i = 0; i < imagesToUpload.size(); i ++) { File file = imagesToUpload.get(i); String path = file.toURI().toString(); String imagePath = picture.getImagePath(); if(imagePath.equals(path)) { imagesToUpload.remove(i); break; } } // Remove the pictureview from the content pane imageScrollContent.getChildren().remove(picture); } /** * Add luggage to database * * @param e ActionEvent */ private void addHandler(ActionEvent e) { if(labelExists) { /* label exists, show customer controller to fill the rest in */ String label = labelInputfield.getText(); ChooseItem airport = foundonAirportdropdown.getValue(); Luggage luggage = luggageModel.getLuggageByLabel(label); /* attach new airport to the luggage */ luggage.airport = airportModel.getAirport(airport.getKey()); /* update luggage for the newly added airport */ luggageModel.editLuggage(luggage); CustomerController custController = new CustomerController(luggage); addController(custController); custController.setControllerDeleteHandler((o) -> { removeController(this); }); } else { ChooseItem airport = foundonAirportdropdown.getValue(); ChooseItem color = colorDropdown.getValue(); ChooseItem brand = brandInput.getValue(); ChooseItem foundLost = lostOrFounddropdown.getValue(); Luggage luggage = new Luggage(); luggage.color = ColorModel.getDefault().getColor(color.getKey()); luggage.status = statusModel.getStatus(foundLost.getKey()); luggage.employee = employeeModel.currentEmployee; luggage.customer = CustomerModel.getDefault().getCustomer(2); luggage.airport = airportModel.getAirport(airport.getKey()); String[] dimensions = { widthInputfield.getText(), heightInputfield.getText(), depthInputfield.getText(), "cm" }; luggage.setDimensions(dimensions); luggage.label = labelInputfield.getText(); luggage.notes = notesInputfield.getText(); luggage.weight = weightInputfield.getText(); if(brand != null) { luggage.brand = brandModel.handleBrandInput(brand.toString()); } else { // If no brand is selected, get the 'None' brand, luggage.brand = brandModel.getBrand("None"); } long currentTimeStamp = DateUtil.getCurrentTimeStamp(); luggage.foundDate = currentTimeStamp; luggage.createDate = currentTimeStamp; luggage.returnDate = 0; luggageModel.addLuggage(luggage); currentLuggage = luggage; removeController(this); // Upload the images for(File img : imagesToUpload) { try { String path = imageModel.uploadImage(img); imageModel.insertImage(path, luggage.getID()); } catch (IOException ioE) { ioE.printStackTrace(); } } } } @Override protected Object destroyReturn() { return currentLuggage; } private void cancelHandler(ActionEvent e) { removeController(this); } }