// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.collide.client.code.autocomplete.codegraph; import static com.google.collide.codemirror2.TokenType.DEF; import static com.google.collide.codemirror2.TokenType.PROPERTY; import static com.google.collide.codemirror2.TokenType.VARIABLE; import static com.google.collide.codemirror2.TokenType.VARIABLE2; import com.google.collide.client.code.autocomplete.CodeAnalyzer; import com.google.collide.client.util.collections.SkipListStringBag; import com.google.collide.codemirror2.Token; import com.google.collide.codemirror2.TokenType; import com.google.collide.json.shared.JsonArray; import com.google.collide.shared.TaggableLine; import com.google.collide.shared.util.JsonCollections; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; /** * This task filters out IDs from parse results and updates collection of * discovered IDs. * */ public class ParsingTask implements CodeAnalyzer { private static final String TAG_ID_LIST = ParsingTask.class.getName() + ".idList"; private final SkipListStringBag fileIndex; private final JsonArray<String> idsToRelease = JsonCollections.createArray(); @Override public void onLinesDeleted(JsonArray<TaggableLine> deletedLines) { for (TaggableLine line : deletedLines.asIterable()) { JsonArray<String> lineIds = line.getTag(TAG_ID_LIST); if (lineIds != null) { fileIndex.removeAll(lineIds); } } } public ParsingTask(SkipListStringBag fileIndex) { this.fileIndex = fileIndex; } @Override public void onBeforeParse() { } @Override public void onAfterParse() { fileIndex.removeAll(idsToRelease); idsToRelease.clear(); } @Override public void onParseLine( TaggableLine previousLine, TaggableLine line, @Nonnull JsonArray<Token> tokens) { JsonArray<String> lineIds = line.getTag(TAG_ID_LIST); if (lineIds == null) { lineIds = JsonCollections.createArray(); line.putTag(TAG_ID_LIST, lineIds); } idsToRelease.addAll(lineIds); lineIds.clear(); for (int i = 0, l = tokens.size(); i < l; i++) { Token token = tokens.get(i); TokenType type = token.getType(); if (type == VARIABLE || type == VARIABLE2 || type == PROPERTY || type == DEF) { String value = token.getValue(); if (value.length() > 2) { lineIds.add(value); } } // TODO: Process strings that look like ID. } fileIndex.addAll(lineIds); } }