import org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicLabel;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.DynamicRelationshipType;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Label;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType;
import org.neo4j.unsafe.batchinsert.BatchInserter;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* Created by mhotan on 5/1/14.
public class CitiBikeBatchReader implements CitiBikeReader {
public static final Label BIKE_LABEL = DynamicLabel.label(DatabaseConstants.BIKE_LABEL);
public static final Label BIKE_PRIMARY_LABEL = DynamicLabel.label("_" + DatabaseConstants.BIKE_LABEL);
public static final Label STATION_LABEL = DynamicLabel.label(DatabaseConstants.STATION_LABEL);
public static final Label STATION_PRIMARY_LABEL = DynamicLabel.label("_" + DatabaseConstants.STATION_LABEL);
public static final Label TRIP_LABEL = DynamicLabel.label(DatabaseConstants.TRIP_LABEL);
public static final Label TRIP_PRIMARY_LABEL = DynamicLabel.label("_" + DatabaseConstants.TRIP_LABEL);
// Relations
public static final RelationshipType startedFrom = DynamicRelationshipType.withName(DatabaseConstants.STARTS_AT_RELATION);
public static final RelationshipType endedAt = DynamicRelationshipType.withName(DatabaseConstants.ENDS_AT_RELATION);
public static final RelationshipType uses = DynamicRelationshipType.withName(DatabaseConstants.USES_RELATION);
private final BatchInserter inserter;
private long tripCount;
* Mappings Citibike IDs -> Neo4j Graph IDs
private final Map<Long, Long> bikeIDs, stationIDs;
* Creates a reader
* @param inserter The Batch inserter that handles the inserting nodes into the database.
public CitiBikeBatchReader(BatchInserter inserter) {
if (inserter == null)
throw new NullPointerException(getClass().getSimpleName() + "() " +
"Cannot have null inserter.");
this.inserter = inserter;
// TODO Verify runtime index issue.
// populateIndexes(inserter);
// Initialize the tripCount of objects
tripCount = 0;
bikeIDs = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
stationIDs = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
private static void populateIndexes(BatchInserter inserter) {
public void addTrips(Collection<TripData> trips) {
// Extract the bike and Station data.
for (TripData tripData: trips) {
BikeData bikeData = tripData.getBikeData();
StationData startStationData = tripData.getStartStationData();
StationData endStationData = tripData.getEndStationData();
// Add all the elements to the database
long bikeGraphID = addBike(bikeData);
long startStationGraphID = addStation(startStationData);
long endStationGraphID = addStation(endStationData);
long tripId = addTrip(tripData);
// Add all the relations.
inserter.createRelationship(tripId, startStationGraphID, startedFrom, null);
inserter.createRelationship(tripId, endStationGraphID, endedAt, null);
inserter.createRelationship(tripId, bikeGraphID, uses, null);
tripCount += trips.size();
System.out.println(tripCount + " Total trips processed");
* @param data
* @return The Neo4J Graph ID of the newly added Trip
private long addTrip(TripData data) {
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.TRIP_START_TIME, data.getStartTime().getTime());
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.TRIP_END_TIME, data.getEndTime().getTime());
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.TRIP_USER_TYPE, data.getUserType());
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.TRIP_USER_BIRTH_YEAR, data.getUserBirthYear());
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.TRIP_USER_GENDER, data.getUserGender());
return inserter.createNode(properties, TRIP_LABEL, TRIP_PRIMARY_LABEL);
* Adds a Bike to the database if it does not exists already.
* @param data The Bike data to add to the Database
* @return The Neo4J Graph ID of the newly added Bike
private long addBike(BikeData data) {
// Check if the bike exists in the database
long citiBikeID = data.getId();
if (!bikeIDs.containsKey(citiBikeID)) {
// Populate the properties
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.BIKE_ID, citiBikeID);
// Insert into the database
long bikeGraphID = inserter.createNode(properties, BIKE_LABEL, BIKE_PRIMARY_LABEL);
// Update the mapping
bikeIDs.put(citiBikeID, bikeGraphID);
return bikeGraphID;
} else
return bikeIDs.get(citiBikeID);
* Adds a station if it does not already exists.
* @param data Station data to add to the graph.
* @return The Neo4J Graph ID of the newly added Station
private long addStation(StationData data) {
assert inserter != null: "Inserter is null";
// Add the start station if it does not exists already.
long stationID = data.getStationId();
if (!stationIDs.containsKey(stationID)) {
// Populate the properties
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.STATION_NAME, data.getName());
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.STATION_LONGITUDE, data.getLongitude());
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.STATION_LATITUDE, data.getLatitude());
properties.put(DatabaseConstants.STATION_ID, stationID);
// Insert into the database
long stationGraphID = inserter.createNode(properties, STATION_LABEL, STATION_PRIMARY_LABEL);
// Update the mapping
stationIDs.put(stationID, stationGraphID);
// Update the mapping
return stationGraphID;
} else {
return stationIDs.get(stationID);