package; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.parse.ParseObject; import com.parse.ParseUser; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class ParseUtils { /*************** * Parse Tables ***************/ public interface UsersTable { String NAME = "_User"; interface Fields extends GeneralFields { String DISPLAY_NAME = "displayName"; } } public interface ChatSubscriptionTable { String NAME = "ChatSubscription"; interface Fields extends GeneralFields { String NAME = "name"; String CHAT = "chat"; String USER = "user"; String LAST_SEEN_COUNT = "lastSeenCount"; } } public interface ChatTable extends GeneralFields { String NAME = "Chat"; interface Fields { String NAME = "name"; String LAST_MESSAGE = "lastMessage"; String MESSAGE_COUNT = "messageCount"; } } public interface MessagesTable { String NAME = "Message"; interface Fields extends GeneralFields { String LOCAL_ID = "localId"; String CHAT = "chat"; String FROM = "from"; String MESSAGE = "message"; String IMAGE = "image"; String TYPE = "type"; } interface Types { String TEXT = "text"; String IMAGE = "image"; } } public interface ImagesTable { String NAME = "Image"; String PLACEHOLDER_ID = "10Vi33xiU0"; interface Fields extends GeneralFields { String LOCAL_MESSAGE_ID = "localMessageId"; String IMAGE = "image"; String THUMBNAIL = "thumbnail"; } } public interface GeneralFields { String CREATED_AT = "createdAt"; String UPDATED_AT = "updatedAt"; } /****************** * Parse Functions ******************/ public interface CreateChatFunc { String NAME = "createChat"; interface Fields { String OTHER_USER_IDS = "otherUserIds"; String GROUP_NAME = "groupName"; } } public interface MarkChatReadFunc { String NAME = "markChatAsRead"; interface Fields { String CHAT_ID = "chatId"; } } public interface DeleteConversationsFunc { String NAME = "deleteConversations"; interface Fields { String CHAT_IDS = "ids"; } } public interface GetMySubscriptionsFunc { String NAME = "getMySubscriptions"; } public interface SendUserTypingFunc { String NAME = "notifyUserTyping"; interface Fields { String CHAT_ID = "chatId"; } } /************************* * Parse Model Conversion *************************/ public static ExampleUser fromParseUser(ParseUser in) { return new ExampleUser(in.getObjectId(), in.getString(UsersTable.Fields.DISPLAY_NAME)); } public static ExampleMessage from(ParseObject o, ParseHelper parseHelper) { if (o == null) { return null; } try { final String id = o.getObjectId(); final String localId = o.has(MessagesTable.Fields.LOCAL_ID) ? o.getString(MessagesTable.Fields.LOCAL_ID) : null; final String from = o.getParseObject(MessagesTable.Fields.FROM).getObjectId(); final long timestamp = o.getCreatedAt() != null? o.getCreatedAt().getTime() : 0; final Payload payload; final String type = o.getString(MessagesTable.Fields.TYPE); if (MessagesTable.Types.IMAGE.equals(type)) { ParseObject image = o.getParseObject(MessagesTable.Fields.IMAGE); final String url; String thumbnailUrl = null; if (image != null && image.has(ImagesTable.Fields.IMAGE)) { url = image.getParseFile(ImagesTable.Fields.IMAGE).getUrl(); if (image.has(ImagesTable.Fields.THUMBNAIL)) { thumbnailUrl = image.getParseFile(ImagesTable.Fields.THUMBNAIL).getUrl(); } } else { url = ImagePayload.PLACEHOLDER; } payload = new ImagePayload(url, thumbnailUrl, o.getString(MessagesTable.Fields.MESSAGE)); } else { payload = new TextPayload(o.getString(MessagesTable.Fields.MESSAGE)); } final boolean fromMe = parseHelper.getCurrentUser().getObjectId().equals(from); return new ExampleMessage(id, localId, fromMe, from, payload, timestamp, false); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert message with id: " + o.getObjectId(), e); } } public static ExampleConversation conversationFromChat(ParseObject chat, ParseHelper helper) { String name = chat.getString(ChatTable.Fields.NAME); List<BaseUser> users = Collections.emptyList(); // TODO: Populate! int unread = 0; return new ExampleConversation(chat.getObjectId(), name, users, from((ParseObject) chat.get(ChatTable.Fields.LAST_MESSAGE), helper), unread); } public static ExampleConversation conversationFromSubscription(ParseObject subscription, ParseHelper helper) { final ParseObject chatParseObject = subscription.getParseObject(ChatSubscriptionTable.Fields.CHAT); if (chatParseObject.isDataAvailable()) { final String name = TextUtils.isEmpty(chatParseObject.getString(ChatTable.Fields.NAME)) ? subscription.getString(ChatSubscriptionTable.Fields.NAME) : chatParseObject.getString(ChatTable.Fields.NAME); final List<BaseUser> users = Collections.emptyList(); // TODO: Populate! int unread = chatParseObject.getInt(ChatTable.Fields.MESSAGE_COUNT) - subscription.getInt(ChatSubscriptionTable.Fields.LAST_SEEN_COUNT); final boolean hasLastMessage = chatParseObject.has(ChatTable.Fields.LAST_MESSAGE) && chatParseObject.getParseObject(ChatTable.Fields.LAST_MESSAGE).isDataAvailable(); final ExampleMessage lastMessage = hasLastMessage ? from(chatParseObject.getParseObject(ChatTable.Fields.LAST_MESSAGE), helper) : null; return new ExampleConversation(chatParseObject.getObjectId(), name, users, lastMessage, unread); } else { return new ExampleConversation(chatParseObject.getObjectId()); } } }