package in.twizmwaz.cardinal.util; import; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Contains static values and operations designed to assist with aligning text * * Original author: * @author AmoebaMan * * * Modified for use in CardinalPGM */ public class Align { /** * The default Minecraft chat box width, in font-pixels */ private static final int SCREEN_WIDTH = 310; /** * Most characters in Minecraft's default font are this many font-pixels wide */ private static final int DEFAULT_CHAR_WIDTH = 6; /** * A map of the width of all irregular characters in Minecraft's default font */ private static final Map<Character, Integer> IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH = new HashMap<>(); static { IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put(' ', 4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('f', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('i', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('ï',4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('ì',4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('í',4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('I', 4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('k', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('l', 3); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('t', 4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('!', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('¡', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('(', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put(')', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('~', 7); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put(',', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('.', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('<', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('>', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put(':', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put(';', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('"', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('[', 4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put(']', 4); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('{', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('}', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('|', 2); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('`', 3); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('\'', 3); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('*', 5); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('@', 7); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('®', 7); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('\u2591', 8); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('\u2592', 9); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('\u2593', 9); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put('\u2588', 9); IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.put(ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR, 0); } /** * Gets the width of a character in Minecraft's default font, in font-pixels. * * @param value a character * @param bold whether this character is in bold style (+1 px) * @return the width of the character */ private static int getCharWidth(char value, boolean bold) { if (IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.containsKey(value)) return IRREG_CHAR_WIDTH.get(value) + (bold ? 1 : 0); return DEFAULT_CHAR_WIDTH + (bold ? 1 : 0); } /** * Gets the total width of some text in font-pixels, the sum of its characters. * * @param str some text * @return the width of the text */ public static int getStringWidth(String str) { int length = 0; boolean bold = false; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) if (str.charAt(i) != ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR) if (i == 0) length += getCharWidth(str.charAt(i), bold); else if (str.charAt(i - 1) != ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR) length += getCharWidth(str.charAt(i), bold); else if (str.charAt(i) == 'l') bold = true; else if (!Lists.newArrayList('m', 'n', 'o').contains(str.charAt(i))) bold = false; return length; } /** * Repeat character 'c' n times. */ public static String repeat(String c, int n) { assert n >= 0; return new String(new char[n]).replace("\0", c); } public static String padMessage(String message) { return padMessage(message, ChatColor.BLUE); } public static String padMessage(String message, ChatColor dashColor) { return padMessage(message, dashColor, SCREEN_WIDTH); } public static String padMessage(String message, ChatColor dashColor, int maxLen) { message = " " + message + ChatColor.RESET + " "; int len = maxLen - getStringWidth(message); String dash1 = getDash(dashColor, len / 2); String dash2 = len % 2 == 0 ? dash1 : getDash(dashColor, (len / 2) + 1); return dash1 + ChatColor.RESET + message + ChatColor.RESET + dash2; } public static String getDash() { return getDash(ChatColor.BLUE, SCREEN_WIDTH); } public static String getLine(ChatColor color) { return getDash(color, SCREEN_WIDTH); } /** * Returns a dash made out of spaces " " and dashes "-", with the desired len in pixels. * * @param color color the line should have * @param len number of pixels * @return A string with the desired length as long as the len is >= 4. Else it returns an empty string. */ public static String getDash(ChatColor color, int len) { if (len < 4) return ""; switch (len) { case 4: return "" + color + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + " "; case 5: return "" + color + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + ChatColor.BOLD + " "; case 6: return "" + color + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "-"; case 7: return "" + color + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + ChatColor.BOLD + "-"; default: if (len % 4 == 0) { return "" + color + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + repeat(" ", len / 4); } else { return "" + color + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + repeat(" ", (len / 4) - 1) + getDash(color, len % 4 + 4); } } } /** * Breaks a raw string up into a series of lines. Words are wrapped using * spaces as decimeters and the newline character is respected. * * @param rawString The raw string to break. * @param lineLength The length of a line of text. * @return An array of word-wrapped lines. */ public static List<String> wordWrap(String rawString, int lineLength) { // A null string is a single line if (rawString == null) { return Lists.newArrayList(""); } // A string shorter than the lineWidth is a single line if (getStringWidth(rawString) <= lineLength && !rawString.contains("\n")) { return Lists.newArrayList(rawString); } char[] rawChars = (rawString + ' ').toCharArray(); // add a trailing space to trigger pagination StringBuilder word = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); List<String> lines = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < rawChars.length; i++) { char c = rawChars[i]; if (c == ' ' || c == '\n') { if (getStringWidth(line.toString() + (line.length() > 0 ? " " : "") + word.toString()) > lineLength) { for (String partialWord : wordSplit(word.toString(), lineLength)) { if (line.length() > 0) lines.add(line.toString()); line = new StringBuilder(partialWord); } } else { if (line.length() > 0) { line.append(' '); } line.append(word); } word = new StringBuilder(); if (c == '\n') { // Newline forces the line to flush lines.add(line.toString()); line = new StringBuilder(); } } else { word.append(c); } } if(line.length() > 0) { // Only add the last line if there is anything to add lines.add(line.toString()); } // Iterate over the wrapped lines, applying the last color from one line to the beginning of the next for (int i = 1; i < lines.size(); i++) { lines.set(i, ChatColor.getLastColors(lines.get(i-1)) + lines.get(i)); } return lines; } public static List<String> wordSplit(String word, int lineLength) { if (getStringWidth(word) <= lineLength) return Lists.newArrayList(word); List<String> lines = new LinkedList<>(); StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); char[] rawChars = word.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < rawChars.length; i++) { char c = rawChars[i]; if (getStringWidth(line.toString() + c) > lineLength) { lines.add(line.toString()); line = new StringBuilder(); } line.append(c); } return lines; } }