package in.twizmwaz.cardinal.command;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandContext;
import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException;
import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.event.PlayerVisibilityChangeEvent;
import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.settings.Settings;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class SettingCommands {
@Command(aliases = {"settings"}, desc = "List all settings.", usage = "[page]")
public static void settings(final CommandContext cmd, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
if (cmd.argsLength() == 0) {
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(sender, "settings 1");
} else {
int page = cmd.getInteger(0);
if (page > (Settings.getSettings().size() + 7) / 8) throw new CommandException("Invalid page number specified! " + ((Settings.getSettings().size() + 7) / 8) + " total pages.");
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "--------------" + ChatColor.YELLOW + " Settings (Page " + page + " of " + ((Settings.getSettings().size() + 7) / 8) + ") " + ChatColor.RED + "" + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + "--------------");
for (int i = (page - 1) * 8; i < page * 8; i ++) {
if (i < Settings.getSettings().size()) sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + Settings.getSettings().get(i).getNames().get(0) + ": " + ChatColor.WHITE + Settings.getSettings().get(i).getDescription());
@Command(aliases = {"set"}, desc = "Set a setting to a specific value.", usage = "<setting> <value>", min = 2)
public static void set(final CommandContext cmd, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
if (Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)) != null) {
if (Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getSettingValueByName(cmd.getString(1)) != null) {
Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).setValueByPlayer((Player) sender, Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getSettingValueByName(cmd.getString(1)));
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getNames().get(0) + ": " + ChatColor.WHITE + Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getSettingValueByName(cmd.getString(1)).getValue());
if (Settings.getSettingByName("Observers") != null && Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).equals(Settings.getSettingByName("Observers"))) {
Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(new PlayerVisibilityChangeEvent((Player) sender));
} else throw new CommandException("No value by this name!");
} else throw new CommandException("No setting by this name!");
} else throw new CommandException("Console cannot use this command.");
@Command(aliases = {"toggle"}, desc = "Toggle a setting.", usage = "<setting>", min = 1)
public static void toggle(final CommandContext cmd, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
if (Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)) != null) {
int index = Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getValues().indexOf(Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getValueByPlayer((Player) sender));
if (index >= Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getValues().size())
index = 0;
Bukkit.dispatchCommand(sender, "set " + cmd.getString(0) + " " + Settings.getSettingByName(cmd.getString(0)).getValues().get(index).getValue());
} else throw new CommandException("No setting by this name!");
} else throw new CommandException("Console cannot use this command.");