/** * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 EaseMob Technologies. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.connectconnect.cc.view; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import android.content.Context; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.Spannable.Factory; import android.text.style.ImageSpan; import com.connectconnect.cc.R; public class SmileUtils { public static final String ee_1 = "[):]"; public static final String ee_2 = "[:D]"; public static final String ee_3 = "[;)]"; public static final String ee_4 = "[:-o]"; public static final String ee_5 = "[:p]"; public static final String ee_6 = "[(H)]"; public static final String ee_7 = "[:@]"; public static final String ee_8 = "[:s]"; public static final String ee_9 = "[:$]"; public static final String ee_10 = "[:(]"; public static final String ee_11 = "[:'(]"; public static final String ee_12 = "[:|]"; public static final String ee_13 = "[(a)]"; public static final String ee_14 = "[8o|]"; public static final String ee_15 = "[8-|]"; public static final String ee_16 = "[+o(]"; public static final String ee_17 = "[<o)]"; public static final String ee_18 = "[|-)]"; public static final String ee_19 = "[*-)]"; public static final String ee_20 = "[:-#]"; public static final String ee_21 = "[:-*]"; public static final String ee_22 = "[^o)]"; public static final String ee_23 = "[8-)]"; public static final String ee_24 = "[(|)]"; public static final String ee_25 = "[(u)]"; public static final String ee_26 = "[(S)]"; public static final String ee_27 = "[(*)]"; public static final String ee_28 = "[(#)]"; public static final String ee_29 = "[(R)]"; public static final String ee_30 = "[({)]"; public static final String ee_31 = "[(})]"; public static final String ee_32 = "[(k)]"; public static final String ee_33 = "[(F)]"; public static final String ee_34 = "[(W)]"; public static final String ee_35 = "[(D)]"; private static final Factory spannableFactory = Spannable.Factory .getInstance(); private static final Map<Pattern, Integer> emoticons = new HashMap<Pattern, Integer>(); static { addPattern(emoticons, ee_1, R.drawable.ee_1); addPattern(emoticons, ee_2, R.drawable.ee_2); addPattern(emoticons, ee_3, R.drawable.ee_3); addPattern(emoticons, ee_4, R.drawable.ee_4); addPattern(emoticons, ee_5, R.drawable.ee_5); addPattern(emoticons, ee_6, R.drawable.ee_6); addPattern(emoticons, ee_7, R.drawable.ee_7); addPattern(emoticons, ee_8, R.drawable.ee_8); addPattern(emoticons, ee_9, R.drawable.ee_9); addPattern(emoticons, ee_10, R.drawable.ee_10); addPattern(emoticons, ee_11, R.drawable.ee_11); addPattern(emoticons, ee_12, R.drawable.ee_12); addPattern(emoticons, ee_13, R.drawable.ee_13); addPattern(emoticons, ee_14, R.drawable.ee_14); addPattern(emoticons, ee_15, R.drawable.ee_15); addPattern(emoticons, ee_16, R.drawable.ee_16); addPattern(emoticons, ee_17, R.drawable.ee_17); addPattern(emoticons, ee_18, R.drawable.ee_18); addPattern(emoticons, ee_19, R.drawable.ee_19); addPattern(emoticons, ee_20, R.drawable.ee_20); addPattern(emoticons, ee_21, R.drawable.ee_21); addPattern(emoticons, ee_22, R.drawable.ee_22); addPattern(emoticons, ee_23, R.drawable.ee_23); addPattern(emoticons, ee_24, R.drawable.ee_24); addPattern(emoticons, ee_25, R.drawable.ee_25); addPattern(emoticons, ee_26, R.drawable.ee_26); addPattern(emoticons, ee_27, R.drawable.ee_27); addPattern(emoticons, ee_28, R.drawable.ee_28); addPattern(emoticons, ee_29, R.drawable.ee_29); addPattern(emoticons, ee_30, R.drawable.ee_30); addPattern(emoticons, ee_31, R.drawable.ee_31); addPattern(emoticons, ee_32, R.drawable.ee_32); addPattern(emoticons, ee_33, R.drawable.ee_33); addPattern(emoticons, ee_34, R.drawable.ee_34); addPattern(emoticons, ee_35, R.drawable.ee_35); } private static void addPattern(Map<Pattern, Integer> map, String smile, int resource) { map.put(Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(smile)), resource); } /** * replace existing spannable with smiles * @param context * @param spannable * @return */ public static boolean addSmiles(Context context, Spannable spannable) { boolean hasChanges = false; for (Entry<Pattern, Integer> entry : emoticons.entrySet()) { Matcher matcher = entry.getKey().matcher(spannable); while (matcher.find()) { boolean set = true; for (ImageSpan span : spannable.getSpans(matcher.start(), matcher.end(), ImageSpan.class)) if (spannable.getSpanStart(span) >= matcher.start() && spannable.getSpanEnd(span) <= matcher.end()) spannable.removeSpan(span); else { set = false; break; } if (set) { hasChanges = true; spannable.setSpan(new ImageSpan(context, entry.getValue()), matcher.start(), matcher.end(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } } } return hasChanges; } public static Spannable getSmiledText(Context context, CharSequence text) { Spannable spannable = spannableFactory.newSpannable(text); addSmiles(context, spannable); return spannable; } public static boolean containsKey(String key){ boolean b = false; for (Entry<Pattern, Integer> entry : emoticons.entrySet()) { Matcher matcher = entry.getKey().matcher(key); if (matcher.find()) { b = true; break; } } return b; } }