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* The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license *
* a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file. *
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package com.espertech.esper.regression.dataflow;
import com.espertech.esper.client.EPServiceProvider;
import com.espertech.esper.client.EPServiceProviderManager;
import com.espertech.esper.client.dataflow.EPDataFlowInstance;
import com.espertech.esper.client.scopetest.EPAssertionUtil;
import com.espertech.esper.client.soda.EPStatementFormatter;
import com.espertech.esper.client.soda.EPStatementObjectModel;
import com.espertech.esper.support.client.SupportConfigFactory;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class TestDocSamples extends TestCase {
private EPServiceProvider epService;
public void setUp() {
epService = EPServiceProviderManager.getDefaultProvider(SupportConfigFactory.getConfiguration());
public void testDocSamples() throws Exception {
String epl = "create dataflow HelloWorldDataFlow\n" +
"BeaconSource -> helloworldStream { text: 'hello world', iterations : 1 }\n" +
"LogSink(helloworldStream) {}";
EPDataFlowInstance instance = epService.getEPRuntime().getDataFlowRuntime().instantiate("HelloWorldDataFlow");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow\n" +
"MyOperatorSimple {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow2\n" +
"create schema MyEvent as (id string, price double),\n" +
"MyOperator(myInStream) -> myOutStream<MyEvent> {\n" +
"myParameter : 10\n" +
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow3\n" +
"MyOperator(myInStream as mis) {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow4\n" +
"MyOperator(streamOne as one, streamTwo as two) {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow5\n" +
"MyOperator( (streamA, streamB) as streamsAB) {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow6\n" +
"MyOperator(abc) -> my.out.stream {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow7\n" +
"MyOperator -> my.out.one, my.out.two {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow8\n" +
"create objectarray schema RFIDSchema (tagId string, locX double, locy double),\n" +
"MyOperator -> rfid.stream<RFIDSchema> {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow9\n" +
"create objectarray schema RFIDSchema (tagId string, locX double, locy double),\n" +
"MyOperator -> rfid.stream<eventbean<RFIDSchema>> {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow10\n" +
"MyOperator -> my.stream<eventbean<?>> {}");
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow11\n" +
"MyOperator {\n" +
"stringParam : 'sample',\n" +
"secondString : \"double-quotes are fine\",\n" +
"intParam : 10\n" +
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow12\n" +
"MyOperator {\n" +
"intParam : 24*60^60,\n" +
"threshold : var_threshold, // a variable defined in the engine\n" +
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow13\n" +
"MyOperator {\n" +
"someSystemProperty : systemProperties('mySystemProperty')\n" +
tryEpl("create dataflow MyDataFlow14\n" +
"MyOperator {\n" +
" myStringArray: ['a', \"b\",],\n" +
" myMapOrObject: {\n" +
" a : 10,\n" +
" b : 'xyz',\n" +
" },\n" +
" myInstance: {\n" +
" class: 'com.myorg.myapp.MyImplementation',\n" +
" myValue : 'sample'\n" +
" }\n" +
public void testSODA() {
String soda = "@Name('create dataflow full')\n" +
"create dataflow DFFull\n" +
"create map schema ABC1 as (col1 int, col2 int),\n" +
"create map schema ABC2 as (col1 int, col2 int),\n" +
"MyOperatorOne(instream.one) -> outstream.one {}\n" +
"MyOperatorTwo(instream.two as IN1, input.three as IN2) -> outstream.one<Test>, outstream.two<EventBean<TestTwo>> {}\n" +
"MyOperatorThree((instream.two, input.three) as IN1) {}\n" +
"MyOperatorFour -> teststream {}\n" +
"MyOperatorFive {\n" +
"const_str: \"abc\",\n" +
"somevalue: def * 2,\n" +
"select: (select * from ABC where 1 = 2),\n" +
"jsonarr: [\"a\", \"b\"],\n" +
"jsonobj: {a: \"a\", b: \"b\"}\n" +
EPStatementObjectModel model = epService.getEPAdministrator().compileEPL(soda);
EPAssertionUtil.assertEqualsIgnoreNewline(soda, model.toEPL(new EPStatementFormatter(true)));
private void tryEpl(String epl) {