package org.swiftp; import; import; public class CmdSIZE extends FtpCmd { protected String input; public CmdSIZE(SessionThread sessionThread, String input) { super(sessionThread, CmdSIZE.class.toString()); this.input = input; } public void run() { myLog.d("SIZE executing"); String errString = null; String param = getParameter(input); long size = 0; mainblock: { File currentDir = sessionThread.getWorkingDir(); if(param.contains(File.separator)) { errString = "550 No directory traversal allowed in SIZE param\r\n"; break mainblock; } File target = new File(currentDir, param); // We should have caught any invalid location access before now, but // here we check again, just to be explicitly sure. if(violatesChroot(target)) { errString = "550 SIZE target violates chroot\r\n"; break mainblock; } if(!target.exists()) { errString = "550 Cannot get the SIZE of nonexistent object\r\n"; try { myLog.i("Failed getting size of: " + target.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (IOException e) {} break mainblock; } if(!target.isFile()) { errString = "550 Cannot get the size of a non-file\r\n"; break mainblock; } size = target.length(); } if(errString != null) { sessionThread.writeString(errString); } else { sessionThread.writeString("213 " + size + "\r\n"); } myLog.d("SIZE complete"); } }