package me.ele.amigo.utils; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import; import; import me.ele.amigo.AmigoDirs; import me.ele.amigo.PatchApks; public class DexExtractor { private static final String TAG = "DexExtractor"; private Context context; private String checksum; private byte[] buffer; public DexExtractor(Context context, String checkSum) { this.context = context; this.checksum = checkSum; } private static boolean verifyZipFile(File file) { try { ZipFile ex = new ZipFile(file); try { ex.close(); return true; } catch (IOException var3) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to close zip file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (ZipException var4) { Log.w(TAG, "File " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a valid zip file.", var4); } catch (IOException var5) { Log.w(TAG, "Got an IOException trying to open zip file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), var5); } return false; } private static boolean equals(InputStream newDex, InputStream oldDex) { try { byte[] hash1 = DigestUtils.md5(newDex); byte[] hash2 = DigestUtils.md5(oldDex); return Arrays.equals(hash1, hash2); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } public static void closeSilently(InputStream in) { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void closeSilently(ZipFile zipFile) { if (zipFile != null) { try { zipFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public boolean extractDexFiles() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 21) { return true; // art supports multi-dex natively } return performExtractions(PatchApks.getInstance(context).patchFile(checksum), AmigoDirs.getInstance(context).dexDir(checksum)); } private boolean performExtractions(File patchApk, File dexDir) { ZipFile apk = null; try { apk = new ZipFile(patchApk); int dexNum = 0; ZipEntry dexFile = apk.getEntry("classes.dex"); for (; dexFile != null; dexFile = apk.getEntry("classes" + dexNum + ".dex")) { String fileName = dexFile.getName().replace("dex", "zip"); File extractedFile = new File(dexDir, fileName); extract(apk, dexFile, extractedFile); verifyZipFile(extractedFile); if (dexNum == 0) ++dexNum; ++dexNum; } return dexNum > 0; } catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); return false; } finally { try { apk.close(); } catch (IOException var16) { Log.w("DexExtractor", "Failed to close resource", var16); } } } private String findMatchedSecondaryDex(final String dexName) { File secondaryDexDir = new File(context.getApplicationInfo().dataDir, "code_cache/secondary-dexes"); File[] secondaryDexes = secondaryDexDir.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.getName().endsWith(dexName); } }); return secondaryDexes != null && secondaryDexes.length == 1 ? secondaryDexes[0].getAbsolutePath() : null; } private void extract(ZipFile patchApk, ZipEntry dexFile, File extractTo) throws IOException { boolean reused = reusePreExistedODex(patchApk, dexFile); Log.d(TAG, "extracted: " + dexFile.getName() + " success ? " + reused + ", by reusing pre-existed secondary dex"); if (reused) { return; } InputStream in = null; File tmp = null; ZipOutputStream out = null; try { in = patchApk.getInputStream(dexFile); tmp = File.createTempFile(extractTo.getName(), ".tmp", extractTo.getParentFile()); try { out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmp))); ZipEntry classesDex = new ZipEntry("classes.dex"); classesDex.setTime(dexFile.getTime()); out.putNextEntry(classesDex); if (buffer == null) { buffer = new byte[16384]; } for (int length =; length != -1; length = { out.write(buffer, 0, length); } } finally { if (out != null) { out.closeEntry(); out.close(); } } if (!tmp.renameTo(extractTo)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename \"" + tmp.getAbsolutePath() + "\" to \"" + extractTo.getAbsolutePath() + "\""); } } finally { closeSilently(in); if (tmp != null) tmp.delete(); } } private boolean reusePreExistedODex(ZipFile apk, ZipEntry dexFile) { String preExistedDexPath; File preExistedOdex; boolean isMainDex = dexFile.getName().equals("classes.dex"); if (isMainDex) { File baseApk = new File(context.getApplicationInfo().sourceDir); preExistedDexPath = baseApk.getAbsolutePath(); preExistedOdex = new File("/data/dalvik-cache/data@app@" + baseApk.getName() + "@classes.dex"); } else { preExistedDexPath = findMatchedSecondaryDex(dexFile.getName().replace("dex", "zip")); if (preExistedDexPath == null) { return false; } preExistedOdex = new File(preExistedDexPath.replace("zip", "dex")); } if (!preExistedOdex.exists() || !preExistedOdex.canRead()) { return false; } boolean canReuse; ZipFile baseApk = null; InputStream baseDexInputStream = null; try { InputStream patchDexInputStream = apk.getInputStream(dexFile); baseApk = new ZipFile(preExistedDexPath); baseDexInputStream = baseApk.getInputStream(new ZipEntry("classes.dex")); canReuse = equals(patchDexInputStream, baseDexInputStream); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); canReuse = false; } finally { closeSilently(baseDexInputStream); closeSilently(baseApk); closeSilently(baseDexInputStream); } if (!canReuse) { return false; } File extractTo = new File(AmigoDirs.getInstance(context).dexDir(checksum), dexFile.getName().replace("dex", "zip")); File extractToOdex = new File(AmigoDirs.getInstance(context).dexOptDir(checksum), dexFile.getName()); if (isMainDex) { try { // make a link directing to the base apk instead of the patch apk here, // because dalvik uses the modification time of the dex entry to // verify the odex file SymbolicLinkUtil.createLink(new File(context.getApplicationInfo().sourceDir), extractTo); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "reusePreExistedODex: create first dex symlink failed", e); return false; } } else { // make a existed secondary dex copy in case of system update, we don't want // the dex file to be deleted like the odex file under that if (!FileUtils.copyFile(new File(preExistedDexPath), extractTo)) { return false; } } try { // try to create a symlink to save space SymbolicLinkUtil.createLink(preExistedOdex, extractToOdex); return true; } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "reusePreExistedODex: create odex symlink failed", e); } // fall back to make a copy of the odex file return FileUtils.copyFile(preExistedOdex, extractToOdex); } }