/* * $Header: /cvshome/repository/org/osgi/framework/ServicePermission.java,v 1.8 2002/09/23 15:41:22 hargrave Exp $ * * Copyright (c) The Open Services Gateway Initiative (2000, 2002). * All Rights Reserved. * * Implementation of certain elements of the Open Services Gateway Initiative * (OSGI) Specification may be subject to third party intellectual property * rights, including without limitation, patent rights (such a third party may * or may not be a member of OSGi). OSGi is not responsible and shall not be * held responsible in any manner for identifying or failing to identify any or * all such third party intellectual property rights. * * This document and the information contained herein are provided on an "AS * IS" basis and OSGI DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL * NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL OSGI BE LIABLE FOR ANY * LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF USE OF DATA, INTERRUPTION OF * BUSINESS, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTIAL, * PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS * DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE. * * All Company, brand and product names may be trademarks that are the sole * property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. */ package org.osgi.framework; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.BasicPermission; import java.security.Permission; import java.security.PermissionCollection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; /** * Indicates a bundle's authority to register or get a service. * <ul> * <li>The <tt>ServicePermission.REGISTER</tt> action allows a bundle * to register a service on the specified names. * <li>The <tt>ServicePermission.GET</tt> action allows a bundle to detect a service and * get it. * </ul> * Permission to get a service is required in order to detect events regarding the service. * Untrusted bundles should not be able to detect the presence of certain services unless they have * the appropriate <tt>ServicePermission</tt> to get the specific service. * * @author Open Services Gateway Initiative * @version $Revision: 1.8 $ */ final public class ServicePermission extends BasicPermission { /** * The action string <tt>get</tt> (Value is "get"). */ public final static String GET = "get"; /** * The action string <tt>register</tt> (Value is "register"). */ public final static String REGISTER = "register"; private final static int ACTION_GET = 0x00000001; private final static int ACTION_REGISTER = 0x00000002; private final static int ACTION_ALL = ACTION_GET | ACTION_REGISTER; private final static int ACTION_NONE = 0; private final static int ACTION_ERROR = 0x80000000; /** * The actions mask. */ private transient int action_mask = ACTION_NONE; /** * The actions in canonical form. * * @serial */ private String actions = null; /** * Create a new ServicePermission. * <p> * <p>The name of the service is specified as a fully qualified class name. * <pre> * ClassName ::= <class name> | <class name ending in ".*"> * </pre> * Examples: * <pre> * org.osgi.service.http.HttpService * org.osgi.service.http.* * org.osgi.service.snmp.* * </pre> * <p> * <p>There are two possible actions: <tt>get</tt> and <tt>register</tt>. * The <tt>get</tt> permission allows the owner of this permission * to obtain a service with this name. The <tt>register</tt> permission * allows the bundle to register a service under that name. * * @param name class name * @param actions <tt>get</tt>, <tt>register</tt> (canonical order) */ public ServicePermission(String name, String actions) { this(name, getMask(actions)); } /** * Package private constructor used by ServicePermissionCollection. * * @param name class name * @param action mask */ ServicePermission(String name, int mask) { super(name); init(mask); } /** * Called by constructors and when deserialized. * * @param action mask */ private void init(int mask) { if ((mask == ACTION_NONE) || ((mask & ACTION_ALL) != mask)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid action string"); } action_mask = mask; } /** * Parse action string into action mask. * * @param actions Action string. * @return action mask. */ private static int getMask(String actions) { boolean seencomma = false; int mask = ACTION_NONE; if (actions == null) { return mask; } char[] a = actions.toCharArray(); int i = a.length - 1; if (i < 0) return mask; while (i != -1) { char c; // skip whitespace while ((i != -1) && ((c = a[i]) == ' ' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\f' || c == '\t')) i--; // check for the known strings int matchlen; if (i >= 2 && (a[i - 2] == 'g' || a[i - 2] == 'G') && (a[i - 1] == 'e' || a[i - 1] == 'E') && (a[i] == 't' || a[i] == 'T')) { matchlen = 3; mask |= ACTION_GET; } else if (i >= 7 && (a[i - 7] == 'r' || a[i - 7] == 'R') && (a[i - 6] == 'e' || a[i - 6] == 'E') && (a[i - 5] == 'g' || a[i - 5] == 'G') && (a[i - 4] == 'i' || a[i - 4] == 'I') && (a[i - 3] == 's' || a[i - 3] == 'S') && (a[i - 2] == 't' || a[i - 2] == 'T') && (a[i - 1] == 'e' || a[i - 1] == 'E') && (a[i] == 'r' || a[i] == 'R')) { matchlen = 8; mask |= ACTION_REGISTER; } else { // parse error throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid permission: " + actions); } // make sure we didn't just match the tail of a word // like "ackbarfregister". Also, skip to the comma. seencomma = false; while (i >= matchlen && !seencomma) { switch (a[i - matchlen]) { case ',': seencomma = true; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\f': case '\t': break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid permission: " + actions); } i--; } // point i at the location of the comma minus one (or -1). i -= matchlen; } if (seencomma) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid permission: " + actions); } return mask; } /** * Determines if a <tt>ServicePermission</tt> object "implies" the * specified permission. * * @param p The target permission to check. * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified permission is implied by * this object; <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */ @Override public boolean implies(Permission p) { if (p instanceof ServicePermission) { ServicePermission target = (ServicePermission) p; return (((action_mask & target.action_mask) == target.action_mask) && super.implies(p)); } return (false); } /** * Returns the canonical string representation of the actions. * Always returns present actions in the following order: * <tt>get</tt>, <tt>register</tt>. * * @return The canonical string representation of the actions. */ @Override public String getActions() { if (actions == null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); boolean comma = false; if ((action_mask & ACTION_GET) == ACTION_GET) { sb.append(GET); comma = true; } if ((action_mask & ACTION_REGISTER) == ACTION_REGISTER) { if (comma) sb.append(','); sb.append(REGISTER); } actions = sb.toString(); } return (actions); } /** * Returns a new <tt>PermissionCollection</tt> object for storing * <tt>ServicePermission</tt> objects. * * @return A new <tt>PermissionCollection</tt> object suitable for storing * <tt>ServicePermission</tt> objects. */ @Override public PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection() { return (new ServicePermissionCollection()); } /** * Determines the equalty of two ServicePermission objects. * <p> * Checks that specified object has the same class name * and action as this <tt>ServicePermission</tt>. * * @param obj The object to test for equality. * @return true if obj is a <tt>ServicePermission</tt>, and has the * same class name and actions as this <tt>ServicePermission</tt> object; <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return (true); } if (!(obj instanceof ServicePermission)) { return (false); } ServicePermission p = (ServicePermission) obj; return ((action_mask == p.action_mask) && getName().equals(p.getName())); } /** * Returns the hash code value for this object. * * @return Hash code value for this object. */ @Override public int hashCode() { return (getName().hashCode() ^ getActions().hashCode()); } /** * Returns the current action mask. * Used by the ServicePermissionCollection object. * * @return The actions mask. */ int getMask() { return (action_mask); } /** * WriteObject is called to save the state of the ServicePermission * to a stream. The actions are serialized, and the superclass * takes care of the name. */ private synchronized void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { // Write out the actions. The superclass takes care of the name // call getActions to make sure actions field is initialized if (actions == null) getActions(); s.defaultWriteObject(); } /** * readObject is called to restore the state of the ServicePermission from * a stream. */ private synchronized void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { // Read in the action, then initialize the rest s.defaultReadObject(); init(getMask(actions)); } } /** * Stores a set of ServicePermission permissions. * * @see java.security.Permission * @see java.security.Permissions * @see java.security.PermissionCollection */ final class ServicePermissionCollection extends PermissionCollection { /** * Table of permissions. * * @serial */ private Hashtable permissions; /** * Boolean saying if "*" is in the collection. * * @serial */ private boolean all_allowed; /** * Creates an empty ServicePermissions object. */ public ServicePermissionCollection() { permissions = new Hashtable(); all_allowed = false; } /** * Adds a permission to the <tt>ServicePermission</tt> objects using the key for the hash as * the name. * * @param permission The Permission object to add. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the permission is not a ServicePermission object. * @throws SecurityException If this <tt>ServicePermissionCollection</tt> object has been marked read-only. */ @Override public void add(Permission permission) { if (!(permission instanceof ServicePermission)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid permission: " + permission); if (isReadOnly()) throw new SecurityException("attempt to add a Permission to a " + "readonly PermissionCollection"); ServicePermission sp = (ServicePermission) permission; String name = sp.getName(); ServicePermission existing = (ServicePermission) permissions.get(name); if (existing != null) { int oldMask = existing.getMask(); int newMask = sp.getMask(); if (oldMask != newMask) { permissions.put(name, new ServicePermission(name, oldMask | newMask)); } } else { permissions.put(name, permission); } if (!all_allowed) { if (name.equals("*")) all_allowed = true; } } /** * Determines if a set of permissions implies the permissions * expressed in <tt>permission</tt>. * * @param p The Permission object to compare. * @return <tt>true</tt> if <tt>permission</tt> is a proper subset of a permission in * the set; <tt>false</tt> otherwise. */ @Override public boolean implies(Permission permission) { if (!(permission instanceof ServicePermission)) return (false); ServicePermission sp = (ServicePermission) permission; ServicePermission x; int desired = sp.getMask(); int effective = 0; // short circuit if the "*" Permission was added if (all_allowed) { x = (ServicePermission) permissions.get("*"); if (x != null) { effective |= x.getMask(); if ((effective & desired) == desired) return (true); } } // strategy: // Check for full match first. Then work our way up the // name looking for matches on a.b.* String name = sp.getName(); x = (ServicePermission) permissions.get(name); if (x != null) { // we have a direct hit! effective |= x.getMask(); if ((effective & desired) == desired) return (true); } // work our way up the tree... int last, offset; offset = name.length() - 1; while ((last = name.lastIndexOf(".", offset)) != -1) { name = name.substring(0, last + 1) + "*"; x = (ServicePermission) permissions.get(name); if (x != null) { effective |= x.getMask(); if ((effective & desired) == desired) return (true); } offset = last - 1; } // we don't have to check for "*" as it was already checked // at the top (all_allowed), so we just return false return (false); } /** * Returns an enumeration of all the <tt>ServicePermission</tt> objects in the * container. * * @return Enumeration of all the ServicePermission objects. */ @Override public Enumeration elements() { return (permissions.elements()); } }