package; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; /** * Tests for ExpertValidationRulesChecker. * Copyright (c) 2014 University of Oxford */ public class ExpertValidationRulesCheckerTest { @Test public void checkEmailRejectsNullEmails() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkEmail(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Email address must be provided."); } @Test public void checkEmailRejectsEmptyEmails() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkEmail("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Email address must be provided."); } @Test public void checkEmailRejectsTooLongEmails() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); char[] chars = new char[158]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); // Act target.checkEmail(new String(chars) + "@" + new String(chars) + ".com", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Email address must be fewer than 320 letters in length."); } @Test public void checkEmailRejectsInvalidEmails() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkEmail("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Email address not valid."); } @Test public void validateBasicFieldsRejectsPreexistingEmails() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertService expertService = mock(ExpertService.class); when(expertService.getExpertByEmail("")).thenReturn(mock(Expert.class)); ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(expertService, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkEmail("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Email address already has an associated account."); } @Test public void checkEmailAcceptsValidEmails() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkEmail("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).isEmpty(); } @Test public void checkPasswordRejectsNullPassword() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkPassword(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Password must be provided."); } @Test public void checkPasswordRejectsEmptyPassword() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkPassword("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Password must be provided."); } @Test public void checkCurrentPasswordRejectsIncorrectPasswords() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertService expertService = mock(ExpertService.class); when(expertService.getExpertById(321)).thenReturn(mock(Expert.class)); when(expertService.getExpertById(321).getPassword()).thenReturn("passwordHash"); PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder = mock(PasswordEncoder.class); when(passwordEncoder.matches("password", "passwordHash")).thenReturn(false); ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(expertService, passwordEncoder); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkCurrentPassword("password", 321, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Current password incorrect."); } @Test public void checkPasswordConfirmationRejectsUnmatchedPair() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkPasswordConfirmation("password", "confirmation", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Password confirmation pair must match."); } @Test public void checkPasswordRejectsInvalidPasswords() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkPassword("abc", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Password not sufficiently complex."); } @Test public void checkPasswordAcceptsValidPasswords() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkPassword("qwe123Q", result); // Assert assertThat(result).isEmpty(); } @Test public void checkNameRejectsNullName() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkName(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Name must be provided."); } @Test public void checkNameRejectsEmptyName() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkName("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Name must be provided."); } @Test public void checkNameRejectsTooLongName() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); char[] chars = new char[1001]; Arrays.fill(chars, 'a'); // Act target.checkName(new String(chars), result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Name must be fewer than 1000 letters in length."); } @Test public void checkJobTitleRejectsNullJobTitle() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkJobTitle(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Job title must be provided."); } @Test public void checkJobTitleRejectsEmptyJobTitle() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkJobTitle("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Job title must be provided."); } @Test public void checkJobTitleRejectsTooLongJobTitle() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkJobTitle( "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do.", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Job title must be fewer than 100 letters in length."); } @Test public void checkInstitutionRejectsNullInstitution() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkInstitution(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Institution must be provided."); } @Test public void checkInstitutionsRejectsEmptyInstitution() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkInstitution("", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Institution must be provided."); } @Test public void checkInstitutionRejectsTooLongInstitution() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkInstitution( "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do.", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Institution must be fewer than 100 letters in length."); } @Test public void checkVisibilityRequestedRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkVisibilityRequested(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Visibility requested must be provided."); } @Test public void checkDiseaseInterestsRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkDiseaseInterests(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Disease interests must be provided."); } @Test public void checkIdRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkId(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Id (id) must be provided."); } @Test public void checkVisibilityApprovedRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkVisibilityApproved(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Is public visibility approved (visibilityApproved) must be provided."); } @Test public void checkWeightingRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkWeighting(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Weighting (weighting) must be provided."); } @Test public void checkWeightingRejectsPositiveInf() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkWeighting(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Weighting (weighting) not valid."); } @Test public void checkWeightingRejectsNegativeInf() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkWeighting(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Weighting (weighting) not valid."); } @Test public void checkWeightingRejectsNaN() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkWeighting(Double.NaN, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Weighting (weighting) not valid."); } @Test public void checkIsAdministratorRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkIsAdministrator(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Is administrator (administrator) must be provided."); } @Test public void checkIsSeegMemberRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkIsSeegMember(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("Is SEEG member (seegmember) must be provided."); } @Test public void checkExpertExistsRejectsNull() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(mock(ExpertService.class), null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkExpertExists(null, result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("No matching user found."); } @Test public void checkExpertExistsRejectsMissingExpert() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertService expertService = mock(ExpertService.class); ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(expertService, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); when(expertService.getExpertByEmail("abc")).thenReturn(null); // Act target.checkExpertExists("abc", result); // Assert assertThat(result).contains("No matching user found."); } @Test public void checkExpertExistsAcceptsValidExpert() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertService expertService = mock(ExpertService.class); ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(expertService, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); when(expertService.getExpertByEmail("abc")).thenReturn(mock(Expert.class)); // Act target.checkExpertExists("abc", result); // Assert assertThat(result).isEmpty(); } @Test public void checkPasswordResetRequestRejectsNullID() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(null, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act target.checkPasswordResetRequest(null, "key", result); // Assert assertThat(result).containsOnly("This password reset link is not valid. It may have expired, or a new link may have been requested for the same email address."); } @Test public void checkPasswordResetRequestRejectsInvalidKey() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(null, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); // Act/Assert target.checkPasswordResetRequest(1, null, result); assertThat(result).containsOnly("This password reset link is not valid. It may have expired, or a new link may have been requested for the same email address."); result.clear(); target.checkPasswordResetRequest(1, "", result); assertThat(result).containsOnly("This password reset link is not valid. It may have expired, or a new link may have been requested for the same email address."); result.clear(); } @Test public void checkPasswordResetRequestRejectsWrongKey() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertService expertService = mock(ExpertService.class); ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(expertService, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); when(expertService.checkPasswordResetRequest(1, "key")).thenReturn(false); // Act target.checkPasswordResetRequest(1, "key", result); // Assert assertThat(result).containsOnly("This password reset link is not valid. It may have expired, or a new link may have been requested for the same email address."); } @Test public void checkPasswordResetRequestAcceptsValidPair() throws Exception { // Arrange ExpertService expertService = mock(ExpertService.class); ExpertValidationRulesChecker target = new ExpertValidationRulesChecker(expertService, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); when(expertService.checkPasswordResetRequest(1, "key")).thenReturn(true); // Act target.checkPasswordResetRequest(1, "key", result); // Assert assertThat(result).isEmpty(); } }