CXF Tutorial With Apache Maven

In this tutorial, we are implementing a jax-ws web service using Apache CXF with Maven and deployed in Tomcat.
Apache CXF is a free and open source project, and a fully featured Web service framework. It helps you building web services using different front-end API's, like as JAX-RS and JAX-WS.
Services will talk different protocols such as SOAP, RESTful HTTP, CORBA & XML/HTTP and work with different transports like JMS, HTTP or JBI.
How To Maintain Cookies Using CXF

How To Maintain Cookies Using CXF explains about Maintaining Cookies Using CXF
I am showing here, How to do maintain Cookies in CXF framework, this is applicable for both SOAP & RESTFul services
Message message = PhaseInterceptorChain.getCurrentMessage(); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)message.get(AbstractHTTPDestination.HTTP_REQUEST); Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
On this code, we are getting HttpServletRequest and from that we are getting cookies object in CXF
You can see the below example, on which we are storing a value into cookies from client side and retrieving the same, using CXF Framework
CXF REST Without Spring

CXF REST Without Spring explains step by step details of Creating / Developing CXF JAX-RS (Restful) services without any spring dependencies
JAX-RS is Java API for RESTful Webservices which is very rely upon Representational State Transfer model, you can view JAX-RS specification. JAX-RS uses annotations for simplifying the development efforts.
Most of the tutorial related to Apache CXF is developed using spring framework, this is because of easy integration with spring. But it is not a necessity.
You can see the below example, which is demonstrating How to create a Restful service using CXF without any spring dependencies
CXF java2wsdl Example

CXF JavaToWS Tutorial explains about generating WSDL And Other Artifacts From Web Service Endpoint's Implementation (SEI) Using CXF JavaToWS Tool
I am showing here, an example of generating WSDL,XSD schema using CXF JavaToWS Tool.
You can also generate server side and client side code using this tool, you can go to below reference
Reference ->
CXF Session Management

CXF session Management explains about Enabling Session Handling In Apache CXF
I am showing here, How to do session management in CXF framework, this is applicable for both SOAP & RESTFul services
Message message = PhaseInterceptorChain.getCurrentMessage(); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)message.get(AbstractHTTPDestination.HTTP_REQUEST); HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
CXF Schema Validation Example

CXF Schema Validation Example explains about How to validating wsdl/schema using CXF framework
How to enable schema validation on CXF SOAP requests and responses
How can I turn on schema validation for jaxws endpoint?
CXF is providing in built schema validation, so that we can define different rule on WSDL schema level and if the request/response is not satisfying according to the schema, an error is produced
It is very helpful because, we get error message very before than it need to validate on server side.
Configure Log4j with CXF

Configure Log4j with CXF explains step by step details of configuring Log4j and Apache CXF Webservice.
For every application logging has a vital role because it is a must for various debugging purpose, CXF framework have in-built feature for enabling logging of request and response payloads
log4j is commonly used logging framework in java, this tutorial is using log4j as the logging tool.
You can also see server side/client side logging Apache CXF Logging
Here I am showing How to use Log4j for logging CXF soap messages
CXF Interceptor Example

CXF Interceptor Example explains about intercepting request/response of a CXF message
How to add an interceptor to the CXF ?
How to modify CXF message using interceptor?
In CXF framework InterceptorChains are divided up into Phases. Each request/response are going through different phases, we can intercept request and response on these phases with minimum effort.
CXF also providing lot of in built interceptors too, you can see them on the below link as CXF contributed interceptors