CXF REST Upload Client

CXF REST Upload Client Example explains about step by step details of uploading a file / attachment using CXF Restful Service with Spring and Eclipse
JAX-RS is Java API for RESTful Webservices which is very rely upon Representational State Transfer model, you can view JAX-RS specification
JAX-RS uses annotations for simplifying the development efforts.
You can see the below example, which is demonstrating How to upload file / attachment using Apache CXF REST
CXF REST File Upload

CXF REST File Upload explains step by step details of Implementing a REST service for uploading attachment using Apache CXF, Spring and Eclipse
JAX-RS is Java API for RESTful Webservices which is very rely upon Representational State Transfer model, you can view JAX-RS specification
JAX-RS uses annotations for simplifying the development efforts.
Below you can see an example of How to upload an attachment using CXF JAX-RS(REST based) file upload