EclipseLink JPA With SQL Server

EclipseLink JPA With SQL Server explains step by step details of setting / configuring Java Persistence JPA With EclipseLink And SQL Server
How To Configure EclipseLink JPA With SQL Server?
Java Persistence API, is a standard interface which wraps different ORM tools such as Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA etc.
ie; you can able to change Hibernate implementation to EclipseLink implementation without changing the code base.
On this standalone JPA Example, we are using EclipseLink With SQL Server
If you want to configure EclipseLink JPA With Oracle, you can follow JPA Tutorial With EclipseLink
EclipseLink is popular open source ORM (Object Relation Mapping) tool for Java platform, for mapping an entity to a traditional relational like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server etc
Hibernate JPA With SQL Server

Hibernate JPA With SQL Server explains step by step details of setting / configuring Java Persistence JPA With Hibernate And SQL Server
How To Configure Hibernate JPA With SQL Server?
Java Persistence API, is a standard interface which wraps different ORM tools such as Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA etc.
ie; you can able to change Hibernate implementation to EclipseLink implementation without changing the code base.
On this standalone JPA Example, we are using Java Persistence With SQL Server
If you want to configure Hibernate JPA With Oracle, you can follow JPA Tutorial With Hibernate
Hibernate is popular open source ORM (Object Relation Mapping) tool for Java platform, for mapping an entity to a traditional relational like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server etc