EclipseLink JPA With H2 Database

EclipseLink JPA With H2 Database explains step by step details of setting / configuring Java Persistence JPA With EclipseLink And H2
How To Configure EclipseLink JPA With H2?
Java Persistence API, is a standard interface which wraps different ORM tools such as EclipseLink, Hibernate, OpenJPA etc.
ie; you can able to change Hibernate implementation to EclipseLink implementation without changing the code base.
On this standalone JPA Example, we are using Java Persistence With H2 Database
EclipseLink is popular open source ORM (Object Relation Mapping) tool for Java platform, for mapping an entity to a traditional relational like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, Derby, Sybase, H2 etc
Hibernate JPA With H2 Database

Hibernate JPA With H2 Database explains step by step details of setting / configuring Java Persistence JPA With Hibernate And H2
How To Configure Hibernate JPA With H2?
Java Persistence API, is a standard interface which wraps different ORM tools such as Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA etc.
ie; you can able to change Hibernate implementation to EclipseLink implementation without changing the code base.
On this standalone JPA Example, we are using Java Persistence With H2 Database
Hibernate is popular open source ORM (Object Relation Mapping) tool for Java platform, for mapping an entity to a traditional relational like Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, DB2, Derby, Sybase, H2 etc
I am going to reuse JPA Tutorial With Hibernate
Java Batch Update Example With SQL Statement & PreparedStatement

In this example, we are showing how to use Java Batch Update Example With SQL Statement & PreparedStatement
In batch update, update happens on the database as batches, which will increase the processing speed and performance. We can use batch updates for both JDBC Statement & PreparedStatement. You can see the JDBC examples for both Statement & PreparedStatement below.
In this tutorial, we are using H2 database and inserting some data using Java Batch Update
How To view Content Of H2 In-memory & File Database

In this tutorial, we are discussing about the usage of H2 Console Application. This console application is available with h2 package.
We can see / browse the contents in H2 Database in a browser, by using this handy tool
View the content of H2 Database
H2 Console application helps you to view the database contents using a browser, whether it is a In-Memory database or a File based database. It is also possible to view the contents of other database, if it is according to JDBC standards.
We need to start both client / server inorder to view the contents of database through browser.
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H2 Database Connection Pool Example

In this H2 Database Connection Pool Example explains about the implementation of connection pool using H2 Database
H2 is an open source software implementation of Java SQL database. The main features of H2 are.
- Very fast, open source, JDBC API
- Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases
- Browser based Console application
- Small footprint: around 1.5 MB jar file size
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H2 In-Memory Database Example

In this H2 In-Memory Database Example, we are going to store the database contents on In-Memory of the system. Here persistence happens on Memory of the system. In this example we are creating a java class that shows how to load the driver, create a database, create table and insert some values into table
H2 is an open source software implementation of Java SQL database. The main features of H2 are.
- Very fast, open source, JDBC API
- Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases
- Browser based Console application
- Small footprint: around 1.5 MB jar file size
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H2 File Database Example

In this H2 File Database Example, we are going to store the data in file system. Here persistence happens on file system. In this example we are creating a java class that shows how to load the driver, create a database, create table and insert some values into table
H2 is an open source software implementation of Java SQL database. The main features of H2 are.
- Very fast, open source, JDBC API
- Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases
- Browser based Console application
- Small footprint: around 1.5 MB jar file size
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H2 Database Example

In this H2 Database Example, we are going to create a simple class that shows how to load the driver, create a database, create table and insert some values into table
H2 is an open source software implementation of Java SQL database. As due to Embedded database it is not used for production deployment, but mostly used for development & testing
The main features of H2 are.
- Very fast, open source, JDBC API
- Embedded and server modes; in-memory databases
- Browser based Console application
- Small footprint: around 1.5 MB jar file size
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