Language of the Digital Age: 4 Good Reasons to Learn Java

In today’s world, business is run by programming language. As a result, those who have acquired skills in programming language are in a powerful position. Of the many languages available, Java has become one of the best known and most used, with online course providers selling out Java courses as soon as they advertise them.
So if you want to get ahead of the curve, even if you have not yet undertaken any programming, there’s no better time to start learning how to code in Java. Below you’ll find a few reasons to start now.
Easy to Learn
A lot of the time people avoid trying to learn programming language because it seems intimidating. Indeed, without any understanding of programming, code script can look complex and impenetrable. However, part of the durability of Java as a language of twenty years is that it is one of the simplest to learn.
As it has developed, Java has become a high-level computing language. This means the more obscure and complex aspects of the language are now managed by integrated automation systems. This means that a user can concentrate instead on the actual programming. In addition, the syntax is created to emulate aspects of English, rather than confusing sets of numbers, which for some seem far too much like high mathematics.
Java is the most popular language to learn in courses and online, meaning that should you hit any brick walls, you’ll have plenty of resources to draw from.
Community support
Sometimes those new to coding and programming find the prospect of striking out on their own intimidating. But in fact, the work of a coder is actually necessarily sociable. Of all resources available to those learning Java, one of the greatest are other programmers. There are about 10 million users of Java worldwide, and the number is constantly growing. Computer language evolves with more users, and language programmers are always keen to sharpen and streamline the tools they use.
As an open source language, there is a huge support network based on the Java community. This means there are numerous websites which offer advice and feedback. With 20 years of constant refinement and constant assessment, you’ll find any question you have about Java will likely already have an answer logged on Q&A sites.
The community of Java developers offer great resources of tools and libraries in Java learning. Many of these resources are completely free or low cost, meaning it’s also an inexpensive language to learn. There are also often meet-ups and forum posts to draw from.
Easy to Maintain
As a statically typed language, Java is easy to debug. The syntax gets progressively easier to understand. Granted, you will make mistakes occasionally, and the first few times you might need to use the many learning resources to get you through.
But as you begin to understand the errors thrown up and their corresponding definitions, you’ll learn to streamline the process and optimize your machines running speed instead of wasting time on automated error checking.
In the beginning, the language can be complex and you will need to spend a lot of time on the code in order to create a working app or program. But Java utilizes automated error checking, highlighting clearly defined errors which you can then easily address without having to decipher obscure programming language. With fewer unusual errors, you’ll find it easier to maintain your code as you develop it.
Career opportunities
As we’ve seen, Java is incredibly popular. Around 90% of Fortune 500 companies use Java, not to mention the big social media sites. In the lucrative field of app development, App platforms such as Android offer a multitude of job and development opportunities.
Even if you don’t find practical applications for Java at first, it’s important to recognize just how intrinsic it has become to other languages. In learning Java you are learning the fundamentals of programming language.
In addition, as the most popular programming language it continues to grow. Though other languages continue to develop, Java continues to evolve. Regular updates and refinements to the language mean that instead of winding down after two decades, it is actually accelerating. As the community grows, the cycle continues and Java remains irreplaceable.
David Houston is an experienced researcher on trends and work issues. He acts as a consultant in digital marketing for finance professionals and acts as Social Media Manager at Lucky Assignments, academic writing website.