Evaluate/Check List/Collection Is Empty In JSTL

Evaluate/Check List/Collection Is Empty In JSTL explains about How to evaluate whether a List or Collection is empty using JSTL empty operator.
Consider the example here, a JSP page which contains a HashMap with lot of key value pairs in it and we need check this list is empty or not
For evaluating a Collection is empty or not inside JSTL, we can use empty operator. By using this operator we can check Collection is empty or not
Required Libraries
Check List/Collection is empty In JSTL
<!-- Check List/Collection is empty In JSTL --> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core" prefix="c"%> <%@ page import="java.util.HashMap"%> <% HashMap<String, String> numMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); numMap.put("1", "one"); numMap.put("2", "two"); numMap.put("3", "three"); request.setAttribute("numMap", numMap); %> <html> <body> <c:if test="${empty numMap}"> Case1 Size is ${numMap.size()} </c:if> <!-- collection is not empty below if condition will be executed --> <c:if test="${not empty numMap}"> Case2 Size is ${numMap.size()} </c:if> </body> </html>