Java Examples for org.hibernate.Internal
The following java examples will help you to understand the usage of org.hibernate.Internal. These source code samples are taken from different open source projects.
Example 1
Project: hibernate-orm-master File: View source code |
/** * Generate a non-identifier (and non-version) attribute based on the given mapped property from the given entity * * @param property The mapped property. * @param lazyAvailable Is property lazy loading currently available. * * @return The appropriate NonIdentifierProperty definition. */ public static NonIdentifierAttribute buildEntityBasedAttribute(EntityPersister persister, SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, int attributeNumber, Property property, boolean lazyAvailable) { final Type type = property.getValue().getType(); final NonIdentifierAttributeNature nature = decode(type); // we need to dirty check collections, since they can cause an owner // version number increment // we need to dirty check many-to-ones with not-found="ignore" in order // to update the cache (not the database), since in this case a null // entity reference can lose information boolean alwaysDirtyCheck = type.isAssociationType() && ((AssociationType) type).isAlwaysDirtyChecked(); switch(nature) { case BASIC: { return new EntityBasedBasicAttribute(persister, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, property.getName(), type, new BaselineAttributeInformation.Builder().setLazy(lazyAvailable && property.isLazy()).setInsertable(property.isInsertable()).setUpdateable(property.isUpdateable()).setValueGenerationStrategy(property.getValueGenerationStrategy()).setNullable(property.isOptional()).setDirtyCheckable(alwaysDirtyCheck || property.isUpdateable()).setVersionable(property.isOptimisticLocked()).setCascadeStyle(property.getCascadeStyle()).setFetchMode(property.getValue().getFetchMode()).createInformation()); } case COMPOSITE: { return new EntityBasedCompositionAttribute(persister, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, property.getName(), (CompositeType) type, new BaselineAttributeInformation.Builder().setLazy(lazyAvailable && property.isLazy()).setInsertable(property.isInsertable()).setUpdateable(property.isUpdateable()).setValueGenerationStrategy(property.getValueGenerationStrategy()).setNullable(property.isOptional()).setDirtyCheckable(alwaysDirtyCheck || property.isUpdateable()).setVersionable(property.isOptimisticLocked()).setCascadeStyle(property.getCascadeStyle()).setFetchMode(property.getValue().getFetchMode()).createInformation()); } case ENTITY: case ANY: case COLLECTION: { return new EntityBasedAssociationAttribute(persister, sessionFactory, attributeNumber, property.getName(), (AssociationType) type, new BaselineAttributeInformation.Builder().setLazy(lazyAvailable && property.isLazy()).setInsertable(property.isInsertable()).setUpdateable(property.isUpdateable()).setValueGenerationStrategy(property.getValueGenerationStrategy()).setNullable(property.isOptional()).setDirtyCheckable(alwaysDirtyCheck || property.isUpdateable()).setVersionable(property.isOptimisticLocked()).setCascadeStyle(property.getCascadeStyle()).setFetchMode(property.getValue().getFetchMode()).createInformation()); } default: { throw new HibernateException("Internal error"); } } }
Example 2
Project: clinic-softacad-master File: View source code |
private EntityBinding createBasicEntityBinding(EntitySource entitySource, EntityBinding superEntityBinding) { if (superEntityBinding == null) { return makeRootEntityBinding((RootEntitySource) entitySource); } else { switch(currentInheritanceType) { case SINGLE_TABLE: return makeDiscriminatedSubclassBinding((SubclassEntitySource) entitySource, superEntityBinding); case JOINED: return makeJoinedSubclassBinding((SubclassEntitySource) entitySource, superEntityBinding); case TABLE_PER_CLASS: return makeUnionedSubclassBinding((SubclassEntitySource) entitySource, superEntityBinding); default: // extreme internal error! throw new AssertionFailure("Internal condition failure"); } } }
Example 3
Project: checkstyle-master File: View source code |
// openjdk8/src/share/classes/sun/text/bidi/ private void foo16() { final int a = 1; byte level; if (true) { switch(a) { case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: if (true) { } if ((true) || (true)) { level = 1; if (true) { } if (true) { } break; } for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { } if (true) { } break; case 4: if (true) break; case 5: if (true) { if (true) { break; } if (true) { } break; } if (true) { } break; case 6: break; case 7: for (int i = 0; i < 15458; i++) { } if (true) { } break; case 8: break; case 9: if (true) { } break; case 10: level = (byte) 1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (true) { } } break; case 11: level = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (true) { while (level < 2) { } while (true) { } } if (true) { continue; } } break; case 12: level = (byte) 2; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (true) { } } break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Internal ICU error in processPropertySeq"); } } if (true) { level = (byte) 12; for (; ; ) { } } }