Java Examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode
The following java examples will help you to understand the usage of com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode. These source code samples are taken from different open source projects.
Example 1
Project: spring-data-mongodb-master File: View source code |
/** * Get the points nested within given {@link ArrayNode}. * * @param node can be {@literal null}. * @return {@literal empty list} when given a {@code null} value. */ protected List<Point> toPoints(ArrayNode node) { if (node == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>(node.size()); for (JsonNode coordinatePair : node) { if (coordinatePair.isArray()) { points.add(toPoint((ArrayNode) coordinatePair)); } } return points; }
Example 2
Project: batfish-master File: View source code |
public AnswerElement answer() {
ConfigurationBuilder b = new ConfigurationBuilder();
b.jsonProvider(new JacksonJsonNodeJsonProvider());
Configuration c =;
AssertQuestion question = (AssertQuestion) _question;
List<Assertion> assertions = question.getAssertions();
NodesQuestion nodesQuestion = new NodesQuestion();
NodesAnswerer nodesAnswerer = new NodesAnswerer(nodesQuestion, _batfish);
AnswerElement nodesAnswer = nodesAnswerer.answer();
BatfishObjectMapper mapper = new BatfishObjectMapper();
String nodesAnswerStr = null;
try {
nodesAnswerStr = mapper.writeValueAsString(nodesAnswer);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new BatfishException("Could not get JSON string from nodes answer", e);
Object jsonObject = JsonPath.parse(nodesAnswerStr, c).json();
Map<Integer, Assertion> failing = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
Map<Integer, Assertion> passing = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < assertions.size(); i++) {
final boolean[] fail = new boolean[1];
ConcurrentMap<String, ArrayNode> pathCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
indices.parallelStream().forEach( i -> {
Assertion assertion = assertions.get(i);
String assertionText = assertion.getAssertion();
AssertionAst ast = _batfish.parseAssertion(assertionText);
if (ast.execute(_batfish, jsonObject, pathCache, c)) {
passing.put(i, assertion);
} else {
failing.put(i, assertion);
synchronized (fail) {
fail[0] = true;
AssertAnswerElement answerElement = new AssertAnswerElement();
return answerElement;
Example 3
Project: cloudbreak-master File: View source code |
@Override public Object handle(Request request, Response response) throws Exception { response.type("text/plain"); ObjectNode rootNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); ArrayNode items = rootNode.putArray("items"); for (String instanceId : instanceMap.keySet()) { CloudVmMetaDataStatus status = instanceMap.get(instanceId); if (InstanceStatus.STARTED == status.getCloudVmInstanceStatus().getStatus()) { ObjectNode item = items.addObject(); item.putObject("Hosts").put("host_name", HostNameUtil.generateHostNameByIp(status.getMetaData().getPrivateIp())); ArrayNode components = item.putArray("host_components"); components.addObject().putObject("HostRoles").put("component_name", "DATANODE").put("state", state); components.addObject().putObject("HostRoles").put("component_name", "NODEMANAGER").put("state", state); } } return rootNode; }
Example 4
Project: open-data-service-master File: View source code |
public final void testSuccess() throws Throwable {
MockWebServer server = new MockWebServer();
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(200));;
String path = "/foo/bar/data/";
String callbackUrl = server.getUrl(path).toString();
ObjectNode sentData = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance);
sentData.put("sourceId", SOURCE_ID);
ArrayNode data = sentData.putArray("data");
data.addObject().put("hello", "world");
data.addObject().put("and", "again");
setupSender(new HttpClient(SOURCE_ID, callbackUrl, true));
for (JsonNode item : data) sender.onNewDataItem((ObjectNode) item);
assertEquals(SenderResult.Status.SUCCESS, sender.getSenderResult().getStatus());
RecordedRequest request = server.takeRequest();
assertEquals(path, request.getPath());
assertEquals(sentData.toString(), request.getUtf8Body());
Example 5
Project: spring-security-oauth-master File: View source code |
@RequestMapping("/facebook/info") public String photos(Model model) throws Exception { ObjectNode result = facebookRestTemplate.getForObject("", ObjectNode.class); ArrayNode data = (ArrayNode) result.get("data"); ArrayList<String> friends = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JsonNode dataNode : data) { friends.add(dataNode.get("name").asText()); } model.addAttribute("friends", friends); return "facebook"; }
Example 6
Project: verjson-master File: View source code |
/** * Creates an ArrayNode from the given nodes. Returns an empty ArrayNode if no elements are provided and * fallbackToEmptyArray is true, null if false. */ public static ArrayNode createArray(boolean fallbackToEmptyArray, JsonNode... nodes) { ArrayNode array = null; for (JsonNode element : nodes) { if (element != null) { if (array == null) { array = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); } array.add(element); } } if ((array == null) && fallbackToEmptyArray) { array = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); } return array; }
Example 7
Project: Activiti-master File: View source code |
/** * Test getting a single table's row data. GET * management/tables/{tableName}/data */ public void testGetTableColumns() throws Exception { try { Task task = taskService.newTask(); taskService.saveTask(task); taskService.setVariable(task.getId(), "var1", 123); taskService.setVariable(task.getId(), "var2", 456); taskService.setVariable(task.getId(), "var3", 789); // We use variable-table as a reference String tableName = managementService.getTableName(VariableInstanceEntity.class); CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TABLE_DATA, tableName)), HttpStatus.SC_OK); // Check paging result JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertEquals(3, responseNode.get("total").intValue()); assertEquals(3, responseNode.get("size").intValue()); assertEquals(0, responseNode.get("start").intValue()); assertTrue(responseNode.get("order").isNull()); assertTrue(responseNode.get("sort").isNull()); // Check variables are actually returned ArrayNode rows = (ArrayNode) responseNode.get("data"); assertNotNull(rows); assertEquals(3, rows.size()); // Check sorting, ascending response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TABLE_DATA, tableName) + "?orderAscendingColumn=LONG_"), HttpStatus.SC_OK); responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertEquals(3, responseNode.get("total").intValue()); assertEquals(3, responseNode.get("size").intValue()); assertEquals(0, responseNode.get("start").intValue()); assertEquals("asc", responseNode.get("order").textValue()); assertEquals("LONG_", responseNode.get("sort").textValue()); rows = (ArrayNode) responseNode.get("data"); assertNotNull(rows); assertEquals(3, rows.size()); assertEquals("var1", rows.get(0).get("NAME_").textValue()); assertEquals("var2", rows.get(1).get("NAME_").textValue()); assertEquals("var3", rows.get(2).get("NAME_").textValue()); // Check sorting, descending response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TABLE_DATA, tableName) + "?orderDescendingColumn=LONG_"), HttpStatus.SC_OK); responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertEquals(3, responseNode.get("total").intValue()); assertEquals(3, responseNode.get("size").intValue()); assertEquals(0, responseNode.get("start").intValue()); assertEquals("desc", responseNode.get("order").textValue()); assertEquals("LONG_", responseNode.get("sort").textValue()); rows = (ArrayNode) responseNode.get("data"); assertNotNull(rows); assertEquals(3, rows.size()); assertEquals("var3", rows.get(0).get("NAME_").textValue()); assertEquals("var2", rows.get(1).get("NAME_").textValue()); assertEquals("var1", rows.get(2).get("NAME_").textValue()); // Finally, check result limiting response = executeRequest(new HttpGet(SERVER_URL_PREFIX + RestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(RestUrls.URL_TABLE_DATA, tableName) + "?orderAscendingColumn=LONG_&start=1&size=1"), HttpStatus.SC_OK); responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); assertNotNull(responseNode); assertEquals(3, responseNode.get("total").intValue()); assertEquals(1, responseNode.get("size").intValue()); assertEquals(1, responseNode.get("start").intValue()); rows = (ArrayNode) responseNode.get("data"); assertNotNull(rows); assertEquals(1, rows.size()); assertEquals("var2", rows.get(0).get("NAME_").textValue()); } finally { // Clean adhoc-tasks even if test fails List<Task> tasks = taskService.createTaskQuery().list(); for (Task task : tasks) { taskService.deleteTask(task.getId(), true); } } }
Example 8
Project: auth0-java-master File: View source code |
@Override public UsersPage deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctx) throws IOException { JsonNode node = p.getCodec().readTree(p); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); if (node.isArray()) { return new UsersPage(getArrayElements((ArrayNode) node, mapper)); } Integer start = getIntegerValue(node.get("start")); Integer length = getIntegerValue(node.get("length")); Integer total = getIntegerValue(node.get("total")); Integer limit = getIntegerValue(node.get("limit")); ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) node.get("users"); return new UsersPage(start, length, total, limit, getArrayElements(array, mapper)); }
Example 9
Project: aws-dynamodb-mars-json-demo-master File: View source code |
/** * Retrieves and parses a mission manifest to a map of sol numbers to sol URLs. * * @param url * Location of the mission manifest * @param connectTimeout * Timeout for retrieving the mission manifest * @return Map of sol number to sol URL contained in the mission manifest * @throws IOException * Invalid URL, invalid JSON data, or connection error */ public static Map<Integer, String> getSolJSON(final URL url, final int connectTimeout) throws IOException { final Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); // Retrieve the JSON data final JsonNode manifest = JSONParser.getJSONFromURL(url, connectTimeout); // Validate the JSON data version if (!manifest.has(RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY) || !SUPPORTED_TYPES.contains(manifest.get(RESOURCE_TYPE_KEY).asText())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Manifest version verification failed"); } // Validate that the JSON data contains a sol list if (!manifest.has(SOLS_LIST_KEY)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Manifest does not contain a sol list"); } final ArrayNode sols = (ArrayNode) manifest.get(SOLS_LIST_KEY); // Process each sol in the sol list for (int i = 0; i < sols.size(); i++) { final JsonNode sol = sols.path(i); if (sol.has(SOL_ID_KEY) && sol.has(SOL_URL_KEY)) { final Integer solID = sol.get(SOL_ID_KEY).asInt(); final String solURL = sol.get(SOL_URL_KEY).asText(); if (solID != null && solURL != null) { // Add valid sol to the map map.put(solID, solURL); } else { LOGGER.warning("Sol contains unexpected values: " + sol); } } else { LOGGER.warning("Sol missing required keys: "); } } return map; }
Example 10
Project: beakerx-master File: View source code |
@Test public void serializeBigIntXWithNanoPlotType_resultJsonHasStringX() throws IOException { //when line.setX(Arrays.asList(new BigInteger("12345678901234567891000"), new BigInteger("12345678901234567891000"))); line.setPlotType(NanoPlot.class); xyGraphicsSerializer.serialize(line, jgen, new DefaultSerializerProvider.Impl()); jgen.flush(); //then JsonNode actualObj = mapper.readTree(sw.toString()); Assertions.assertThat(actualObj.has("x")).isTrue(); ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) actualObj.get("x"); Assertions.assertThat(arrayNode.get(1).isTextual()).isTrue(); }
Example 11
Project: belladati-sdk-java-master File: View source code |
private PaginatedList<T> addFrom(String parameterizedUri) { JsonNode json = service.getAsJson(parameterizedUri); size = json.get("size").asInt(); page = json.get("offset").asInt() / size; ArrayNode nodes = (ArrayNode) json.get(field); for (JsonNode node : nodes) { currentData.add(parse(service, node)); } return this; }
Example 12
Project: celos-master File: View source code |
public void jsonCorrectlyProduced() throws Exception {
WorkflowConfiguration cfg = WorkflowConfigurationParserTest.parseDir("json-workflow-list-servlet-test");
ArrayNode list = Util.MAPPER.createArrayNode();
list.add(new String("workflow-1"));
list.add(new String("workflow-2"));
ObjectNode obj = Util.MAPPER.createObjectNode();
obj.put("ids", list);
Assert.assertEquals(obj, new JSONWorkflowListServlet().createJSONObject(cfg));
Example 13
Project: clc-java-sdk-master File: View source code |
@Override public ActionSettingsMetadata deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException { TreeNode node = jsonParser.getCodec().readTree(jsonParser); //email settings if (node.get(RECIPIENTS).isArray()) { ArrayNode recipientsNode = ((ArrayNode) node.get(RECIPIENTS)); List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<>(recipientsNode.size()); recipientsNode.forEach( recipient -> recipients.add(recipient.asText())); return new ActionSettingsEmailMetadata().recipients(recipients); } return null; }
Example 14
Project: degraphmalizer-master File: View source code |
public static ObjectNode renderException(ObjectMapper om, Throwable t) {
final ArrayNode ss = om.createArrayNode();
for (StackTraceElement elt : t.getStackTrace()) ss.add(elt.toString());
final ObjectNode ex = om.createObjectNode();
ex.put("message", t.getMessage());
ex.put("class", t.getClass().getSimpleName());
ex.put("stacktrace", ss);
return ex;
Example 15
Project: demoapps-master File: View source code |
* Inits the Conference Cloud Agent.
* @param id
* the id
public void init(String id) {
final AgentConfig config = new AgentConfig(id);
final ArrayNode transports = JOM.createArrayNode();
final WebsocketTransportConfig serverConfig = new WebsocketTransportConfig();
serverConfig.setAddress(WSBASEURL + id);
final ObjectNode jettyParms = JOM.createObjectNode();
jettyParms.put("port", 8082);
serverConfig.set("jetty", jettyParms);
final HttpTransportConfig httpConfig = new HttpTransportConfig();
httpConfig.set("jetty", jettyParms);
myInfo = new Info(getId());
Example 16
Project: eve-java-master File: View source code |
/** * Write visGraph. * * @param agents * the agents * @return the string */ private String writeVisGraph(List<NodeAgent> agents) { final ObjectNode result = JOM.createObjectNode(); final ArrayNode nodes = JOM.createArrayNode(); final ArrayNode edges = JOM.createArrayNode(); for (NodeAgent agent : agents) { final ObjectNode node = JOM.createObjectNode(); node.put("id", agent.getId()); node.put("label", agent.getId()); nodes.add(node); for (Edge edge : agent.getGraph().getEdges()) { final ObjectNode edgeNode = JOM.createObjectNode(); edgeNode.put("from", agent.getId()); edgeNode.put("to", edge.getAddress().toASCIIString().replace("local:", "")); edges.add(edgeNode); } } result.set("nodes", nodes); result.set("edges", edges); return result.toString(); }
Example 17
Project: evrythng-java-sdk-master File: View source code |
public Actions deserialize(final JsonParser jp, final DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.OBJECT_MAPPER;
JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp);
if (node.isArray()) {
return mapper.readValue(node.toString(), ActionsImpl.class);
} else {
ArrayNode array = mapper.createArrayNode();
return mapper.readValue(array.toString(), ActionsImpl.class);
Example 18
Project: json-data-generator-master File: View source code |
public void flattenJsonIntoMap(String currentPath, JsonNode jsonNode, Map<String, Object> map) { if (jsonNode.isObject()) { ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) jsonNode; Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> iter = objectNode.fields(); String pathPrefix = currentPath.isEmpty() ? "" : currentPath + "."; while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; flattenJsonIntoMap(pathPrefix + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), map); } } else if (jsonNode.isArray()) { ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) jsonNode; for (int i = 0; i < arrayNode.size(); i++) { flattenJsonIntoMap(currentPath + "[" + i + "]", arrayNode.get(i), map); } } else if (jsonNode.isValueNode()) { ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) jsonNode; Object value = null; if (valueNode.isNumber()) { value = valueNode.numberValue(); } else if (valueNode.isBoolean()) { value = valueNode.asBoolean(); } else if (valueNode.isTextual()) { value = valueNode.asText(); } map.put(currentPath, value); } }
Example 19
Project: json-schema-avro-master File: View source code |
@Override protected void doTranslate(final Schema avroSchema, final MutableTree jsonSchema, final ProcessingReport report) throws ProcessingException { final List<Schema.Field> fields = avroSchema.getFields(); if (fields.isEmpty()) { final ArrayNode node = FACTORY.arrayNode(); node.add(FACTORY.objectNode()); jsonSchema.getCurrentNode().put("enum", node); return; } final JsonPointer pwd = jsonSchema.getPointer(); if (avroSchema.getDoc() != null) jsonSchema.getCurrentNode().put("description", avroSchema.getDoc()); jsonSchema.setType(NodeType.OBJECT); final ArrayNode required = FACTORY.arrayNode(); jsonSchema.getCurrentNode().put("required", required); jsonSchema.getCurrentNode().put("additionalProperties", false); final ObjectNode properties = FACTORY.objectNode(); jsonSchema.getCurrentNode().put("properties", properties); String fieldName; Schema fieldSchema; Schema.Type fieldType; AvroTranslator translator; JsonPointer ptr; ObjectNode propertyNode; String s; /* * FIXME: "default" and readers'/writers' schema? Here, even with a * default value, the record field is marked as required. */ for (final Schema.Field field : fields) { fieldName =; fieldSchema = field.schema(); fieldType = fieldSchema.getType(); translator = AvroTranslators.getTranslator(fieldType); required.add(fieldName); ptr = JsonPointer.of("properties", fieldName); propertyNode = FACTORY.objectNode(); properties.put(fieldName, propertyNode); injectDefault(propertyNode, field); jsonSchema.setPointer(pwd.append(ptr)); translator.translate(fieldSchema, jsonSchema, report); jsonSchema.setPointer(pwd); } }
Example 20
Project: keycloak-master File: View source code |
public static void printAsCsv(Object object, ReturnFields fields, boolean unquoted) throws IOException {
JsonNode node = convertToJsonNode(object);
if (!node.isArray()) {
ArrayNode listNode = MAPPER.createArrayNode();
node = listNode;
for (JsonNode item : node) {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
printObjectAsCsv(buffer, item, fields, unquoted);
printOut(buffer.length() > 0 ? buffer.substring(1) : "");
Example 21
Project: lightblue-client-master File: View source code |
/** * Helper method to be able to collect all the versions of the provided * entity that currently exist in lightblue. * * @param entityName - name of entity to to find versions for. * @return Set of entity versions * @throws LightblueException */ public Set<String> getEntityVersions(String entityName) throws LightblueException { MetadataGetEntityVersionsRequest versionRequest = new MetadataGetEntityVersionsRequest(entityName); try (LightblueHttpClient client = getLightblueClient()) { LightblueResponse response = client.metadata(versionRequest); ArrayNode versionNodes = (ArrayNode) response.getJson(); Set<String> versions = new HashSet<>(); for (JsonNode node : versionNodes) { versions.add(node.get("version").textValue()); } return versions; } catch (IOException ex) { throw new LightblueException("Unable to close HttpClient", ex); } }
Example 22
Project: lightblue-core-master File: View source code |
/** * Parses an unset expression using the given json object */ public static UnsetExpression fromJson(ObjectNode node) { if (node.size() == 1) { JsonNode val = node.get(UpdateOperator._unset.toString()); if (val != null) { List<Path> fields = new ArrayList<>(); if (val instanceof ArrayNode) { for (Iterator<JsonNode> itr = ((ArrayNode) val).elements(); itr.hasNext(); ) { fields.add(new Path(; } } else if (val.isValueNode()) { fields.add(new Path(val.asText())); } return new UnsetExpression(fields); } } throw Error.get(QueryConstants.ERR_INVALID_UNSET_EXPRESSION, node.toString()); }
Example 23
Project: lightblue-migrator-master File: View source code |
/** * Work around method until a way to pass in security access level is found. */ protected ObjectNode grantAnyoneAccess(ObjectNode node) { ObjectNode schema = (ObjectNode) node.get("schema"); ObjectNode access = (ObjectNode) schema.get("access"); Iterator<JsonNode> children = access.iterator(); while (children.hasNext()) { ArrayNode child = (ArrayNode); child.removeAll(); child.add("anyone"); } return node; }
Example 24
Project: log-synth-master File: View source code |
public JsonNode sample() {
Preconditions.checkState(array != null || base != null, "Need to specify either base or array");
ArrayNode r = nodeFactory.arrayNode();
if (base != null) {
int n = (int) length.sample().asDouble();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
} else {
for (FieldSampler sampler : array) {
return r;
Example 25
Project: mobile-master File: View source code |
@Override public List<NYTimesMultimedium> deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { RealmList<NYTimesMultimedium> list = new RealmList<>(); TreeNode treeNode = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp); if (!(treeNode instanceof ArrayNode)) { return list; } ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) treeNode; for (JsonNode node : arrayNode) { NYTimesMultimedium nyTimesMultimedium = objectMapper.treeToValue(node, NYTimesMultimedium.class); list.add(nyTimesMultimedium); } return list; }
Example 26
Project: onos-master File: View source code |
* Forms cluster of ONOS instances.
* Forms ONOS cluster using the uploaded JSON definition.
* @param config cluster definition
* @return 200 OK
* @throws IOException to signify bad request
* @onos.rsModel ClusterPost
public Response formCluster(InputStream config) throws IOException {
JsonCodec<ControllerNode> codec = codec(ControllerNode.class);
ObjectNode root = (ObjectNode) mapper().readTree(config);
List<ControllerNode> nodes = codec.decode((ArrayNode) root.path("nodes"), this);
JsonNode partitionSizeNode = root.get("partitionSize");
if (partitionSizeNode != null) {
int partitionSize = partitionSizeNode.asInt();
if (partitionSize == 0) {
return Response.notAcceptable(null).build();
get(ClusterAdminService.class).formCluster(new HashSet<>(nodes), partitionSize);
} else {
get(ClusterAdminService.class).formCluster(new HashSet<>(nodes));
return Response.ok().build();
Example 27
Project: realm-java-master File: View source code |
@Override public List<NYTimesMultimedium> deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { RealmList<NYTimesMultimedium> list = new RealmList<>(); TreeNode treeNode = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp); if (!(treeNode instanceof ArrayNode)) { return list; } ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) treeNode; for (JsonNode node : arrayNode) { NYTimesMultimedium nyTimesMultimedium = objectMapper.treeToValue(node, NYTimesMultimedium.class); list.add(nyTimesMultimedium); } return list; }
Example 28
Project: Singularity-master File: View source code |
private static void merge(ObjectNode to, ObjectNode from) { Iterator<String> newFieldNames = from.fieldNames(); while (newFieldNames.hasNext()) { String newFieldName =; JsonNode oldVal = to.get(newFieldName); JsonNode newVal = from.get(newFieldName); if (oldVal == null || oldVal.isNull()) { to.put(newFieldName, newVal); } else if (oldVal.isArray() && newVal.isArray()) { ((ArrayNode) oldVal).removeAll(); ((ArrayNode) oldVal).addAll((ArrayNode) newVal); } else if (oldVal.isObject() && newVal.isObject()) { merge((ObjectNode) oldVal, (ObjectNode) newVal); } else if (!(newVal == null || newVal.isNull())) { to.put(newFieldName, newVal); } } }
Example 29
Project: Slipstream-Mod-Manager-master File: View source code |
/** * Writes collated catalog entries to a file, as condensed json. */ public static void write(List<ModsInfo> modsInfoList, File dstFile) throws IOException { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode rootNode = mapper.createObjectNode(); ObjectNode catalogsNode = rootNode.objectNode(); rootNode.put("catalog_versions", catalogsNode); ArrayNode catalogNode = rootNode.arrayNode(); catalogsNode.put("1", catalogNode); for (ModsInfo modsInfo : modsInfoList) { ObjectNode infoNode = rootNode.objectNode(); catalogNode.add(infoNode); infoNode.put("title", modsInfo.getTitle()); infoNode.put("author", modsInfo.getAuthor()); infoNode.put("desc", modsInfo.getDescription()); infoNode.put("url", modsInfo.getThreadURL()); infoNode.put("thread_hash", modsInfo.threadHash); ArrayNode versionsNode = rootNode.arrayNode(); infoNode.put("versions", versionsNode); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : modsInfo.getVersionsMap().entrySet()) { String versionFileHash = entry.getKey(); String versionString = entry.getValue(); ObjectNode versionNode = rootNode.objectNode(); versionNode.put("hash", versionFileHash); versionNode.put("version", versionString); versionsNode.add(versionNode); } } OutputStream os = null; try { os = new FileOutputStream(dstFile); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os, Charset.forName("US-ASCII")); mapper.writeValue(writer, rootNode); } finally { try { if (os != null) os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } }
Example 30
Project: spring-security-master File: View source code |
@Override public Set deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) jp.getCodec(); JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jp); Set<Object> resultSet = new HashSet<Object>(); if (node != null) { if (node instanceof ArrayNode) { ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node; Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = arrayNode.iterator(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode elementNode =; resultSet.add(mapper.readValue(elementNode.toString(), Object.class)); } } else { resultSet.add(mapper.readValue(node.toString(), Object.class)); } } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(resultSet); }
Example 31
Project: stormpath-sdk-java-master File: View source code |
private void getFlattenedMap(String currentPath, JsonNode jsonNode, Map<String, String> map) { if (jsonNode.isObject()) { ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) jsonNode; Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> iter = objectNode.fields(); String pathPrefix = currentPath.isEmpty() ? "" : currentPath + "."; while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; getFlattenedMap(pathPrefix + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), map); } } else if (jsonNode.isArray()) { ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) jsonNode; for (int i = 0; i < arrayNode.size(); i++) { getFlattenedMap(currentPath + "[" + i + "]", arrayNode.get(i), map); } } else if (jsonNode.isValueNode()) { ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) jsonNode; map.put(currentPath, valueNode.asText()); } }
Example 32
Project: swagger-parser-master File: View source code |
@Nonnull @Override public JsonNode migrate(@Nonnull final JsonNode input) throws SwaggerMigrationException { ObjectNode on = (ObjectNode) input; if (on.get("type") == null) { JsonNode responseMessages = on.get("responseMessages"); JsonNode type = null; if (responseMessages != null && responseMessages instanceof ArrayNode) { // look for a 200 response ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) responseMessages; Iterator<JsonNode> itr = arrayNode.elements(); while (itr.hasNext()) { JsonNode rm =; JsonNode code = rm.get("code"); if (code != null) { if ("200".equals(code.toString())) { type = rm; } } } } if (type != null) { if (type.get("type") == null) { on.put("type", "void"); } else { on.put("type", type.get("type")); } } else { on.put("type", "void"); } } // if there are no parameters, we can insert an empty array if (on.get("parameters") == null) { on.put("parameters", Json.mapper().createArrayNode()); } // see if there's a response final MutableJsonTree tree = new MutableJsonTree(input); tree.applyMigrator(renameMember("httpMethod", "method")); tree.applyMigrator(renameMember("errorResponses", "responseMessages")); /* * Migrate response messages, if any */ JsonPointer ptr = JsonPointer.of("responseMessages"); if (!ptr.path(tree.getBaseNode()).isMissingNode()) { tree.setPointer(ptr); tree.applyMigratorToElements(renameMember("reason", "message")); } /* * Migrate parameters */ ptr = JsonPointer.of("parameters"); tree.setPointer(ptr); tree.applyMigratorToElements(parametersMigrator); return tree.getBaseNode(); }
Example 33
Project: telegraph-master File: View source code |
public Node deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) jsonParser.getCodec();
JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(jsonParser);
if (node instanceof TextNode) {
return new NodeText(node.asText());
} else {
JsonNode childrenNode = node.get(NodeElement.CHILDREN_FIELD);
JsonNode tagNode = node.get(NodeElement.TAG_FIELD);
JsonNode attrsNode = node.get(NodeElement.ATTRS_FIELD);
NodeElement element = new NodeElement();
if (attrsNode != null && attrsNode instanceof ObjectNode) {
Map<String, String> attributes = new HashMap<>();
for (Iterator<String> it = attrsNode.fieldNames(); it.hasNext(); ) {
String field =;
attributes.put(field, attrsNode.get(field).asText());
if (childrenNode != null && childrenNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
List<Node> childNodes = new ArrayList<>();
for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = childrenNode.elements(); it.hasNext(); ) {
childNodes.add(mapper.treeToValue(, Node.class));
return element;
Example 34
Project: TinCanJava-master File: View source code |
public ObjectNode toJSONNode(TCAPIVersion version) {
ObjectNode node = Mapper.getInstance().createObjectNode();
if (this.getStatements() != null) {
ArrayNode statementsNode = Mapper.getInstance().createArrayNode();
for (Statement statement : this.getStatements()) {
node.put("statements", statementsNode);
if (this.getMoreURL() != null) {
node.put("more", this.getMoreURL());
return node;
Example 35
Project: xmlsh-master File: View source code |
public XValue run(Shell shell, List<XValue> args) throws InvalidArgumentException {
ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
ObjectMapper mapper = JSONUtils.getJsonObjectMapper();
ArrayNode node = mapper.createArrayNode();
for (XValue arg : args) {
return XValue.newXValue(TypeFamily.JSON, node);
Example 36
Project: arangodb-objectmapper-master File: View source code |
* updates the state
* @param root the cursor root node
* @return true, if the state was updated successfully
private boolean setValues(JsonNode root) {
if (root == null) {
hasNext = false;
id = "";
index = 0;
count = 0;
return false;
if (root.has("result")) {
JsonNode jn = root.get("result");
if (jn.isArray()) {
resultNode = (ArrayNode) jn;
if (root.has("hasMore")) {
hasNext = root.get("hasMore").asBoolean();
if (root.has("id")) {
id = root.get("id").asText();
if (root.has("count")) {
count = root.get("count").asInt();
index = 0;
return true;
Example 37
Project: baasbox-master File: View source code |
public void check() throws AclNotValidException { if (this.aclJson == null) return; //cycle through the _allow* fields Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> itAllows = aclJson.fields(); while (itAllows.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonNode> allow =; ArrayNode elementsToCheck = (ArrayNode) allow.getValue(); Iterator<JsonNode> itElements = elementsToCheck.elements(); while (itElements.hasNext()) { JsonNode elemToCheck =; if (!elemToCheck.isObject()) throw new AclNotValidException(Type.ACL_NOT_OBJECT, allow.getKey() + " must contains array of objects"); String name = ((ObjectNode) elemToCheck).get("name").asText(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) throw new AclNotValidException(Type.ACL_KEY_NOT_VALID, "An element of the " + allow.getKey() + " ACL field has no name"); boolean isRole = isARole((ObjectNode) elemToCheck); if (!isRole) { if (!UserService.exists(name)) throw new AclNotValidException(Type.ACL_USER_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "The user " + name + " does not exist"); } else if (!RoleService.exists(name)) throw new AclNotValidException(Type.ACL_ROLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST, "The role " + name + " does not exist"); } } }
Example 38
Project: bard-master File: View source code |
public static JsonNode getAnnotationJson(List<CAPAnnotation> a) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException { DBUtils db = new DBUtils(); CAPDictionary dict = db.getCAPDictionary(); // lets group these annotations and construct our JSON response CAPDictionaryElement node; Map<Integer, List<CAPAnnotation>> contexts = new HashMap<Integer, List<CAPAnnotation>>(); for (CAPAnnotation anno : a) { Integer id =; // corresponds to dynamically generated annotations (from non-CAP sources) if (id == null) id = -1; // go from dict key to label if (anno.key != null && Util.isNumber(anno.key)) { node = dict.getNode(new BigInteger(anno.key)); anno.key = node != null ? node.getLabel() : anno.key; } if (anno.value != null && Util.isNumber(anno.value)) { node = dict.getNode(new BigInteger(anno.value)); anno.value = node != null ? node.getLabel() : anno.value; } if (contexts.containsKey(id)) { List<CAPAnnotation> la = contexts.get(id); la.add(anno); contexts.put(id, la); } else { List<CAPAnnotation> la = new ArrayList<CAPAnnotation>(); la.add(anno); contexts.put(id, la); } } ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode docNode = mapper.createArrayNode(); ArrayNode contextNode = mapper.createArrayNode(); ArrayNode measureNode = mapper.createArrayNode(); ArrayNode miscNode = mapper.createArrayNode(); for (Integer contextId : contexts.keySet()) { List<CAPAnnotation> comps = contexts.get(contextId); Collections.sort(comps, new Comparator<CAPAnnotation>() { @Override public int compare(CAPAnnotation o1, CAPAnnotation o2) { if (o1.displayOrder == o2.displayOrder) return 0; return o1.displayOrder < o2.displayOrder ? -1 : 1; } }); JsonNode arrayNode = mapper.valueToTree(comps); ObjectNode n = mapper.createObjectNode(); n.put("id", comps.get(0).id); n.put("name", comps.get(0).contextRef); n.put("group", comps.get(0).contextGroup); n.put("comps", arrayNode); if (comps.get(0).source.equals("cap-doc")) docNode.add(n); else if (comps.get(0).source.equals("cap-context")) contextNode.add(n); else if (comps.get(0).source.equals("cap-measure")) measureNode.add(n); else { for (CAPAnnotation misca : comps) miscNode.add(mapper.valueToTree(misca)); } } ObjectNode topLevel = mapper.createObjectNode(); topLevel.put("contexts", contextNode); topLevel.put("measures", measureNode); topLevel.put("docs", docNode); topLevel.put("misc", miscNode); return topLevel; }
Example 39
Project: constellation-master File: View source code |
@Override public ImageStatistics deserialize(JsonParser parser, DeserializationContext deserializationContext) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { JsonNode node = parser.getCodec().readTree(parser); JsonNode bandsNode = node.get("bands"); if (bandsNode.isArray()) { ArrayNode bandArray = (ArrayNode) bandsNode; int nbBands = bandArray.size(); final ImageStatistics stats = new ImageStatistics(nbBands); Iterator<JsonNode> bandIte = bandArray.iterator(); // band index int b = 0; while (bandIte.hasNext()) { JsonNode bandNode =; if (bandNode.isObject()) { int idx = ((IntNode) bandNode.get("index")).intValue(); JsonNode nameNode = bandNode.get("name"); if (nameNode != null) { stats.getBand(b).setName(nameNode.textValue()); } JsonNode dataTypeNode = bandNode.get("dataType"); if (dataTypeNode != null) { stats.getBand(b).setDataType(SampleType.valueOf(dataTypeNode.textValue())); } String minStr = bandNode.get("min").asText(); String maxStr = bandNode.get("max").asText(); stats.getBand(b).setMin(Double.valueOf(minStr)); stats.getBand(b).setMax(Double.valueOf(maxStr)); JsonNode meanNode = bandNode.get("mean"); if (meanNode != null) { stats.getBand(b).setMean(meanNode.doubleValue()); } JsonNode stdNode = bandNode.get("std"); if (stdNode != null) { stats.getBand(b).setStd(stdNode.doubleValue()); } JsonNode noDataNode = bandNode.get("noData"); if (noDataNode != null && noDataNode.isArray()) { ArrayNode noDataArray = (ArrayNode) noDataNode; double[] noData = new double[noDataArray.size()]; Iterator<JsonNode> noDataIte = noDataArray.iterator(); int i = 0; while (noDataIte.hasNext()) { noData[i++] = Double.valueOf(; } stats.getBand(b).setNoData(noData); } JsonNode histogramNode = bandNode.get("histogram"); if (histogramNode != null && histogramNode.isArray()) { ArrayNode histogramArray = (ArrayNode) histogramNode; int size = histogramArray.size(); long[] histogram = new long[size]; Iterator<JsonNode> histogramIte = histogramArray.iterator(); int i = 0; while (histogramIte.hasNext()) { histogram[i++] =; } stats.getBand(b).setHistogram(histogram); } else { throw new IOException("Invalid JSON"); } } b++; } return stats; } throw new IOException("Invalid JSON"); }
Example 40
Project: droidtowers-master File: View source code |
protected void process(ObjectNode node, String fileName) {
ObjectNode gameSaveNode = getGameSaveUnlessFileFormatIsNewer(node, "com.unhappyrobot.gamestate.GameSave", 1);
if (gameSaveNode == null) {
ArrayNode gridObjects = gameSaveNode.withArray("gridObjects");
for (JsonNode gridObjectNode : gridObjects) {
ObjectNode gridObject = (ObjectNode) gridObjectNode;
if (gridObject == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error converting: " + gridObject);
} else if (!gridObject.has("typeId")) {
String typeName = gridObject.get("typeName").asText();
String typeId = transformTypeNameToTypeId(typeName);
gridObject.put("typeId", typeId);
gameSaveNode.put("gridObjects", gridObjects);
if (!gameSaveNode.has("baseFilename")) {
gameSaveNode.put("baseFilename", fileName);
if (!gameSaveNode.has("towerName")) {
gameSaveNode.put("towerName", "Untitled Tower");
gameSaveNode.put("fileFormat", 2);
node.put("GameSave", gameSaveNode);
Example 41
Project: fastjson-master File: View source code |
private void f_jackson() throws Exception { long startNano = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; ++i) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode node = (ArrayNode) mapper.readTree(text); JsonNode head = node.get(0); JsonNode body = node.get(1); } long nano = System.nanoTime() - startNano; System.out.println(NumberFormat.getInstance().format(nano)); }
Example 42
Project: flink-master File: View source code |
private static void compareSubtaskAccumulators(AccessExecutionJobVertex originalTask, String json) throws IOException { JsonNode result = ArchivedJobGenerationUtils.mapper.readTree(json); Assert.assertEquals(originalTask.getJobVertexId().toString(), result.get("id").asText()); Assert.assertEquals(originalTask.getParallelism(), result.get("parallelism").asInt()); ArrayNode subtasks = (ArrayNode) result.get("subtasks"); Assert.assertEquals(originalTask.getTaskVertices().length, subtasks.size()); for (int x = 0; x < originalTask.getTaskVertices().length; x++) { JsonNode subtask = subtasks.get(x); AccessExecutionVertex expectedSubtask = originalTask.getTaskVertices()[x]; Assert.assertEquals(x, subtask.get("subtask").asInt()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedSubtask.getCurrentExecutionAttempt().getAttemptNumber(), subtask.get("attempt").asInt()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedSubtask.getCurrentAssignedResourceLocation().getHostname(), subtask.get("host").asText()); ArchivedJobGenerationUtils.compareStringifiedAccumulators(expectedSubtask.getCurrentExecutionAttempt().getUserAccumulatorsStringified(), (ArrayNode) subtask.get("user-accumulators")); } }
Example 43
Project: gennai-master File: View source code |
public String execute() throws TaskExecuteException {
if (owner.getName().equals(ROOT_USER_NAME)) {
List<UserEntity> users = null;
try {
users = GungnirManager.getManager().getMetaStore().findUserAccounts();
} catch (MetaStoreException e) {
throw new TaskExecuteException(e);
ArrayNode usersNode = mapper.createArrayNode();
for (UserEntity user : users) {
ObjectNode userNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
userNode.put("id", user.getId());
userNode.put("name", user.getName());
userNode.putPOJO("createTime", user.getCreateTime());
if (user.getLastModifyTime() != null) {
userNode.putPOJO("lastModifyTime", user.getLastModifyTime());
try {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(usersNode);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failed to convert json format", e);
throw new TaskExecuteException("Failed to convert json format", e);
} else {
LOG.warn("Permission denied {}", owner.getName());
throw new TaskExecuteException("Permission denied");
Example 44
Project: geode-master File: View source code |
public ObjectNode execute(final HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
// get cluster object
Cluster cluster = Repository.get().getCluster();
// json object to be sent as response
ObjectNode responseJSON = mapper.createObjectNode();
JsonNode requestDataJSON = mapper.readTree(request.getParameter("pulseData"));
String memberName = requestDataJSON.get("MemberClients").get("memberName").textValue();
ArrayNode clientListJson = mapper.createArrayNode();
Cluster.Member clusterMember = cluster.getMember(StringUtils.makeCompliantName(memberName));
if (clusterMember != null) {
responseJSON.put("memberId", clusterMember.getId());
responseJSON.put(this.NAME, clusterMember.getName());
responseJSON.put(this.HOST, clusterMember.getHost());
// member's clients
Cluster.Client[] memberClients = clusterMember.getMemberClients();
for (Cluster.Client memberClient : memberClients) {
ObjectNode regionJSON = mapper.createObjectNode();
regionJSON.put("clientId", memberClient.getId());
regionJSON.put(this.NAME, memberClient.getName());
regionJSON.put(this.HOST, memberClient.getHost());
regionJSON.put("queueSize", memberClient.getQueueSize());
regionJSON.put("clientCQCount", memberClient.getClientCQCount());
regionJSON.put("isConnected", memberClient.isConnected() ? "Yes" : "No");
regionJSON.put("isSubscriptionEnabled", memberClient.isSubscriptionEnabled() ? "Yes" : "No");
regionJSON.put("uptime", TimeUtils.convertTimeSecondsToHMS(memberClient.getUptime()));
regionJSON.put("cpuUsage", String.format("%.4f", memberClient.getCpuUsage()).toString());
// regionJSON.put("cpuUsage", memberClient.getCpuUsage());
regionJSON.put("threads", memberClient.getThreads());
regionJSON.put("gets", memberClient.getGets());
regionJSON.put("puts", memberClient.getPuts());
responseJSON.put("memberClients", clientListJson);
// Send json response
return responseJSON;
Example 45
Project: graphhopper-master File: View source code |
@Test public void testWithEleQuery() throws Exception { JsonNode json = nearestQuery("point=43.730864,7.420771&elevation=true"); assertFalse(json.has("error")); ArrayNode point = (ArrayNode) json.get("coordinates"); assertTrue("returned point is not 3D: " + point, point.size() == 3); double lon = point.get(0).asDouble(); double lat = point.get(1).asDouble(); double ele = point.get(2).asDouble(); assertTrue("nearest point wasn't correct: lat=" + lat + ", lon=" + lon + ", ele=" + ele, lat == 43.73070006215647 && lon == 7.421392181993846 && ele == 66.0); }
Example 46
Project: iiif-presentation-api-master File: View source code |
@Override public PropertyValue deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext dc) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { ObjectMapper mapper = (ObjectMapper) jp.getCodec(); TreeNode node = mapper.readTree(jp); if (TextNode.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getClass())) { return new PropertyValueSimpleImpl(((TextNode) node).textValue()); } else if (ObjectNode.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getClass())) { ObjectNode obj = (ObjectNode) node; String language = ((TextNode) node.get("@language")).textValue(); String value = ((TextNode) node.get("@value")).textValue(); return new PropertyValueLocalizedImpl(Locale.forLanguageTag(language), value); } else if (ArrayNode.class.isAssignableFrom(node.getClass())) { ArrayNode arr = (ArrayNode) node; ObjectNode curObj; PropertyValueLocalizedImpl propVal = new PropertyValueLocalizedImpl(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) { if (ObjectNode.class.isAssignableFrom(arr.get(i).getClass())) { curObj = (ObjectNode) arr.get(i); propVal.addValue(((TextNode) curObj.get("@language")).textValue(), ((TextNode) curObj.get("@value")).textValue()); } else if (TextNode.class.isAssignableFrom(arr.get(i).getClass())) { propVal.addValue("", ((TextNode) arr.get(i)).asText()); } } return propVal; } return null; }
Example 47
Project: jlibs-master File: View source code |
public ResultMessage call(ObjectNode options, String procedure, ArrayNode arguments, ObjectNode argumentsKw) throws Throwable {
final AtomicReference<Object> atomic = new AtomicReference<Object>();, procedure, arguments, argumentsKw, new CallListener() {
public void onResult(WAMPClient client, ResultMessage result) {
public void onError(WAMPClient client, WAMPException error) {
return Await.getResult(atomic);
Example 48
Project: json-schema-validation-master File: View source code |
protected void checkOkOk(final ProcessingReport report) throws ProcessingException {
final ArgumentCaptor<ProcessingMessage> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(ProcessingMessage.class);
final ProcessingMessage message = captor.getValue();
final ObjectNode reports = FACTORY.objectNode();
final ArrayNode oneReport = FACTORY.arrayNode();
reports.put(ptr1.toString(), oneReport);
reports.put(ptr2.toString(), oneReport);
assertMessage(message).isValidationError(keyword, BUNDLE.printf("", 2, 2)).hasField("reports", reports).hasField("nrSchemas", 2).hasField("matched", 2);
Example 49
Project: json-schema-validator-master File: View source code |
protected void checkOkOk(final ProcessingReport report) throws ProcessingException {
final ArgumentCaptor<ProcessingMessage> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(ProcessingMessage.class);
final ProcessingMessage message = captor.getValue();
final ObjectNode reports = FACTORY.objectNode();
final ArrayNode oneReport = FACTORY.arrayNode();
reports.put(ptr1.toString(), oneReport);
reports.put(ptr2.toString(), oneReport);
assertMessage(message).isValidationError(keyword, BUNDLE.printf("", 2, 2)).hasField("reports", reports).hasField("nrSchemas", 2).hasField("matched", 2);
Example 50
Project: Kore-master File: View source code |
@Override public ApiList<FavouriteType.DetailsFavourite> resultFromJson(ObjectNode jsonObject) throws ApiException { ListType.LimitsReturned limits = new ListType.LimitsReturned(jsonObject); JsonNode resultNode = jsonObject.get(RESULT_NODE); ArrayNode items = resultNode.has(LIST_NODE) && !resultNode.get(LIST_NODE).isNull() ? (ArrayNode) resultNode.get(LIST_NODE) : null; if (items == null) { return new ApiList<>(Collections.<FavouriteType.DetailsFavourite>emptyList(), limits); } ArrayList<FavouriteType.DetailsFavourite> result = new ArrayList<>(items.size()); for (JsonNode item : items) { result.add(new FavouriteType.DetailsFavourite(item)); } return new ApiList<>(result, limits); }
Example 51
Project: map-matching-master File: View source code |
static JsonNode convertToTree(MatchResult result, ObjectMapper objectMapper) { ObjectNode root = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); ObjectNode diary = root.putObject("diary"); ArrayNode entries = diary.putArray("entries"); ObjectNode route = entries.addObject(); ArrayNode links = route.putArray("links"); for (int emIndex = 0; emIndex < result.getEdgeMatches().size(); emIndex++) { ObjectNode link = links.addObject(); EdgeMatch edgeMatch = result.getEdgeMatches().get(emIndex); PointList pointList = edgeMatch.getEdgeState().fetchWayGeometry(emIndex == 0 ? 3 : 2); final ObjectNode geometry = link.putObject("geometry"); if (pointList.size() < 2) { geometry.putArray("coordinates").add(objectMapper.convertValue(pointList.toGeoJson().get(0), JsonNode.class)); geometry.put("type", "Point"); } else { geometry.putArray("coordinates").addAll(objectMapper.convertValue(pointList.toGeoJson(), ArrayNode.class)); geometry.put("type", "LineString"); } link.put("id", edgeMatch.getEdgeState().getEdge()); ArrayNode wpts = link.putArray("wpts"); for (GPXExtension extension : edgeMatch.getGpxExtensions()) { ObjectNode wpt = wpts.addObject(); wpt.put("x", extension.getQueryResult().getSnappedPoint().lon); wpt.put("y", extension.getQueryResult().getSnappedPoint().lat); wpt.put("timestamp", extension.getEntry().getTime()); } } return root; }
Example 52
Project: monasca-common-master File: View source code |
private static void buildConfigFor(String path, Map<String, String> config, JsonNode node) { for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> i = node.fields(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field =; if (field.getValue() instanceof ValueNode) { ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) field.getValue(); config.put(DOT_JOINER.join(path, field.getKey()), valueNode.asText()); } else if (field.getValue() instanceof ArrayNode) { StringBuilder combinedValue = new StringBuilder(); ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) field.getValue(); for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = arrayNode.elements(); it.hasNext(); ) { String value ="^\"|\"$", ""); if (combinedValue.length() > 0) combinedValue.append(','); combinedValue.append(value); } config.put(DOT_JOINER.join(path, field.getKey()), combinedValue.toString()); } buildConfigFor(DOT_JOINER.join(path, field.getKey()), config, field.getValue()); } }
Example 53
Project: oerworldmap-master File: View source code |
@Override public String export(ResourceList aResourceList) { ObjectNode node = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); ArrayNode features = new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); node.put("type", "FeatureCollection"); for (Resource resource : aResourceList.getItems()) { JsonNode feature = toGeoJson(resource); if (feature != null) { features.add(feature); } } node.set("features", features); return node.toString(); }
Example 54
Project: pac4j-master File: View source code |
public CasOAuthWrapperProfile extractUserProfile(final String body) throws HttpAction {
final CasOAuthWrapperProfile profile = newProfile();
JsonNode json = JsonHelper.getFirstNode(body);
if (json != null) {
profile.setId(JsonHelper.getElement(json, "id"));
json = json.get("attributes");
if (json != null) {
// CAS <= v4.2
if (json instanceof ArrayNode) {
final Iterator<JsonNode> nodes = json.iterator();
while (nodes.hasNext()) {
json =;
final String attribute = json.fieldNames().next();
convertAndAdd(profile, attribute, JsonHelper.getElement(json, attribute));
// CAS v5
} else if (json instanceof ObjectNode) {
final Iterator<String> keys = json.fieldNames();
while (keys.hasNext()) {
final String key =;
convertAndAdd(profile, key, JsonHelper.getElement(json, key));
return profile;
Example 55
Project: sfc-master File: View source code |
private ObjectNode buildServiceFunctionSchedulerTypeObjectNode() {
ObjectNode topNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
ObjectNode sfstNode = mapper.createObjectNode();
sfstNode.put(SfstExporterFactory.NAME, SFST_NAME);
ArrayNode arrayNode = mapper.createArrayNode();
topNode.put(SfstExporterFactory.SERVICE_FUNCTION_SCHEDULE_TYPE, arrayNode);
return topNode;
Example 56
Project: SOS-master File: View source code |
protected boolean describeProcessingReport(ProcessingReport report, JsonNode item, Description mismatchDescription) throws JsonProcessingException {
if (!report.isSuccess()) {
ObjectNode objectNode = JacksonUtils.nodeFactory().objectNode();
objectNode.put(JSONConstants.INSTANCE, item);
ArrayNode errors = objectNode.putArray(JSONConstants.ERRORS);
for (ProcessingMessage m : report) {
return report.isSuccess();
Example 57
Project: sphere-snowflake-master File: View source code |
public static ObjectNode getJson(SearchResult<Product> search, Category category, String sort) {
ObjectNode json = Json.newObject();
// Pager attributes
json.put("offsetProducts", search.getOffset());
json.put("countProducts", search.getCount());
json.put("totalProducts", search.getTotal());
json.put("currentPage", search.getCurrentPage());
json.put("totalPages", search.getTotalPages());
// Next page URL
Call url = getProductListUrl(search, sort, category);
if (url != null) {
json.put("nextPageUrl", url.absoluteURL(Http.Context.current().request()));
// Product list
ArrayNode products = json.putArray("product");
int i = search.getOffset();
for (Product product : search.getResults()) {
products.add(getJson(product, category, i));
return json;
Example 58
Project: syncope-master File: View source code |
protected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(final Attributes attributes) {
ResourceResponse response = new ResourceResponse();
try {
final ArrayNode result = MAPPER.createArrayNode();
for (SAML2IdPTO idp : SyncopeEnduserSession.get().getService(SAML2IdPService.class).list()) {
ObjectNode idpNode = MAPPER.createObjectNode();
idpNode.put("name", idp.getName());
idpNode.put("entityID", idp.getEntityID());
idpNode.put("logout", idp.isLogoutSupported());
response.setWriteCallback(new AbstractResource.WriteCallback() {
public void writeData(final Attributes attributes) throws IOException {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error retrieving available SAML 2.0 Identity Providers", e);
response.setError(Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST.getStatusCode(), "ErrorMessage{{ " + e.getMessage() + "}}");
return response;
Example 59
Project: unravl-master File: View source code |
@Test public void testJsonPath() throws UnRAVLException { // drives configuration UnRAVLRuntime r = new UnRAVLRuntime(); assertNotNull(r); String document = "{ \"s\": \"string\", \"b\": true, \"i\": 100, \"n\": 0.5, \"o\": { \"x\": 0, \"y\" : 0 }, \"a\": [ 0,1,2,3,4,5] }"; JsonNode node = Json.parse(document); ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); Object jo; if (node instanceof ObjectNode) jo = m.convertValue(node, Map.class); else // (node instanceof ArrayNode) jo = m.convertValue(node, List.class); // JsonPath parses strings into java.util.Map and java.util.List // objects. // If we have a Jackson JsonNode (an ObjectNode or an ArrayNode), we // must convert the Jackson types to Maps or Lists to use JsonPath. JsonProvider jp = Configuration.defaultConfiguration().jsonProvider(); assertNotNull(jo); String s =, "$.s"); Object o =, "$.o"); Object a =, "$.a"); assertTrue(s.equals("string")); assertNotNull(o); assertNotNull(a); assertTrue(jp.isMap(o)); assertTrue(jp.isArray(a)); ObjectNode on = m.valueToTree(o); ArrayNode an = m.valueToTree(a); assertNotNull(on); assertNotNull(an); assertEquals(2, on.size()); assertEquals(6, an.size()); }
Example 60
Project: aerogear-unifiedpush-server-master File: View source code |
private JsonNode transformJson(JsonNode patch, StringBuilder json) throws IOException, JsonPatchException {
JsonNode jsonNode = convertToJsonNode(json);
for (JsonNode operation : patch) {
try {
final ArrayNode nodes = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode();
JsonPatch patchOperation = JsonPatch.fromJson(nodes);
jsonNode = patchOperation.apply(jsonNode);
} catch (JsonPatchException e) {
logger.trace("ignore field not found");
return jsonNode;
Example 61
Project: anti-piracy-android-app-master File: View source code |
public Geometry parseGeometry(JsonParser parser) throws JsonParseException, IOException {
if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
return null;
String typeName = null;
ArrayNode coordinates = null;
while (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("type".equals(name)) {
typeName = parser.getText();
} else if ("coordinates".equals(name)) {
coordinates = parser.readValueAsTree();
} else {
Geometry geometry = null;
if (typeName.equals("Point")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(coordinates.get(0).asDouble(), coordinates.get(1).asDouble()));
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiPoint")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiPoint(parseLineString(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("LineString")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createLineString(parseLineString(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiLineString")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiLineString(parseLineStrings(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("Polygon")) {
geometry = parsePolygonCoordinates(coordinates);
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiPolygon")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiPolygon(parsePolygons(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("GeometryCollection")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createGeometryCollection(parseGeometries(coordinates));
return geometry;
Example 62
Project: apiman-master File: View source code |
/** * @see io.apiman.manager.api.migrator.IVersionMigrator#migrateOrg(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode) */ @Override public void migrateOrg(ObjectNode node) { //$NON-NLS-1$ ArrayNode clients = (ArrayNode) node.get("Clients"); if (clients != null && clients.size() > 0) { for (JsonNode clientNode : clients) { ObjectNode client = (ObjectNode) clientNode; //$NON-NLS-1$ ArrayNode versions = (ArrayNode) client.get("Versions"); if (versions != null && versions.size() > 0) { for (JsonNode versionNode : versions) { ObjectNode version = (ObjectNode) versionNode; //$NON-NLS-1$ ObjectNode clientVersionBean = (ObjectNode) version.get("ClientVersionBean"); //$NON-NLS-1$ clientVersionBean.put("apikey", keyGenerator.generate()); //$NON-NLS-1$ ArrayNode contracts = (ArrayNode) version.get("Contracts"); if (contracts != null && contracts.size() > 0) { for (JsonNode contractNode : contracts) { ObjectNode contract = (ObjectNode) contractNode; //$NON-NLS-1$ contract.remove("apikey"); } } } } } } }
Example 63
Project: axelor-business-suite-master File: View source code |
public JsonNode getLeads() {
List<? extends Lead> leads = leadRepo.all().fetch();
JsonNodeFactory factory = JsonNodeFactory.instance;
ObjectNode mainNode = factory.objectNode();
ArrayNode arrayNode = factory.arrayNode();
for (Lead lead : leads) {
String fullName = lead.getFirstName() + " " + lead.getName();
if (lead.getEnterpriseName() != null) {
fullName = lead.getEnterpriseName() + "</br>" + fullName;
ObjectNode objectNode = factory.objectNode();
objectNode.put("fullName", fullName);
objectNode.put("fixedPhone", lead.getFixedPhone() != null ? lead.getFixedPhone() : " ");
if (lead.getEmailAddress() != null) {
objectNode.put("emailAddress", lead.getEmailAddress().getAddress());
StringBuilder addressString = new StringBuilder();
if (lead.getPrimaryAddress() != null) {
addressString.append(lead.getPrimaryAddress() + "</br>");
if (lead.getPrimaryCity() != null) {
addressString.append(lead.getPrimaryCity() + "</br>");
if (lead.getPrimaryPostalCode() != null) {
addressString.append(lead.getPrimaryPostalCode() + "</br>");
if (lead.getPrimaryState() != null) {
addressString.append(lead.getPrimaryState() + "</br>");
if (lead.getPrimaryCountry() != null) {
String qString = addressString.toString().replaceAll("</br>", " ");
Map<String, Object> latlng = mapService.getMapGoogle(qString);
objectNode.put("address", addressString.toString());
objectNode.put("pinColor", "yellow");
objectNode.put("pinChar", "L");
mainNode.put("status", 0);
mainNode.put("data", arrayNode);
return mainNode;
Example 64
Project: breakerbox-master File: View source code |
private Collection<Instance> createServiceInstanceList(String rancherServiceApiResponse) throws IOException {
JsonNode serviceJsonResponseNode = mapper.readValue(rancherServiceApiResponse, JsonNode.class);
List<JsonNode> dataList = convertJsonArrayToList((ArrayNode) serviceJsonResponseNode.get("data"));
Collection<Instance> instances =;
return instances;
Example 65
Project: che-master File: View source code |
* Parse command field from the compose yaml file to list command words.
* @param jsonParser
* json parser
* @param ctxt
* deserialization context
* @throws IOException
* in case I/O error. For example element to parsing contains
* invalid yaml field type defined for this field by yaml document model.
* @throws JsonProcessingException
public List<String> deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
TreeNode tree = jsonParser.readValueAsTree();
if (tree.isArray()) {
return toCommand((ArrayNode) tree, ctxt);
if (tree instanceof TextNode) {
TextNode textNode = (TextNode) tree;
return asList(textNode.asText().trim().split(SPLIT_COMMAND_REGEX));
throw ctxt.mappingException((format("Field '%s' must be simple text or string array.", jsonParser.getCurrentName())));
Example 66
Project: DevTools-master File: View source code |
* Parse command field from the compose yaml file to list command words.
* @param jsonParser
* json parser
* @param ctxt
* deserialization context
* @throws IOException
* in case I/O error. For example element to parsing contains
* invalid yaml field type defined for this field by yaml document model.
* @throws JsonProcessingException
public List<String> deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
TreeNode tree = jsonParser.readValueAsTree();
if (tree.isArray()) {
return toCommand((ArrayNode) tree, ctxt);
if (tree instanceof TextNode) {
TextNode textNode = (TextNode) tree;
return asList(textNode.asText().trim().split(SPLIT_COMMAND_REGEX));
throw ctxt.mappingException((format("Field '%s' must be simple text or string array.", jsonParser.getCurrentName())));
Example 67
Project: disconnected-content-explorer-android-master File: View source code |
public Geometry parseGeometry(JsonParser parser) throws JsonParseException, IOException {
if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
return null;
String typeName = null;
ArrayNode coordinates = null;
while (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("type".equals(name)) {
typeName = parser.getText();
} else if ("coordinates".equals(name)) {
coordinates = parser.readValueAsTree();
} else {
Geometry geometry = null;
if (typeName.equals("Point")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(coordinates.get(0).asDouble(), coordinates.get(1).asDouble()));
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiPoint")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiPoint(parseLineString(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("LineString")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createLineString(parseLineString(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiLineString")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiLineString(parseLineStrings(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("Polygon")) {
geometry = parsePolygonCoordinates(coordinates);
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiPolygon")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiPolygon(parsePolygons(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("GeometryCollection")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createGeometryCollection(parseGeometries(coordinates));
return geometry;
Example 68
Project: eManga-master File: View source code |
@Override public Manga deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { JsonNode node = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp); String _id = node.get("_id").get("$oid").asText(); String title = null; JsonNode titleNode = node.get("title"); if (titleNode != null && !(titleNode instanceof NullNode)) { title = titleNode.asText(); } List<Author> authors = null; JsonNode authorsNode = node.get("authors"); if (authorsNode != null && !(authorsNode instanceof NullNode)) { ArrayNode authorsNames = (ArrayNode) authorsNode; authors = new ArrayList<Author>(authorsNames.size()); for (int i = 0; i < authorsNames.size(); i++) { authors.add(new Author(authorsNames.get(i).asText())); } } String summary = null; JsonNode summaryNode = node.get("summary"); if (summaryNode != null && !(summaryNode instanceof NullNode)) { summary = summaryNode.asText(); } String cover = null; JsonNode coverNode = node.get("cover"); if (coverNode != null && !(coverNode instanceof NullNode)) { cover = coverNode.asText(); } List<Genre> genres = null; JsonNode genresNode = node.get("genres"); if (genresNode != null && !(genresNode instanceof NullNode)) { ArrayNode genresNames = (ArrayNode) genresNode; genres = new ArrayList<Genre>(genresNames.size()); for (int i = 0; i < genresNames.size(); i++) { genres.add(new Genre(genresNames.get(i).asText())); } } Date created_at = null; JsonNode created_atNode = node.get("created_at"); if (created_atNode != null && !(created_atNode instanceof NullNode)) { try { created_at = Dates.sdf.parse(created_atNode.asText()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Date modified_at = null; JsonNode modified_atNode = node.get("modify_at"); if (modified_atNode != null && !(modified_atNode instanceof NullNode)) { try { modified_at = Dates.sdf.parse(modified_atNode.asText()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } int numberChapters = 0; JsonNode n_chapters_atNode = node.get("n_chapters"); if (n_chapters_atNode != null && !(n_chapters_atNode instanceof NullNode)) { numberChapters = n_chapters_atNode.asInt(); } Manga manga = new Manga(_id, title, authors, cover, summary, created_at, modified_at, genres, numberChapters); JsonNode chaptersNode = node.get("chapters"); if (chaptersNode != null && !(chaptersNode instanceof NullNode)) { manga.chapters = App.getInstance().mMapper.readValue(chaptersNode.toString(), new TypeReference<Collection<Chapter>>() { }); if (manga.chapters != null) { Iterator<Chapter> it = manga.chapters.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { = manga; } } } return manga; }
Example 69
Project: emfjson-jackson-master File: View source code |
@Test public void testSerializeOneRootWithTwoChildHavingOneReference() throws IOException { Resource resource = createUuidResource("test.xmi", mapper); Container root = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createContainer(); ConcreteTypeOne one = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createConcreteTypeOne(); ConcreteTypeOne two = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createConcreteTypeOne(); one.setName("one"); two.setName("two"); one.getRefProperty().add(two); root.getElements().add(one); root.getElements().add(two); resource.getContents().add(root); JsonNode node = mapper.valueToTree(root); assertNotNull(node); assertNotNull(node.get("@id")); assertEquals(uuid(root), uuid(node)); assertTrue(node.get("elements").isArray()); ArrayNode elements = (ArrayNode) node.get("elements"); assertEquals(2, elements.size()); JsonNode node1 = elements.get(0); JsonNode node2 = elements.get(1); assertNotNull(node1.get("@id")); assertEquals(uuid(one), uuid(node1)); assertNotNull(node2.get("@id")); assertEquals(uuid(two), uuid(node2)); assertNotNull(node1.get("refProperty")); assertNull(node2.get("refProperty")); assertTrue(node1.get("refProperty").isArray()); ArrayNode refProperty = (ArrayNode) node1.get("refProperty"); assertEquals(1, refProperty.size()); JsonNode ref = refProperty.get(0); assertNotNull(ref.get("$ref")); assertEquals(uuid(two), ref.get("$ref").asText()); }
Example 70
Project: incubator-taverna-language-master File: View source code |
@Override public Configuration parseConfiguration(T2FlowParser t2FlowParser, ConfigBean configBean, ParserState parserState) throws ReaderException { ApiConsumerConfig config = unmarshallConfig(t2FlowParser, configBean, "xstream", ApiConsumerConfig.class); Configuration configuration = new Configuration(); configuration.setParent(parserState.getCurrentProfile()); ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) configuration.getJson(); configuration.setType(ACTIVITY_URI.resolve("#Config")); json.put("apiConsumerDescription", config.getApiConsumerDescription()); json.put("apiConsumerName", config.getApiConsumerName()); json.put("description", config.getDescription()); json.put("className", config.getClassName()); json.put("methodName", config.getMethodName()); ArrayNode parameterNames = json.arrayNode(); json.put("parameterNames", parameterNames); for (String parameterName : config.getParameterNames().getString()) parameterNames.add(parameterName); ArrayNode parameterDimensions = json.arrayNode(); json.put("parameterDimensions", parameterDimensions); for (BigInteger parameterDimension : config.getParameterDimensions().getInt()) parameterDimensions.add(parameterDimension.intValue()); ArrayNode parameterTypes = json.arrayNode(); json.put("parameterTypes", parameterTypes); for (String parameterType : config.getParameterTypes().getString()) parameterTypes.add(parameterType); json.put("returnType", config.getReturnType()); json.put("returnDimension", config.getReturnDimension().intValue()); json.put("isMethodConstructor", config.isIsMethodConstructor()); json.put("isMethodStatic", config.isIsMethodStatic()); return configuration; }
Example 71
Project: jackson-databind-master File: View source code |
public void testObjectDeepUpdate() throws Exception { ObjectNode base = MAPPER.createObjectNode(); ObjectNode props = base.putObject("props"); props.put("base", 123); props.put("value", 456); ArrayNode a = props.putArray("array"); a.add(true); base.putNull("misc"); assertSame(base, MAPPER.readerForUpdating(base).readValue(aposToQuotes("{'props':{'value':true, 'extra':25.5, 'array' : [ 3 ]}}"))); assertEquals(2, base.size()); ObjectNode resultProps = (ObjectNode) base.get("props"); assertEquals(4, resultProps.size()); assertEquals(123, resultProps.path("base").asInt()); assertTrue(resultProps.path("value").asBoolean()); assertEquals(25.5, resultProps.path("extra").asDouble()); JsonNode n = resultProps.get("array"); assertEquals(ArrayNode.class, n.getClass()); assertEquals(2, n.size()); assertEquals(3, n.get(1).asInt()); }
Example 72
Project: jackson-datatype-protobuf-master File: View source code |
public void testMultipleSnakeCaseToCamelCase() {
List<PropertyNamingSnakeCased> messages = ProtobufCreator.create(PropertyNamingSnakeCased.class, 10);
JsonNode tree = toTree(camelCase(), messages);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
JsonNode subTree = tree.get(i);
Example 73
Project: jml-master File: View source code |
public void save(final File file) {
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ObjectNode node = mapper.createObjectNode();
ArrayNode jsonList = mapper.createArrayNode();
node.set("inverse_index", jsonList);
try {
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
writer.write(new JsonProgress(this).toJson());
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't save cat feature index to file");
Example 74
Project: jsonschema2pojo-master File: View source code |
public void shouldUpdateJavaDoc() throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
JDefinedClass jclass = new JCodeModel()._class(TARGET_CLASS_NAME);
jclass.field(JMod.PRIVATE, jclass.owner().ref(String.class), "fooBar");
jclass.field(JMod.PRIVATE, jclass.owner().ref(String.class), "foo");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ArrayNode requiredNode = mapper.createArrayNode().add("fooBar");
rule.apply("Class", requiredNode, jclass, new Schema(null, requiredNode, requiredNode));
JDocComment fooBarJavaDoc = jclass.fields().get("fooBar").javadoc();
JDocComment fooJavaDoc = jclass.fields().get("foo").javadoc();
assertThat(fooBarJavaDoc.size(), is(1));
assertThat((String) fooBarJavaDoc.get(0), is("\n(Required)"));
assertThat(fooJavaDoc.size(), is(0));
Example 75
Project: mage-android-sdk-master File: View source code |
public Geometry parseGeometry(JsonParser parser) throws IOException {
if (parser.getCurrentToken() != JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
return null;
String typeName = null;
ArrayNode coordinates = null;
while (parser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) {
String name = parser.getCurrentName();
if ("type".equals(name)) {
typeName = parser.getText();
} else if ("coordinates".equals(name)) {
coordinates = parser.readValueAsTree();
} else {
if (typeName == null) {
throw new IOException("'type' not present");
Geometry geometry = null;
if (typeName.equals("Point")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(coordinates.get(0).asDouble(), coordinates.get(1).asDouble()));
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiPoint")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiPoint(parseLineString(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("LineString")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createLineString(parseLineString(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiLineString")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiLineString(parseLineStrings(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("Polygon")) {
geometry = parsePolygonCoordinates(coordinates);
} else if (typeName.equals("MultiPolygon")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createMultiPolygon(parsePolygons(coordinates));
} else if (typeName.equals("GeometryCollection")) {
geometry = geometryFactory.createGeometryCollection(parseGeometries(coordinates));
return geometry;
Example 76
Project: myfda-master File: View source code |
public String search(@RequestParam(value = "unii", defaultValue = "") String unii, @RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "10") int limit, @RequestParam(value = "skip", defaultValue = "0") int skip) throws IOException {
if (unii == null) {
unii = "";
Map<String, Long> terms = this.getEventTerms(unii);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
long max = 0L;
for (String k : terms.keySet()) {
if (terms.get(k) > max) {
max = terms.get(k);
Set<AdverseEffect> effects = new TreeSet<AdverseEffect>();
for (String k : terms.keySet()) {
AdverseEffect ef = new AdverseEffect();
// TODO set description
ObjectNode top = mapper.createObjectNode();
top.put("UNII", unii);
ArrayNode array = mapper.createArrayNode();
int count = 0;
for (AdverseEffect ef : effects) {
if (count >= skip) {
if (count == limit + skip) {
array.add((JsonNode) mapper.valueToTree(ef));
top.put("effect", array);
return mapper.writeValueAsString(top);
Example 77
Project: prospecter-master File: View source code |
protected FullHttpResponse matchDocument(Schema schema) throws MalformedDocumentException, JsonProcessingException {
ByteBuf content = request.content();
int matchCount = 0;
ObjectNode node = mapper.getNodeFactory().objectNode();
if (content.isReadable()) {
LOGGER.debug("start matching");
Document doc = schema.getDocumentBuilder().build(content.toString(CharsetUtil.UTF_8));
Matcher matcher = schema.matchDocument(doc);
ArrayNode results = node.putArray("matches");
for (Integer queryId : matcher.getMatchedQueries()) {
ObjectNode queryNode = results.addObject();
queryNode.put("id", queryId);
LOGGER.debug("finished matching");
node.put("count", matchCount);
return new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK, Unpooled.copiedBuffer(mapper.writeValueAsString(node), CharsetUtil.UTF_8));
Example 78
Project: ratpack-master File: View source code |
private void populate(ObjectNode node, String key, String value) { int nextDot = key.indexOf('.'); int nextOpenBracket = key.indexOf('['); boolean hasDelimiter = nextDot != -1; boolean hasIndexing = nextOpenBracket != -1; if (hasDelimiter && (!hasIndexing || (nextDot < nextOpenBracket))) { String fieldName = key.substring(0, nextDot); String remainingKey = key.substring(nextDot + 1); ObjectNode childNode = (ObjectNode) node.get(fieldName); if (childNode == null) { childNode = node.putObject(fieldName); } populate(childNode, remainingKey, value); } else if (hasIndexing) { int nextCloseBracket = key.indexOf(']', nextOpenBracket + 1); if (nextCloseBracket == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid remaining key: " + key); } String fieldName = key.substring(0, nextOpenBracket); int index = Integer.valueOf(key.substring(nextOpenBracket + 1, nextCloseBracket)); String remainingKey = key.substring(nextCloseBracket + 1); ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) node.get(fieldName); if (arrayNode == null) { arrayNode = node.putArray(fieldName); } padToLength(arrayNode, index + 1); if (remainingKey.isEmpty()) { arrayNode.set(index, TextNode.valueOf(value)); } else if (remainingKey.startsWith(".")) { remainingKey = remainingKey.substring(1); ObjectNode childNode; if (arrayNode.hasNonNull(index)) { childNode = (ObjectNode) arrayNode.get(index); } else { childNode = arrayNode.objectNode(); arrayNode.set(index, childNode); } populate(childNode, remainingKey, value); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown key format: " + key); } } else { node.set(key, TextNode.valueOf(value)); } }
Example 79
Project: shapeshifter-master File: View source code |
public void testParseWithEmptyRepeated() throws Exception {
Actor actor = Actor.newBuilder().setName("James Dean").build();
ObjectNode json = (ObjectNode) new AutoSerializer(Actor.getDescriptor()).serialize(actor, ReadableSchemaRegistry.EMPTY);
json.put("quotes", new ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance));
Message parsedMessage = new AutoParser(Actor.getDescriptor()).parse(json, ReadableSchemaRegistry.EMPTY);
Actor parsedActor = Actor.newBuilder().mergeFrom(parsedMessage).build();
Assert.assertEquals("James Dean", parsedActor.getName());
Assert.assertEquals(0, parsedActor.getQuotesCount());
Example 80
Project: SmallMind-master File: View source code |
public JsonNode marshal(WireContext[] wireContexts) throws JsonProcessingException {
if (wireContexts == null) {
return null;
ArrayNode arrayNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(wireContexts.length);
for (WireContext wireContext : wireContexts) {
if (wireContext instanceof ProtoWireContext) {
ObjectNode objectNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
objectNode.set(((ProtoWireContext) wireContext).getSkin(), JsonCodec.writeAsJsonNode(((ProtoWireContext) wireContext).getGuts()));
} else {
ObjectNode objectNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
XmlRootElement xmlRootElementAnnotation = wireContext.getClass().getAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
objectNode.set((xmlRootElementAnnotation == null) ? wireContext.getClass().getSimpleName() :, JsonCodec.writeAsJsonNode(wireContext));
return arrayNode;
Example 81
Project: spimedb-master File: View source code |
public static JsonNode nobject2solrUpdate(NObject... xx) { ObjectMapper j = JSON.json; ObjectNode a = j.createObjectNode(); ArrayNode da = a.withArray("delete"); for (NObject x : xx) { da.add(; } a.with("commit"); for (NObject x : xx) { ObjectNode y = j.createObjectNode(); y.put("id",; y.put("name",; x.forEach(( k, v) -> { if ((k.equals("I")) || (k.equals("N")) || k.equals("inh") || (k.equals(">") || (k.equals("url_in")))) return; if (v instanceof String) y.put(k, (String) v); else if (v instanceof Integer) y.put(k, (Integer) v); else if (v instanceof String[]) { String[] vv = (String[]) v; ArrayNode va = y.putArray(k); for (String s : vv) { va.add(s); } } else { logger.error("{} has unhandled field type: {}, value={}", k, v.getClass(), v); } }); a.with("add").put("overwrite", true).put("doc", y); } a.with("commit"); System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(a, true)); return a; }
Example 82
Project: steve-master File: View source code |
public void process(CommunicationContext context) {
OcppJsonMessage message = context.getOutgoingMessage();
ArrayNode str;
MessageType messageType = message.getMessageType();
switch(messageType) {
case CALL:
str = handleCall((OcppJsonCall) message);
str = handleResult((OcppJsonResult) message);
str = handleError((OcppJsonError) message);
throw new SteveException("Unknown enum type");
try {
String result = mapper.writeValueAsString(str);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new SteveException("The outgoing message could not be serialized", e);
Example 83
Project: Toga-master File: View source code |
* Generate a json representation of this object.
* @return a String containing a json array with all possible permutations of the given object.
public String generateJson() {
JsonFactory factory = new JsonFactory();
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
try {
JsonGenerator generator = factory.createGenerator(stringWriter);
ArrayNode arrayNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode();
objectMapper.writeTree(generator, arrayNode);
return toPrettyString(stringWriter.toString());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error writing node json nodes.", e);
Example 84
Project: unikitty-master File: View source code |
public String search(@RequestParam(value = "unii", defaultValue = "") String unii, @RequestParam(value = "limit", defaultValue = "10") int limit, @RequestParam(value = "skip", defaultValue = "0") int skip) throws IOException {
if (unii == null) {
unii = "";
Map<String, Long> terms = this.getEventTerms(unii);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
long max = 0L;
for (String k : terms.keySet()) {
if (terms.get(k) > max) {
max = terms.get(k);
Set<AdverseEffect> effects = new TreeSet<AdverseEffect>();
for (String k : terms.keySet()) {
AdverseEffect ef = new AdverseEffect();
// TODO set description
ObjectNode top = mapper.createObjectNode();
top.put("UNII", unii);
ArrayNode array = mapper.createArrayNode();
int count = 0;
for (AdverseEffect ef : effects) {
if (count >= skip) {
if (count == limit + skip) {
array.add((JsonNode) mapper.valueToTree(ef));
top.put("effect", array);
return mapper.writeValueAsString(top);
Example 85
Project: vitam-master File: View source code |
* Add other UnSet sub actions to UnSet Query
* @param variableNames list of key name
* @return the UnSetAction
* @throws InvalidCreateOperationException when query is invalid
public final UnsetAction add(final String... variableNames) throws InvalidCreateOperationException {
throw new InvalidCreateOperationException("Cannot add an unset element since this is not a UnSet Action: " + currentUPDATEACTION);
for (final String name : variableNames) {
if (name != null && !name.trim().isEmpty()) {
try {
} catch (final InvalidParseOperationException e) {
throw new InvalidCreateOperationException(e);
((ArrayNode) currentObject).add(name);
return this;
Example 86
Project: wisdom-master File: View source code |
* @return the JSON structure read by the HTML page.
@Route(method = HttpMethod.GET, uri = "/monitor/controllers/controllers")
public Result getControllers() {
ObjectNode node = json.newObject();
ArrayNode array = json.newArray();
for (org.wisdom.api.Controller controller : controllers) {
array.add(ControllerModel.from(controller, router, json));
for (InstanceDescription description : getInvalidControllers()) {
array.add(ControllerModel.from(description, json));
node.put("controllers", array);
node.put("invalid", getInvalidControllers().size());
return ok(node);
Example 87
Project: XMLTestFramework-master File: View source code |
public static void getTests(ArrayNode arrayNode, String userStoryUUID) { System.out.println("UUID :" + userStoryUUID); // String Userstory=getTotalFile(new // File(baseUrl+arrayNode+"/userStory.html")); // UserStory userStory=new UserStory(arrayNode, Userstory); // System.out.println(userStoryUUID); final File folder = new File(baseUrl + userStoryUUID); for (// looping the folder final File fileEntry : // looping the folder folder.listFiles()) { if (// tests fileEntry.isDirectory()) { ObjectNode objectNode = arrayNode.addObject(); objectNode.put("run", getTotalFile(new File(baseUrl + userStoryUUID + "/" + fileEntry.getName() + "/run.js"))); objectNode.put("runFile", userStoryUUID + "/" + fileEntry.getName() + "/run.js"); objectNode.put("name", fileEntry.getName()); ArrayNode inputArr = objectNode.putArray("input"); File input = new File(baseUrl + userStoryUUID + "/" + fileEntry.getName() + "/input"); System.out.println(baseUrl + userStoryUUID + "/" + fileEntry.getName() + "/input"); FilenameFilter removeTilde = new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { String lowercaseName = name.toLowerCase(); if (!lowercaseName.endsWith("~")) { return true; } else { return false; } } }; if (input.exists()) { File[] files = input.listFiles(removeTilde); Arrays.sort(files); for (File inputFile : files) { System.out.println(inputFile.getName()); inputArr.add(inputFile.getName()); } } ArrayNode outputArr = objectNode.putArray("output"); File output = new File(baseUrl + userStoryUUID + "/" + fileEntry.getName() + "/output"); if (output.exists()) { File[] files = output.listFiles(removeTilde); Arrays.sort(files); for (File inputFile : files) { outputArr.add(inputFile.getName()); } } } } }
Example 88
Project: zjsonpatch-master File: View source code |
public static JsonNode generate(int count) { ArrayNode jsonNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { ObjectNode objectNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode(); objectNode.put("name", name.get(random.nextInt(name.size()))); objectNode.put("age", age.get(random.nextInt(age.size()))); objectNode.put("gender", gender.get(random.nextInt(gender.size()))); ArrayNode countryNode = getArrayNode(country.subList(random.nextInt(country.size() / 2), (country.size() / 2) + random.nextInt(country.size() / 2))); objectNode.put("country", countryNode); ArrayNode friendNode = getArrayNode(friends.subList(random.nextInt(friends.size() / 2), (friends.size() / 2) + random.nextInt(friends.size() / 2))); objectNode.put("friends", friendNode); jsonNode.add(objectNode); } return jsonNode; }
Example 89
Project: accumulo-recipes-master File: View source code |
@Test public void testTwitterJson() throws Exception { List<Event> eventList = new ArrayList<Event>(); /** * First, we'll load a json object representing tweets */ String tweetJson = Resources.toString(getResource("twitter_tweets.json"), defaultCharset()); /** * Create tweet event with a random UUID and timestamp of current time * (both of these can be set manually in the constructor) */ Event tweetEvent = EventBuilder.create("tweet", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()).attrs(fromJson(tweetJson, objectMapper)).build(); eventList.add(tweetEvent); /** * Next, we'll load a json array containing user timeline data */ String timelineJson = Resources.toString(getResource("twitter_timeline.json"), defaultCharset()); /** * Since we need to persist objects, we'll loop through the array and create * events out of the objects */ ArrayNode node = (ArrayNode) objectMapper.readTree(timelineJson); for (JsonNode node1 : node) { // create an event from the current json object Event timelineEvent = EventBuilder.create("tweet", UUID.randomUUID().toString(), System.currentTimeMillis()).attrs(fromJson((ObjectNode) node1)).build(); eventList.add(timelineEvent); } /** * Save events in the event store and flush */; store.flush(); AccumuloTestUtils.dumpTable(getConnector(), "eventStore_shard"); /** * Build our query to retrieve stored events by their flattened json * representation. */ Node query = QueryBuilder.create().and().eq("statuses_$entities_$hashtags_$indices", // the json tree has been flattened 29).eq("statuses_$user_$name", // into key/value objects "Sean Cummings").end().build(); CloseableIterable<Event> results = store.query(new Date(0), new Date(currentTimeMillis()), Sets.newHashSet("tweet"), query, Auths.EMPTY); assertEquals(1, size(results)); List<Attribute> expectedAttributes = new ArrayList(tweetEvent.getAttributes()); List<Attribute> actualAttributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(get(results, 0).getAttributes()); sort(expectedAttributes, comparator); sort(actualAttributes, comparator); assertEquals(expectedAttributes, actualAttributes); }
Example 90
Project: alfresco-apache-storm-demo-master File: View source code |
public void configure(Map stormConf, JsonNode paramNode) {
JsonNode node = paramNode.get("urlFilters");
if (node != null && node.isArray()) {
rules = readRules((ArrayNode) node);
} else {
JsonNode filenameNode = paramNode.get("regexFilterFile");
String rulesFileName;
if (filenameNode != null) {
rulesFileName = filenameNode.textValue();
} else {
rulesFileName = "default-regex-filters.txt";
rules = readRules(rulesFileName);
Example 91
Project: ame-master File: View source code |
protected void handleMessage(final Message message) {
try {"Handling message received from checkStatus");
ObjectNode snsMessage = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(message.getBody());
ObjectNode notification = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(snsMessage.get("Message").asText());
String state = notification.get("state").asText();
String jobId = notification.get("jobId").asText();
String pipelineId = notification.get("pipelineId").asText();
Video video = videoService.findByTranscodeJobId(jobId);
if (video == null) {
LOG.warn("Unable to process result for job {} because it does not exist.", jobId);
Instant msgTime = Instant.parse(snsMessage.get("Timestamp").asText());
if (Minutes.minutesBetween(msgTime, new Instant()).getMinutes() > 20) {
LOG.error("Job {} has not been found for over 20 minutes, deleting message from queue", jobId);
// Leave it on the queue for now.
if ("ERROR".equals(state)) {
LOG.warn("Job {} for pipeline {} failed to complete. Body: \n{}", jobId, pipelineId, notification.get("messageDetails").asText());
} else {
// Construct our url prefix:
String prefix = notification.get("outputKeyPrefix").asText();
if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) {
prefix += "/";
ObjectNode output = ((ObjectNode) ((ArrayNode) notification.get("outputs")).get(0));
String previewFilename = prefix + output.get("key").asText();
String thumbnailFilename = prefix + output.get("thumbnailPattern").asText().replaceAll("\\{count\\}", "00002") + ".png";
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
LOG.error("JSON exception handling notification: {}", message.getBody(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("IOException handling notification: {}", message.getBody(), e);
Example 92
Project: amediamanager-master File: View source code |
protected void handleMessage(final Message message) {
try {"Handling message received from checkStatus");
ObjectNode snsMessage = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(message.getBody());
ObjectNode notification = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(snsMessage.get("Message").asText());
String state = notification.get("state").asText();
String jobId = notification.get("jobId").asText();
String pipelineId = notification.get("pipelineId").asText();
Video video = videoService.findByTranscodeJobId(jobId);
if (video == null) {
LOG.warn("Unable to process result for job {} because it does not exist.", jobId);
Instant msgTime = Instant.parse(snsMessage.get("Timestamp").asText());
if (Minutes.minutesBetween(msgTime, new Instant()).getMinutes() > 20) {
LOG.error("Job {} has not been found for over 20 minutes, deleting message from queue", jobId);
// Leave it on the queue for now.
if ("ERROR".equals(state)) {
LOG.warn("Job {} for pipeline {} failed to complete. Body: \n{}", jobId, pipelineId, notification.get("messageDetails").asText());
} else {
// Construct our url prefix:
String prefix = notification.get("outputKeyPrefix").asText();
if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) {
prefix += "/";
ObjectNode output = ((ObjectNode) ((ArrayNode) notification.get("outputs")).get(0));
String previewFilename = prefix + output.get("key").asText();
String thumbnailFilename = prefix + output.get("thumbnailPattern").asText().replaceAll("\\{count\\}", "00002") + ".png";
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
LOG.error("JSON exception handling notification: {}", message.getBody(), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("IOException handling notification: {}", message.getBody(), e);
Example 93
Project: amza-master File: View source code |
private static void get(org.apache.http.client.HttpClient httpClient, String hostName, int port, String partitionName, int firstDocId, int count, int batchSize) throws IOException, InterruptedException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int key = firstDocId; key < count; key++) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); url.append("http://"); url.append(hostName).append(":").append(port); url.append("/amza/get"); url.append("?partition=").append(partitionName); url.append("&key="); Set<String> expectedValues = Sets.newHashSet(); for (int b = 0; b < batchSize; b++) { if (b > 0) { url.append(','); } url.append(b).append('k').append(key); expectedValues.add(b + "v" + key); } while (true) { HttpGet method = new HttpGet(url.toString()); StatusLine statusLine; try { try { HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(method); statusLine = response.getStatusLine(); if (statusLine.getStatusCode() == 200) { //System.out.println("Got:" + new String(method.getResponseBody())); ArrayNode node = mapper.readValue(EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()), ArrayNode.class); for (JsonNode value : node) { if (!value.isNull()) { expectedValues.remove(new String(BaseEncoding.base64().decode(value.textValue()), Charsets.UTF_8)); } } if (!expectedValues.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("Missing values in " + partitionName + " for key " + key + ": " + expectedValues); } break; } } catch (Exception x) { x.printStackTrace(); } Thread.sleep(1000); } finally { method.releaseConnection(); } } if (key % 100 == 0) { long elapse = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; double millisPerAdd = ((double) elapse / (double) key); System.out.println(partitionName + " millisPerGet:" + millisPerAdd + " getsPerSec:" + (1000d / millisPerAdd) + " key:" + key); } } }
Example 94
Project: Android-wamp-client-master File: View source code |
@Override protected void decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, WebSocketFrame frame, List<Object> out) throws Exception { if (readState != ReadState.Reading) return; if (frame instanceof TextWebSocketFrame) { // Only want Text when JSON subprotocol if (serialization != Serialization.Json) throw new IllegalStateException("Received unexpected TextFrame"); TextWebSocketFrame textFrame = (TextWebSocketFrame) frame; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Deserialized Wamp Message: {}", textFrame.text()); } try { // If we receive an invalid frame on of the following functions will throw // This will lead Netty to closing the connection ArrayNode arr = objectMapper.readValue(new ByteBufInputStream(textFrame.content()), ArrayNode.class); WampMessage recvdMessage = WampMessage.fromObjectArray(arr); out.add(recvdMessage); } finally { } } else if (frame instanceof BinaryWebSocketFrame) { // Only want Binary when MessagePack subprotocol if (serialization != Serialization.MessagePack) throw new IllegalStateException("Received unexpected BinaryFrame"); // TODO: Support MessagePack } else if (frame instanceof PongWebSocketFrame) { // System.out.println("WebSocket Client received pong"); } else if (frame instanceof CloseWebSocketFrame) { // System.out.println("WebSocket Client received closing"); readState = ReadState.Closed; } }
Example 95
Project: aorra-master File: View source code |
public final Result apply(Session session) throws RepositoryException {
final JsonBuilder jb = new JsonBuilder();
final ArrayNode json = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode();
final UserDAO dao = new UserDAO(session, jcrom);
for (final User user : dao.list()) {
json.add(jb.toJson(user, isAdmin(session, dao, user)));
return ok(json).as("application/json; charset=utf-8");
Example 96
Project: arpnet-standard-master File: View source code |
private ObjectNode buildDoubleValuesNode(final HashMap<String, ArrayList<Double>> map) {
ObjectNode countersNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Double>> counterSet : map.entrySet()) {
ArrayNode counterEntries = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode();
for (Double timerEntry : counterSet.getValue()) {
countersNode.put(counterSet.getKey(), counterEntries);
return countersNode;
Example 97
Project: Blueprint-master File: View source code |
@Test public void outputGraphNoEmbeddedTypes() throws JSONException, IOException { Graph g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph(); ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); GraphSONWriter writer = new GraphSONWriter(g); writer.outputGraph(stream, null, null, GraphSONMode.NORMAL); stream.flush(); stream.close(); String jsonString = new String(stream.toByteArray()); ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode rootNode = m.readValue(jsonString, JsonNode.class); // ensure that the JSON conforms to basic structure and that the right // number of graph elements are present. other tests already cover element formatting Assert.assertNotNull(rootNode); Assert.assertTrue(rootNode.has(GraphSONTokens.MODE)); Assert.assertEquals("NORMAL", rootNode.get(GraphSONTokens.MODE).asText()); Assert.assertTrue(rootNode.has(GraphSONTokens.VERTICES)); ArrayNode vertices = (ArrayNode) rootNode.get(GraphSONTokens.VERTICES); Assert.assertEquals(6, vertices.size()); Assert.assertTrue(rootNode.has(GraphSONTokens.EDGES)); ArrayNode edges = (ArrayNode) rootNode.get(GraphSONTokens.EDGES); Assert.assertEquals(6, edges.size()); }
Example 98
Project: blueprints-master File: View source code |
@Test public void outputGraphNoEmbeddedTypes() throws JSONException, IOException { Graph g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph(); ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); GraphSONWriter writer = new GraphSONWriter(g); writer.outputGraph(stream, null, null, GraphSONMode.NORMAL); stream.flush(); stream.close(); String jsonString = new String(stream.toByteArray()); ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode rootNode = m.readValue(jsonString, JsonNode.class); // ensure that the JSON conforms to basic structure and that the right // number of graph elements are present. other tests already cover element formatting Assert.assertNotNull(rootNode); Assert.assertTrue(rootNode.has(GraphSONTokens.MODE)); Assert.assertEquals("NORMAL", rootNode.get(GraphSONTokens.MODE).asText()); Assert.assertTrue(rootNode.has(GraphSONTokens.VERTICES)); ArrayNode vertices = (ArrayNode) rootNode.get(GraphSONTokens.VERTICES); Assert.assertEquals(6, vertices.size()); Assert.assertTrue(rootNode.has(GraphSONTokens.EDGES)); ArrayNode edges = (ArrayNode) rootNode.get(GraphSONTokens.EDGES); Assert.assertEquals(6, edges.size()); }
Example 99
Project: bonita-ui-designer-master File: View source code |
private void parseNodeContractInput(ArrayNode inputArray, ContractInputContainer rootNodeInput) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < inputArray.size(); i++) {
JsonNode childNode = inputArray.get(i);
Class<?> inputType = inputType(childNode);
if (inputType.equals(NodeContractInput.class)) {
NodeContractInput nodeContractInput = newNodeContractInput(childNode);
parseNodeContractInput(childInput(childNode), nodeContractInput);
} else {
rootNodeInput.addInput(newLeafContractInput(childNode, inputType));
Example 100
Project: codeq-invest-master File: View source code |
@Test public void analysisWithOneArtefact() throws IOException { Artefact artefact = new Artefact("org.project.MyClass", "DUMMY"); artefact.setChangeProbability(0.6); QualityViolation violation = new QualityViolation(artefact, null, 5, 10, 0, ""); QualityAnalysis analysis = QualityAnalysis.success(project, Arrays.asList(violation)); when(weightedProfitCalculator.calculateWeightedProfit(violation)).thenReturn(1234.0); JsonNode generatedJson = generate(analysis); ArrayNode rootPackagNode = (ArrayNode) generatedJson.get("children"); assertThat(rootPackagNode.get(0).get("changeProbability").asInt()).isEqualTo(60); assertThat(rootPackagNode.get(0).get("children").get(0).get("children").get(0).get("value").asDouble()).isEqualTo(1234.0); }
Example 101
Project: EMB-master File: View source code |
private static void mergeJsonObject(ObjectNode src, ObjectNode other) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> ite = other.fields(); while (ite.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> pair =; JsonNode s = src.get(pair.getKey()); JsonNode v = pair.getValue(); if (v.isObject() && s != null && s.isObject()) { mergeJsonObject((ObjectNode) s, (ObjectNode) v); } else if (v.isArray() && s != null && s.isArray()) { mergeJsonArray((ArrayNode) s, (ArrayNode) v); } else { src.replace(pair.getKey(), v); } } }