Increasing Heap Size in Eclipse

Increasing Heap Size in Eclipse Example explains about how to set Heap Size in Eclipse and Avoiding OutOfMemoryError
There are 2 ways you can Increase Heap Size in Eclipse
1) Change eclipse.ini (inside Eclipse folder)
-Xms setting the initial Java heap size
-Xmx setting the maximum Java heap size
you can change "-Xmx" setting to 1024m, It will increase the heap size of Eclipse
2) Insert Virtual Machine values into your JRE
When Eclipse is started,
- Open the Preferences ( For Mac: located under Eclipse menu item / For Windows: located under Window menu item )
- Inside the Java part, click Installed JREs,
- On the installed JRE being used (It may be jre5/6),
- Click Edit button, and add the following changed argument into the Default VM Arguments:
-Xms312M -Xmx512M